My Once Handsome Husband

Chapter 287 - To Leave You

Eventually, Delaney moved from holding her husband\'s head in her lap to curling up beside him in the bed.  She was too tired now to bother with changing from her dress.  It was torn and stained now anyways so wrinkles wouldn\'t hurt it.

Miles had been trying to fight to stay awake so Delaney sent him on to his bedroom, assuring him Vincent would be alright for the night.  The younger Adair had hesitated, still uneasy after seeing his brother in so much pain earlier.  Seeing Delaney take such good care of the man though he nodded at last and left.

"You too Harris," Delaney called quietly to the valet who was still standing, watching over his master from across the room.

"Maybe I should wait here my Lady," Harris suggested nervously, "In case... In case his pain gets worse again."

"If it does I\'ll help him," she promised, "Now go to bed.  He\'ll need you tomorrow."

Like Miles, the man hesitated before giving in and leaving although he didn\'t look happy about it.

At last alone with her husband again, Delaney curled up watched him until she fell asleep.


The next morning Delaney was still up earlier than Vincent.  He looked uncomfortable even in his sleep and it hurt her to see it.  She gently patted the sweat from his brow with a handkerchief before quietly slipping from the bed.  At the door, she checked once more to make sure he was sleeping before she crept out.

Ms. Bird was shocked to see the state of her mistress\'s brand new dress.  She was even more shocked when Delaney told her to prepare her things for them to leave.

"W-What are you talking about my Lady?  We only just arrived.  And-And Lord Adair, he..."

"He needs our help," the duchess interrupted as she pulled off her clothes from the day before.

"Our help?" Ms. Bird looked confused, "But my Lady isn\'t he... isn\'t he dying?  How could we help him?"

Delaney looked at her with a mischievous smile before telling her what the witch had told them while Ms. Bird helped her dress. She explained that Helena may be able to use her magic to help Vincent.  Like her mistress, the maid was immediately excited and hopeful.  She gave a little squeal of delight and clapped her hands together.

"Oh my Lady why didn\'t you say so?" she beamed, "I\'ll have everything prepared right away!"

Before Delaney could stop her, Ms. Bird hurried from the room, leaving her mistress before finishing her hair.  Delaney giggled and brushed out her hair before braiding it into a long braid over her shoulder.  As soon as she was done she went back towards the bedroom she shared with her husband.

Miles, Violet, and the others all stood waiting for her just outside the door to the bedroom.  When she saw them she paused.

"What is it?" she asked nervously looking between them.  Miles cleared his throat.

"We were just talking about... whether or not you should tell Vince where you\'re going... or why."

Delaney dropped her gaze.  She hadn\'t stopped to think about it at all.  She had been so obsessed with going and finding out if there was something to save him that she had not considered what he would have to say about it.

"He... He won\'t want me to go," she said quietly, "Especially not alone."

"You\'re not going alone," Duncan spoke up from the edge of the group, "Bernard and I are going with you."

Bernard nodded seriously, his dark eyes on her, "We heard all about what\'s happened to you and Vince the last times you were in the King\'s city.  We\'re going to go with you to keep you safe since he\'s not able to right now.  We may not be Dukes but our titles still carry weight."

"Thank you," Delaney said quietly, smiling at them fondly.

She couldn\'t help but feel herself warming to Duncan.  She was sure Selina was furious that he was here but he was staying anyways.

"I don\'t think you should tell Vince you\'re going to try to find something to save him," Miles said seriously now, "He\'ll get his hopes up and it\'s... it\'s likely you won\'t find anything at all."

"Stop saying that," Delaney frowned at him, "We have to have hope."

"She\'s right Miles," Violet came to her daughter-in-law\'s rescue, "All we can do now is hope... And that\'s all Vincent can do either."

Miles looked down at his mother in surprise, "You think she should tell him?"

"If I do then even if he\'s upset I\'m gone, at least the hope of us finding a cure could keep his spirits up," Delaney said, not sure she was quite convinced of that.

None of the others seemed truly convinced she was right either but they didn\'t argue.  At last, Miles nodded.

"Alright," he said quietly, "Well, we can all be in there when you tell him then... because I know he\'s not going to be happy to hear it."


Walking into their bedroom, a smile bloomed across Delaney\'s face when she saw her husband was awake and sitting up.  His lovely green eyes met hers and a smile pulled at his scar-covered face.

"My Love," he said softly, holding out a hand to her.

Delaney hurried to him, sitting lightly on the edge of the bed to face him, taking his hand into her lap and holding it there.  She leaned forward and felt her heart flutter when her lips met his very warm ones.  When she sat back, she let her eyes drift over his handsome face, taking in every detail.  He looked so tired but still so handsome.

An amused smile played across his lips as he watched her before taking her hand to his lips and pressing a kiss to it.  As soon as he let go of her hand again he rested his own against her belly as was his habit now.

"My Love," Delaney said quietly, feeling nervous, "I need to tell you something."

His eyes moved up to hers, concern shadowing his face.  "What is it?"

Delaney bit her lip and looked down at his hand, covering it with her own.

"I\'m leaving this morning," she said quietly, "I\'m going to the King\'s City."

"What?" he frowned, "Why?"

"Because we\'ve had good news," she smiled softly, "Opal says that Helena might have a way to save you.  I just have to go and speak to her."

Vincent pushed himself up more, wincing and groaning as he did so until he could look her in the eyes.  "Delaney no," he said seriously, "You can\'t... go back there."

"I\'m not going alone," she said quickly, "Duncan and Bernard are both going to go with me and Ms. Bird as well."


"I promise I will be back as soon as I can and I will bring anything I can find that could help you."

"No," he said again, anger beginning to show, "No Delaney I... I don\'t want you... to go there... It\'s dangerous."

"That\'s why I\'ll have your friends," she tried, "And I will take guards too if you\'d like."

"But you\'re pregnant."

"I\'ll be very careful my Love.  I promise."

"I don\'t want this... I want you... here with me."

"I know," she said sadly, taking his face in her hands, "But we will go and I will come home to you as soon as I can."

"Please," he whispered seriously, "Please Delaney... don\'t leave me... I want you here if... if I die."

His words stabbed her like a knife and she bit her lip to keep her tears at bay.

"I don\'t want you to die at all," she spoke with a rough voice, "So I have to go.  I know Helena.  I know she\'ll help us."

"I don\'t... want magic..."

"Vince if it\'s the only way to save you then we have to do it," Miles said, coming to stand beside Delaney and support her, "You have to be here for your wife and for your child."

Vincent looked away, "It\'s dangerous."

"Fighting dragons was dangerous brother, but we did it," Miles sighed, "Now you have to let Delaney go to try to find something to help you.  Bernard and Duncan will keep her safe."

Vincent looked back at his wife again and she saw the hurt clear in his eyes.  He was in a battle against himself.  He wanted to live and spend his life with her but he also feared the danger he would be putting her in by sending her to the King\'s City to do deals with witches.

"I\'ll be alright," she assured him, "I\'ve learned from everything that\'s happened to us.  I\'ll come back as fast as I can and I\'ll bring something to save you.  I promise.  But please my love, promise me that... that you\'ll wait for me.  Promise me you won\'t... you won\'t..."

Vincent reached up and took her face in his hands, using his thumbs to wipe away her tears.  He gazed at her for a moment before he sighed, giving in.

"I will wait for you," he whispered, "I promise."