My Once Handsome Husband

Chapter 218 - Court Of Dangers

The guards in front of the doors to the throne room pushed open the doors for them without delay.  Maybe they were supposed to be allowing everyone in that day or maybe they just sensed the seriousness of the Duke of Edgewood as he walked towards them with the Duchess on his arm.

A servant stepped in and announced them to the court just before they entered.

"Lord Vincent Adair, Duke of Edgewood, Lady Delaney Adair, Duchess of Edgewood, Lady Violet Adair, Dowager Duchess of Edgewood, and Captain Ian Black," he called for all to hear.

There were a few gasps from the crowd but immediately all eyes were on them.  Delaney felt her heart in her throat but she worked to keep the fear from her expression.  She would not give them the satisfaction of knowing she was afraid.  She was a duchess after all and outranked almost everyone in the room.

Delaney\'s eyes landed first on Daniel and she saw he looked surprised and actually almost happy to see his cousin.  A smile tugged at the corner of his lip until he saw it was not returned by Vincent.  The King\'s expression then turned uneasy as he took in the full entourage that his cousin the Duke had brought with him.

She looked beside him and saw Sophia.  The Queen looked suspicious and ill at ease from the moment they were announced.  She eyed them closely, taking in the pirate captain with all his blades as well as the armed guards that were with them.  When her gaze met Delaney\'s her expression became unreadable.  Delaney offered her no hint of warmth and the Queen gave her none in return.

Last, sitting just beside her sister, Delaney saw the nasty Anna.  The woman may look nearly identical to the Queen but the expression she wore now was not.  Her face was twisted into a wicked, pursed-lip smirk as took in the serious group as they entered.  She leaned over, resting her elbow on the arm of her chair and propping her chin in her hand.  She studied them with one long, talon-like finger tapping against her cheek.  She glanced at her sister and brother-in-law and her eyes brightened in amusement.  The horrible woman found the scene entertaining.

Vincent came to a stop a safe distance back from the royals, not wanting to seem overly threatening.  He met his cousin\'s gaze straight on without flinching.  The King, on the other hand, eased back in his seat, his eyes dropping for a moment before returning to the cold, green stare.

"Vince," Daniel spoke first, "This is unexpected.  What has brought you back to court?"

"We need to speak with you," Vincent said evenly, "About a matter I believe you will find too important to be sent by messenger."

Daniel raised his eyebrows and his eyes moved over the rest of the group.  "And you needed to bring guards with you to deliver this message and visit the royal court?"

"I never would have dreamed a day would come when I wouldn\'t feel safe in your court Daniel but I\'m afraid after our last encounter I thought it necessary."

Delaney inwardly cringed at the comment but trusted her husband to know how to talk to the man he\'d known his entire life.  Hisses and whispers came from the crowd around them and she heard more than one person saying cruel things about Vincent.  She had to swallow down her anger for now, knowing this was not the time.  Instead, she did as she imagined Violet was doing behind her and raised her chin a bit higher.

"I\'m hurt that you think I would wish you harm Vince," Daniel said in a low tone and Delaney believed he was sincere when she looked at his face.

"I was hurt that you would consider me willing to steal Mace away from you," Vincent replied, again pushing farther than his wife would have liked.

The King sighed and shook his head, dropping his gaze now.  "So are we still at odds then cousin?"

Delaney stiffened.  She knew the answer was yes but she prayed Vincent would say no.  They didn\'t need the King thinking they were enemies before they told him news that would put the Queen, his greatest ally, in a bad light.

Vincent took a deep breath, "We can discuss all that later if you would like... but I think for now it\'s important that you hear what we have to say."

The King frowned, "So you won\'t answer me?"

Murmurs went through the crowd and everyone waited anxiously to hear the Duke\'s reply.

"You are my King," Vincent said then with a slight frown of his own, "I will never be at odds with my King."

Delaney nearly choked.  That was a perfect reply.  Daniel couldn\'t press the issue now without making himself look foolish or in the wrong.

"Alright then Vince," Daniel still looked displeased, "If that\'s how you want to have this meeting then that is how we will have it.  Tell me now, what is the news you came to give me?"

Vincent was still, "It might be best for you to hear this news in private your majesty."

"Nonsense!" Daniel laughed coldly, leaning back in the throne as he gestured to the room around him, "These are all my people.  They are nobles, supporters and...friends... just as you and your wife are.  Whatever information you have to give me they can hear as well."

"I don\'t think that is what\'s best," Vincent tried again.

"Ah well remember cousin I am King," Daniel said the last word loudly, throwing his hands in the air "I know what\'s best."

Delaney\'s heart was racing again and she glanced up at Vincent to see anger flashing in his eyes as he stared at his cousin.  This was deadly ground they were walking on now.  Telling Daniel they suspected the Queen of murder in private was dangerous but telling him in front of all these people would almost ensure a disaster.

"Come now." Daniel narrowed his eyes on Vincent, "Tell us what you\'ve come to say."

"I will speak to you alone and tell you," Vincent spoke with an icy voice.

"No!" Daniel shouted before the other man\'s sentence was finished.  He got to his feet and marched down to Vincent until he was only inches away.  "I told you to tell us... And now I am  ordering  you to tell us.  I am your King Vincent Adair and you will do as I say."

For a moment this man reminded Delaney of Miles when he was angry and she wracked her brain trying to think of something they could have done to calm Miles.  There were only two people in this world that could calm Miles Adair though.  One was his brother... and the other was his wife.

"Your majesty," Delaney spoke up, looking to Sophia, "This is my news to share more than my husband\'s.  Could I please speak with you in private to share it with you and your husband?"

"Delaney stop," Vincent hissed and Ian took a quick step towards her.

The Queen\'s gaze was serious when it met Delaney\'s.  Beside her, Anna was grinning.

"Please Sophia... What I have to share it... it\'s something painful that I know you will understand but... but not everyone will..."

As she said the words, thinking about the poison that would keep her from having a baby with the man she loved, first one tear slipped down her cheek and then more.  She hadn\'t meant to get upset over what had happened to her here in front of the woman who had done it but suddenly it made her heart ache as it had the first night she\'d learned the truth.

Delaney also found herself suddenly hating Sophia more than she had already because this woman did understand.  The Queen knew the pain that came over and over every month you learned you weren\'t able to have the thing you wanted most in the world.  She knew how your heart broke a little every time you had to tell the man you loved that you had failed him.  She knew how horrible this was and still, she had chosen to send Delaney home with poison, telling her it would help her make her dreams come true.

Seeing Delaney\'s tears, the Queen\'s eyebrows raised and she took a breath.  Her gaze moved across the room and all the people until, at last, it went to her husband.  Her face was questioning and Delaney couldn\'t tell if she wanted to help her or not.  Maybe she was just looking to her husband so he could tell Delaney no himself.  She hoped though as she watched them that she might manage to find a hold in whatever good was left inside of them, even if there wasn\'t much.

Finally, the King gave the slightest nod of his head and Sophia stood up.

"Well," she said looking around the room expectantly, "I believe you all heard Lady Adair ask to speak to us alone.  Be on your way."