My Once Handsome Husband

Chapter 217 - Remember Us Like This

Ms. Bird and Harris came to help Delaney and Vincent dress for the royal court.  Everyone knew the danger that the nobles were in so no one spoke much.  The old maid\'s eyes were glistening though as she helped her mistress get dressed, worrying this might be the last time.

Delaney hadn\'t bothered to pick what dress she would wear today and had left it up to Ms. Bird and Harris to decide on for the Duke and Duchess.  Because of this, Delaney was pleasantly surprised when she found herself wearing a royal blue gown with a deep neckline.  Vincent was wearing a vest that had a pattern but the same blue was part of.

Ms. Bird did her hair into an intricate design before generously sprinkling it with diamond-studded hairpins.  She then clasped a diamond-laden choker onto Delaney\'s elegant neck and stood back to admire her work.

"It won\'t hurt for them to remember how wealthy you and Lord Adair are," the maid whispered, "To remember that you are very wealthy supporters of the royal court."

Delaney smiled and thanked the woman before surprising her by giving her a quick embrace.  When she stepped back there were tears streaming down the old maid\'s face and she quickly started blotting them away with her handkerchief.  Too upset to stay there longer, the maid excused herself, saying she would go and make sure little William was dressed and looking well.

Vincent clapped Harris on the shoulder, looking at him seriously he said only thank you.  Although some might have thought he was only thanking the man for the help getting ready, she knew her husband was thanking him for more than that.  He was thanking him for being a true friend and always being there.

At last, they were alone and Delaney stood in front of the floor-length mirror as she examined herself.  To her surprise, her husband walked up beside her and took her arm on his.  They both stood together, staring at the image of the beautiful chestnut-haired duchess with sea glass eyes and the scarred but handsome duke with his black hair and gem-like green eyes.

"We look perfect," Delaney whispered.

"We do," Vincent surprised her again by agreeing, "You\'re truly stunning my lady."

"And you\'re so handsome my lord."

"I want to remember us like this always," he said quietly.

"As do I," Delaney agreed.


The Duke and Duchess rode along in the grandest of the Adair carriages.  Ian, William, and Violet sat across from them dressed perfectly as well.  Delaney saw that Ian wore his sword on his hip and all the daggers on his thigh.  She imagined he probably had even more blades tucked away elsewhere too.  She was glad he looked every bit the pirate captain.  They would need any intimidation they could get.

Looking over at her husband, she saw his expression was serious.  She knew he wore his own sword on his hip and hoped he wouldn\'t have to use it.  He and Ian were both prepared for the worst though and they were coming to the court with more than half their guards they had brought to the city.  That made Delaney feel a bit better.  At least they wouldn\'t go down without a fight.

In the middle of the opposite seat, little William sat with wide, fearful eyes, not able to hide his emotions like the adults.  She felt terrible for him and wished she could have protected him from all of this.  They needed him to tell the King what he knew though so he had to come along.

When the carriage came up to the castle she felt as if every nerve in her body was suddenly alert.  She felt her heart racing and her stomach twist into knots.  Reaching over she took Vincent\'s hand in hers and held it tightly, hoping to draw some strength from his.  Jewel-green eyes looked down at her and flicked over her face as he took in the sight of her.

"I love you," he said softly as the carriage began to slow to a stop.

"I love you," she answered although her voice cracked.  She swallowed hard.  She would be strong.  She wouldn\'t let anyone in this court see her fear.


The castle guards had been doubled since the last time they were at court.  When Vincent stepped from their carriage the men recognized him immediately.  Shooting glances at one another, they watched as the scarred duke, the killer of dragons, turned to help his beautiful duchess down from the carriage.  The King had told them to be cautious with this man.

Their hands went to rest on the hilts of their swords as the Adair guards came to a stop around the carriage.  Some of their guards went ahead and got down while others stayed atop their horses so they could better keep an eye on the situation.  The number of them made the royal guards uneasy.

When they saw the pirate Captain get down from the carriage their nervousness grew.  They had all heard of how he had fought off the royal soldiers before they were finally able to outnumber him and capture him when the King had thought he had something to do with the Prince disappearing.  He would be a serious opponent as the Duke would be.

Ian helped Violet and William down from the carriage and at last, they all turned to face the guards.

"Lord Adair," the closest guard stepped forward a bit and gave a bow, "We had not heard you were expected to visit court today.  Is the King expecting you?"

"My business with my cousin is no concern of yours.  Now step aside so we may pass."

"I\'m afraid I can\'t do that my Lord.  And you can\'t bring in all these guards with you anyway."

"Very well I will bring five of them," Vincent waived at some of his guards, "Now step aside."

The royal guard hesitated, "I\'m sorry but I\'m going to have to have a reason for your visit.  After your misunderstanding with the King the last time you were here we just need to ensure your visit isn\'t of a sinister nature."

"Misunderstanding?" Delaney repeated in annoyance, "The King accused my husband of something he didn\'t do and had him pulled from our bed and dragged to the court before humiliating him."

"Delaney," Ian said quietly, "Don\'t."

Vincent looked down at her as well and gave his head a slight shake.

"Alright I\'ll give you your reason," he spoke loudly to the guards, "We\'re here to show the king new evidence in the murders of the heirs.  Is that good enough for you?"

The royal guards all looked shocked to hear this and now looked to one another to see how the others had reacted.  The main man that had been speaking to them considered them for a moment.  At last, he nodded and stepped back.

"Yes Lord Adair," he agreed, "Go right ahead.  They are in the throne room."

Delaney\'s heart was racing as she walked inside with Vincent.  Behind them, Violet walked with Ian and appeared unconcerned with her head held high.  Delaney wished she had a fraction of her mother-in-law\'s confidence.  Or her skills at acting since Delaney knew the woman was actually very worried.

When they turned and started down the great hall they found it full of other nobles, guards, and servants racing around as usual.  As soon as the first few people caught sight of the scarred Duke and his beautiful Duchess word began to spread like wildfire through the rest of the group.  No one had forgotten what happened the last time they were in court and if there were any nobles who had somehow not heard the story, they were quickly enlightened.

Delaney\'s breaths were coming quick and she worked to try to slow them but it was impossible.  She kept her eyes straight ahead but when she glanced up at her husband she bit her lip to keep from smiling.  He was just like his mother.  He walked with his head held high, his expression one of something like annoyance.  He was a dark and imposing figure.  With his sword on his hip and his red scars on his face, all of the men here would think twice before doing something that could make him angry.

The crowd parted for them now even without being in the company of a royal.  They all seemed intrigued by the Duke of Edgewood\'s return after the way things had been left the last time.  Their curiosity only grew when they saw the dowager on the arm of the known pirate captain and a terrified but well-dressed child behind them  Once the group had passed them, the nobles filed in to follow them to the doors of the throne room.

As the pair of grand doors came into sight, Delaney felt her heart beating so fast she thought it might burst from her chest.  Her grip on her husband\'s arm tightened and he glanced down at her.  When he did she met his handsome green gaze and a smile flitted across his face for just long enough to make her smile in return.  She let the expression fall away and they turned back towards the doors that would open and bring them before the King and Queen.

Suddenly Delaney felt the urge to turn back and run away.  Why couldn\'t they all simply leave?  They could all sail away on Ian\'s ship and never come back, couldn\'t they?  Even as she thought these things she knew all the reasons they couldn\'t.  Besides, the guards had seen them now and did not wait to open the doors.

It was too late.  There was no turning back.