My Once Handsome Husband

Chapter 289 - One Last Stop

Delaney felt better after their short stop at the home of Duncan and Selina.  Not only did her stomach feel better after the rest but her heart felt happier too.  She had never dreamed she would consider Selina a friend again after their last encounter but after talking with her and learning the real reason for her vicious attack on Vincent, Delaney felt hopeful.

The heat of the day was still smothering but it seemed like they had waited out the worst of it while they were stopped.  Now as they traveled on, the sun was slowly beginning to start for the opposite horizon.

As it began to grow dark, the insects of the night could be heard tuning up for their nightly concert.  A little breeze had picked up, bringing at least some relief from the heat.

As they rolled into a familiar city, Delaney smiled, knowing where she wanted to stop and have dinner.  She had told Bernard and Duncan already so she was happy when the carriage and guards turned onto a street she knew well and came to a stop in front of a stone building with steps leading to heavy wooden doors.

Bernard helped Delaney down from the carriage and she looked back at her nervous maid.

"Lady Adair I really don\'t know if it\'s good for us to be seen here," Ms. Bird looked around nervously as Duncan helped her down.

Delaney chuckled, "I\'ve been seen here many times Ms. Bird, before and after becoming a duchess.  Anyone who has anything to say about it can take it up with my husband."

Not waiting for any more protests from the older woman, Delaney turned and headed up the stairs towards the doors and rapped lightly against the wood.  A small window in the door opened and a pair of beady, frowning eyes looked out until they landed on the duchess and grew wide.

Immediately the little window was slammed closed and the door flung open to reveal the towering Cecil with a grin filling his face.  He opened his arms to her and Delaney hurried forward, hugging him tightly and feeling herself be squeezed by muscled, beefy arms.

"Careful there," Duncan chuckled at the man, glancing down at Ms. Bird\'s horrified face, "She\'s a bit more delicate than she used to be."

Cecil promptly let go of Delaney and looked down with worry.  Delaney rolled her eyes at her husband\'s friend before turning back to the gentle giant in front of her.  A smile bloomed over her lips as she hooked a finger in the air, signaling for him to bend down.

"I\'m pregnant," she whispered into his ear, "But don\'t you dare tell Win that you heard first."

A fond smile curved the man\'s mouth.  He took one of Delaney\'s hands in his and gave it a peck before letting it go.  He stepped back then, arms wide, welcoming her into the club.

Delaney walked in followed by Bernard and Duncan who had Ms. Bird sandwiched between them.  Some of her guards came in as well.  The rest would be along after they\'d taken care of the horses.

Scanning the room, Delaney\'s eyes landed at last on the person she was looking for and she hurried to him.

"He\'s bluffing," she announced to the table as she came up beside Win who was in the middle of a hand of cards.

His eyes snapped up, face full of anger until he realized who was standing there with a teasing smile on her lovely lips.

"Why I can\'t believe it," Win boomed, getting to his feet, "If it isn\'t Lady Adair, duchess of Edgewood!"

Delaney beamed and let him engulf her in a hug while Ms. Bird turned red behind her, glancing around and hoping no one had heard him say her title.

"What\'s this now?" Win stepped back and studied her, "There\'s something different about you girl."

"There is," Delaney giggled, "I\'m pregnant."

Win\'s face bloomed into the biggest grin she\'d ever seen on him, his cheeks turning a rosy red.

"I didn\'t think you could top a surprise visit but that surely does it," he chuckled now, happy tears glistening in his eyes.  He turned and looked at the man behind the bar and called, "Drinks all around!  I\'m going to have a grandchild!"

The room erupted in cheers and Delaney laughed before hugging him again.

"I suppose between you and Lord Adair the child will have openings for grandfathers," the old man said, "I hope you don\'t mind me claiming one of those places."

"Of course," she agreed, "I would have insisted you did."

"Speaking of Lord Adair, where is the lucky new father-to-be?"

Delaney felt a stab of sadness and dropped her gaze as Win tried to look past her for her husband.  She bit her lip and turned her ring on her finger.

"Lord Adair isn\'t here," Ms. Bird informed him, stepping up to stand beside her mistress and gently touch her arm.

"What do you mean?" Win frowned, "Where is he?"

"Can we go somewhere and talk?" Delaney asked, meeting his eyes, "While my men have something to eat?"

Win looked at her seriously and nodded, "Of course girl.  We can go to my backroom there and talk in private.  I\'ll have them bring something for you to eat as well."

"Thank you."

"My Lady!" Ms. Bird called urgently as Delaney moved to follow Win, "I-I can\'t stay out here with all these men alone."

Win chuckled, "And who is this lovely dove?"

Ms. Bird blushed deep red under Win\'s curious gaze.  Delaney smirked and introduced them to one another.

"Well then Ms. Bird," Win smiled, "Of course you can\'t stay out here alone with all these scoundrels.  You come with Delaney and me so I can look after you both."

Delaney rolled her eyes at the old man\'s flirting and expected Ms. Bird to give him a harsh tongue lashing for his words.  Instead however, she was shocked when the older woman stepped forward and took the arm Win was offering to her.  She gave him a little smile and walked with him to the back room.


After eating and telling Win about Vincent\'s sickness, Delaney sat in the back room of the club and felt her heart ache.  She missed her husband terribly now and wanted nothing more than to be back at Edgewood with him, safe and sound.

She couldn\'t go back though.  Not yet.  She needed to speak to the witches.

While Ms. Bird and Win chatted idly about something, Delaney looked around the room they were sitting in, taking it in.  This had been the very room she had been taken to the night so long ago when she had first met Helena.

She remembered walking in with Olive, Constance, Cora, and Selina.  Selina had left and not had her future told but the rest of them had.  Olive\'s future had come true already, even if it had been much too soon.

Constance had been told she would experience heartbreak and she had.  Losing Olive had been harder on her than everyone else except Bernard.  Helena had said she would find love in the end though but not where she had expected it.  Delaney hoped that the love she was referring to was Bernard.  She wanted her friends to be happy.

Cora had been told she and Miles wouldn\'t get along in the beginning and they hadn\'t but in the end, they had decided who should be in charge just as the witch had said.  When they were girls they had thought it would have to be one of them or the other but as adults, they had realized the secret was they were both in charge.

Helena had also told Cora her friends would need her and she should stay close.  They never could have imagined how true and important those words were.

Delaney paused and thought about her future for the millionth time.  She would have a happy future if she made the right choices.  For once, she felt sure she was making the right choice about something.  Going to find a cure for her husband had to be the right choice.  If she succeeded that meant she would get to spend the rest of her life with him.

That would be the happiest future she could ask for.

"Delaney?" came a voice from behind her and she turned to see Bernard standing in the door, "The horses have been taken care of and the carriage is waiting.  We\'re ready to go."

Win walked them out.  He smiled and flirted with Ms. Bird, giving her a kiss on the hand before helping her up into the carriage.  Once he was finished he turned back to Delaney.

"Be strong girl," he said seriously when he saw the worry in her eyes, "You\'ve always been smart as a whip.  If you hadn\'t been I never would have agreed to teach you all that I have.  Now you go use those smarts and save your husband."

Delaney nodded, tears in her eyes.

"Save Lord Adair and then write to me so I can come and visit you," Win continued with a mischievous grin, "And that lovely maid of yours."

With a chuckle, Delaney shook her head.

"I might have to come to stay awhile," he winked, "Might even move in."

Delaney laughed as she looked at his teasing face, knowing he was trying to cheer her up.

"Thank you Win," she said quietly.

He smiled sadly at her and gave her another quick hug.  "I love you girl."

"I love you too."

He helped Delaney into the carriage then and she watched him out the window until she couldn\'t see him any longer.  Then she sighed and leaned back in the seat, closing her eyes.

This was the last stretch of road before they reached the King\'s City.

They were almost there.