My Once Handsome Husband

Chapter 219 - Court Of Dangers And Pain

Delaney held tight to Vincent\'s arm as the other nobles began to slowly file out of the room.  There was lots of grumbling and complaining but no one would dare stand up to the King and Queen.  Especially not after seeing the mood the King was in.

At last, the throne room was empty of all the nobles and the doors were closed.  The King had signaled for his guards stationed around the room to stay so they had and now the Adair guards backed away from the Duke and Duchess at Vincent\'s command.

Daniel stared at Vincent for a moment before turning and walking back to take his place on his throne.  Beside him, Sophia sat forward, keeping her eyes on the Duchess.  Delaney noticed this time Anna had stayed behind with her sister, likely too interested in hearing what this news was.

"Alright then," Daniel said to Delaney, his tone annoyed, "You have your private audience.  What is it you have to share with us?"

Delaney cleared her throat and glanced at Vincent.  His gaze was intense on her and she knew he was unhappy she would be the one to deliver the news.  Feeling someone touch her arm, Delaney turned to see Violet there with a nod of encouragement.  Knowing her mother-in-law supported her made her feel more confident and she stepped forward, letting go of her husband\'s arm.

"We have discovered two things in the last few days and the first is mine to tell."

Delaney looked from Sophia to Daniel and back.  She left her eyes on the Queen.

"I have been being poisoned," she said evenly.

Sophia\'s inhaled sharply and Daniel sat forward with a frown.

"Poisoned?" he demanded, "Poisoned how?  Are you ill?"

"No... This poison was to... was to make sure I couldn\'t conceive a child..."

Daniel swore and dropped his head into his hands, beside him, Sophia looked shocked and pressed a thin hand to her mouth.  Even the grin on Anna\'s face fell away and she looked at Delaney seriously.

"Oh Delaney," Sophia said quietly, "I am so sorry.  How... How did it happen?"

"I\'ve been taking something I thought was a potion but turned out to be a poison."

Everyone around her stiffened at the words.  Daniel lifted his head and stared at her hard.

"What do you mean a potion?" he asked evenly, "Do you mean a potion from a witch?"

Delaney swallowed hard and nodded.

Now the King sat up, a frown forming on his face, "And you are aware that dealing with witches is against the law?  Punishable by prison or even death if I choose it?"

Delaney opened her mouth to reply but before she could her husband had moved to step in front of her and Ian jerked her backward, away from the King.  Around the room, the royal guards\' hands dropped to the hilts of their swords so the Adair guards did the same even though they were outnumbered.

"She got the potion from one of your own witches Daniel," Vincent defended his wife, "The poison came from right here in this very castle."

Daniel shifted uncomfortably at the mention of his own witches but continued to glare at his cousin.

"That\'s impossible," he hissed, "No one knows about those witches but you and I and a handful of others.  Even the servants know not to go down to that part of the castle.  No one goes down there.  There\'s no way your wife could\'ve gotten her potion from one of my witches.  They wouldn\'t have given it to her even if she had somehow managed to find where they stay."

"She didn\'t have to go find them.  She was taken to them and the potion was requested for her."

"What?" the King snapped, getting to his feet, "By who?"

Ever so slowly, Vincent turned his head until his gaze landed on the Queen.  As soon as he did, all other eyes went to her.  The King looked at his wife in disbelief.

"How dare you accuse my sister of such a thing!" Anna spit at Vincent, "She is your Queen!  You are nothing but a monster!"

Vincent\'s gaze fell away and he took a breath, trying to regain his confidence as his scars darkened with his embarrassment.  Meanwhile, Sophia was looking in confusion between Delaney and Vincent but then sudden realization dawned on her.

"W-Wait," she said quietly, raising a hand, "She\'s telling the truth.  I did take her down to see the witches.  She told me she was worried about not being able to produce an heir for Vincent."

"What?" Daniel hissed, "Sophia!"

"But that wasn\'t poison," the Queen continued quickly, shaking her head, "that was a potion that\'s supposed to help you have a baby.  I\'ve been taking it for a very long time."

"It was poison Sophia," Vincent said, his voice cold, "Another witch confirmed it for us."

"She-She\'s lying," the Queen got to her feet with an expression of fear, "It\'s a potion to help you have a baby!  I-I\'ve been taking it myself."

Delaney and Vincent both hesitated then as they looked at the horrified Queen.  Her chocolate eyes were flashing between them and her husband.

"I take the same potion myself every morning," she said with her voice growing hoarse as tears glistened in her eyes, "Delaney could-could someone have switched the potion with a poison?  Who did you tell about it?"

"I didn\'t tell anyone," Delaney answered quietly as she stepped up to join her husband, "I hid it and no one knew where it was or that I had even started taking it.  There is no way it could have been switched."

"But it can\'t be poison!" the Queen cried out before pressing her hands to her mouth as tears began to flow down her cheeks.  Daniel moved and quickly pulled her into his arms, supporting her and whispering soothing words.

"Vince do you know for absolute certain it was poison?" the King demanded, "Who is this witch that told you it was?  Do you trust her?"

"We do," Vincent nodded, "She is a good woman and has no reason to lie to us.  She seems to care about us.  She swore to Delaney and Miles both that it was poison."

"I still have the bottle with a bit left in it," Delaney offered, "You can have it tested yourself if you don\'t believe us."

"Let me see it," Sophia pulled away from Daniel then and lifted her skirts as she hurried to Delaney, "Let me see the bottle."

Delaney hesitated, glancing at Vincent who nodded before she took out the little bottle and handed it to the Queen.  Sophia stuck her finger in the top until it was coated with the mixture and then put it in her mouth.  Her face squished up as Delaney\'s usually did when she tasted the foul stuff.

As soon as she did taste it though her face went slack and she let go of the bottle.  Delaney gasped and everyone lunged forward to try to catch it but it hit the stone floor and shattered.

"No!" Violet cried and moved forward to try to pick up the pieces with Delaney and see if there was any way to salvage the mixture.  She pulled her handkerchief out and with a trembling hand, placed pieces of the glass on it that still had large drops of the poison stuck to them.

"That is it," Sophia whispered to her husband, not caring about the bottle, "That... That is the same mixture I\'ve been taking every day for... for so long..."

Daniel looked back and forth between her and Vincent.  "I-I don\'t understand," he said quietly, "So... So we never had a chance at having a baby?  Because... Because you were being poisoned so you couldn\'t."

Sophia nodded before slowly sinking to the floor and dropping her face into her hands.  Sobs shook her body and Daniel could only stand paralyzed and confused.

"But I don\'t understand," he whispered to Vincent, "How did Delaney come to have this poison?"

"I came here and had tea with Sophia," Delaney answered evenly, knowing it was best to only state the facts and let the King come to the conclusion on his own, "I had mentioned being worried about not being able to have a baby.  She told me she knew something that could help me and led me down a long flight of stairs to a room with three doors.  She went to the last door and..."

"Luna," the King interrupted, "That is the door to Luna\'s quarters."

"Yes," Delaney nodded, "The Queen introduced me to the witch and said her name was Luna.  She asked her to make me a potion and then she gave it to me and told me not to tell anyone about it."

"And now you are accusing my sister as well?" Anna shouted, glaring at Delaney, "She was trying to help you!  She obviously knew your crippled husband wouldn\'t be able to get you pregnant on his own so she found you something she thought would help you, you ungrateful bitch!"

"Anna!" Daniel barked.

"Delaney," Sophia spoke up in surprise, "You really think I poisoned you?  Why would I?  Why would I not want you and Vincent to be able to have an heir?"

"We don\'t know Sophia," Vincent spoke evenly, "Why did you try to have me killed?"