My Once Handsome Husband

Chapter 288 - Old Friends

Delaney had told her husband a tear-filled goodbye before leaving their bedroom and then their home.  Miles and Violet both hugged her tightly before Miles helped her up into the carriage to join Ms. Bird.

Bernard and Duncan were both mounted on horses surrounded by at least a dozen guards.  Vincent had wanted her to take all the guards but she had insisted some be here for him.

Looking up at Edgewood as they headed away down the gravel drive, she couldn\'t believe she was leaving her home again.  Leaving her husband again.

She thought when she came and told him that she was pregnant that she would be able to be at his side for the rest of their lives.  It broke her heart to say goodbye to him again so soon.  She didn\'t feel whole when she was away from him.

Taking a deep breath, Delaney dashed the tears from her eyes and worked to steady her nerves.  She was leaving but it wasn\'t the same as the other times.  This time he wasn\'t sending her away.  She was going so she could save his life.  And this time she would be coming right back to be with him forever.


The air was hot and thick, the humidity making it miserable.  Delaney and Ms. Bird were thankful to be in the shade of the carriage and pitied the men on horseback under the beating sun.  Even in the carriage though they were still sweating and uncomfortable.

Delaney\'s stomach protested the travel, making her have to stop the carriage more than once so she could be sick.  Everyone she was traveling with watched her with worry but she ignored them.

"My Lady maybe we should rest?" Ms. Bird suggested, watching her grey-faced mistress.

"No," Delaney shook her head, "The longer we take, the longer Vincent has to suffer."

"But you\'re suffering now too.  He wouldn\'t want that."

"I\'m fine," Delaney frowned.

The maid gave up, seeing there was no point in arguing.  They traveled on and sometime after midday, turned a direction Delaney wasn\'t expecting.  She watched out the window, looking for anything she would recognize but saw nothing.

They had traveled past the town her Aunt and Uncle lived in some time ago and even past the card club.  Now they were traveling off their path as the sun baked them.

After a while, Delaney finally saw something she recognized and her breath caught in her throat.

"What is it, my Lady?" Ms. Bird asked, "Where are we?"

Delaney gazed out as they turned onto a long winding drive leading up to a brink manor that sat atop a hill with an enormous stable beside it.  It was surrounded by fields of horses.

"We\'re at Duncan\'s estate," Delaney answered her maid, not understanding why on earth he would have brought them there.

"But Lady Selina will be here," Ms. Bird said quietly.

"She hates Vincent and says awful things about him..."

"Then why would her husband bring us here?" the maid asked in confusion.

Delaney frowned and sat back in her seat, "I have no idea."


The carriage came to a stop in front of the doors to the manor.  Delaney looked out the window and saw Duncan drop down from his horse and hurry up the stairs towards the house.  A moment later the doors of the carriage were opened for them and Bernard stood outside looking guilty.

"What are we doing here?" Delaney hissed as he helped her down.

"Don\'t be angry Delaney," the shy man said quietly, "It\'s too hot.  The horses are getting worn out faster.  Duncan has more than a hundred horses here though.  He\'s going to have fresh mounts saddled for all of us and fresh horses for the carriage."

"Why couldn\'t we get them somewhere else?" she demanded.

Bernard frowned, "You know Duncan has the fastest horses around.  Now they\'ll be fresh and we\'ll be able to travel through the night.  We can make it all the way to the King\'s City in one shot if we want."

Delaney was silent.  She couldn\'t argue with that logic.

"I know you don\'t get along with Selina," he sighed, "But Duncan\'s going in to speak to her.  She may be a bit... cruel... but he\'s the master of the estate so his word here is final."

Hearing a sound, Delaney looked up to see Duncan walking back out of the house.

"Go on inside and to the sitting room," he told them, "I have to pick the horses I want the men to use, and then I will come in and join you."

"What about Selina?" Delaney asked, watching him closely.

"You know I think she\'s actually happy to see you," Duncan sighed, "Moreso than me I\'d even say."

Duncan walked away towards the stables then and Delaney watched after him in shock.  She couldn\'t believe that was true.  Looking up towards the doors though she now saw the lovely Selina standing and watching them with a nervous smile on her lips and a bundle in her arms.


Delaney found herself in Selina\'s sitting room on a couch sipping the tea that was offered to her.  Selina sat on the couch opposite her, still holding her baby.  Neither of them had said more than a few words and were now sitting in awkward silence in the exact seats where they had fought the last time they\'d seen one another.

Bernard stood some steps back, nervously watching them as if he was waiting for one of them to suddenly scream and fly at the other.  He had barely had any of his tea and kept glancing at the door, hoping Duncan would return.

"Duncan told me you were expecting a baby of your own now," Selina said quietly to Delaney at last, "That\'s wonderful news."

Delaney stared at her, trying to judge if she was being sarcastic.  "Thank you."

"You\'re still so thin I could hardly tell," the blonde woman continued, "I wasn\'t so lucky when I pregnant with Samara."

Delaney didn\'t reply.  Samara.  So the baby must be a girl.  She thought Duncan might have mentioned it but she had been so preoccupied with Vincent she hadn\'t paid attention.

"Would you like to hold her?"

Eyebrows raising, Delaney looked at the other woman in surprise.  "Of course," she answered before she had thought it through.  Suddenly Selina was walking over and joining her on the couch, holding the little bundle out to her guest.  Nervously, Delaney took the sleeping baby in her arms.

The tiny baby Samara was just as lovely as her mother and had the very red hair of her father.  Her skin was like porcelain and she slept with her tiny fist against her cheek.  As angry as Delaney was with her former best friend, she couldn\'t find a single fault with the beautiful baby.

"She\'s perfect Selina," Delaney said quietly, "Absolutely precious."

"Thank you," Selina smiled proudly down at her sleeping daughter, scooting a bit closer, "I\'ve never loved anything so much in my entire life."

Delaney smiled at the other woman, feeling a spark of warmth as she remembered their years of friendship.  Then she thought of the man she loved, all the horrible things that had been said about him, and turned away again.

Sensing her guest\'s mood change, Selina looked up at Delaney and slowly reached out to touch her arm.

"Delaney?" she said quietly, "I... I\'m glad you\'re here... I\'ve been wanting to talk to you."

Delaney looked at her but didn\'t say anything.  She didn\'t know where this was headed.

Selina swallowed and met her gaze, "I\'m sorry for the things I said about your husband... It was cruel of me.  At first I thought I was protecting you and taking your side against someone you didn\'t like but after that... when you came here and I could see you loved him.  I think I was just... I think I was just jealous of that."

"What are you talking about?" Delaney asked in surprise, "What did we have for you to be jealous of?"

"Olive and Bernard had been madly in love and then Cora and Miles were clearly falling in love.  Duncan and I didn\'t have that though... I think I felt better when you didn\'t love your husband either.  I felt less alone.  So then when you came here and I could see you were falling in love with him I got jealous of that... Of all of you... It didn\'t seem fair that I was the only one who didn\'t get to love or be loved."

"Oh Selina," Delaney shook her head, "I\'m sure Duncan loves you."

"He cares for me," the other woman smiled sadly, "But we don\'t love each other.  Not like you and Vincent.  I was so jealous of that love until I had Samara.  Now I just love her so completely it\'s all I need.  I know it\'s not the same but... but I think it\'s enough for me."

Delaney looked down at the tiny baby in her arms before looking back at her friend.

"I forgive you," she said quietly, "Thank you for telling me."

Selina smiled at her with tears in her eyes, "I\'ve really missed you."

Delaney smiled at her friend, "I\'ve missed you too."

Just then Duncan came in the room and looked over in surprise at the women on the couch.  He frowned in confusion and opened his mouth as if he was going to say something but then closed it again.  He glanced back at Bernard who only shrugged.

"Uhh," Duncan looked between them, "The carriage is ready to go."

Delaney thanked him and Bernard said a quick goodbye to Selina before following the other man out of the sitting room.

"You\'d better go," Selina said, taking back her daughter, "Duncan told me you had to hurry because Vincent isn\'t doing well."

Delaney swallowed hard at the reminder and nodded.

"Don\'t give up," Selina said seriously, "You\'re the most stubborn woman I know.  If anyone can find him a cure it will be you."

With a quiet laugh, Delaney thanked her friend.  After an unsure moment, they both stepped forward to embrace one another, careful not to squish the baby.

"Once Vincent is well again you and Duncan can bring Samara to Edgewood.  We can have everyone come and spend time together.  All the babies can play in the gardens."

"That sounds wonderful," Selina smiled, "And he will get better Delaney.  I know it."

Delaney smiled sadly at her, "Thank you."

She turned to leave but at the door, paused and turned back.

"Selina you know my Aunt and Uncle weren\'t in love for a long time at first either and now they\'re inseparable... Give your marriage a chance.  You could still find that love in the end."

Her friend smiled hopefully at her and Delaney turned and left.

Back into the carriage she went and back on the road to the city.