My Funny Consort

Chapter 175: Call array

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Chapter 175

Mu Yexiao also felt some loyalty to a few maids, but it was not as shocking as it was, and sometimes there were tasks that even knew that they would die, but there were still people vying for them.

He was accustomed to such things, and now watching his daughter-in-law crying so miserably, he didn\'t know how to comfort him, and looked at Jiu Jiu.

"Nine children ..."

Just at the beginning of the words, Dongchen ran outside with a look of excitement: "Prince, see who I brought to you."

Qianjiu Jiu looked up, Dongchen was followed by four people, who were just thought dead, Red Chip, Qinglian, Qingyue, and Qingye.

A few people inside the room widened their eyes, obviously a little weird. Looking at the letter in their hands, looking at the people in front of them, they broke their tears for a moment.

"You are all right, that\'s great."

And Dongchen, the second sister-in-law, then saw her own daughter-in-law kneeling on the ground, and the eyes of Qian Jiujiu and Xiao Man were both red, so they asked afterwards.

"Princess, what\'s wrong? Isn\'t my lady doing something that made you angry?"

Jiu Jiu gave Dongchen a glance and looked at Hongling: "Hongling, get up."

After speaking, watching Qingyue and others said, "Aren\'t you jumping off the cliff?"

One thousand and ninety-nine gave the letter to a few people, and a few girls saw the letter from Sapphire and immediately understood that the feeling was just crying just now that they were all dead.

Suddenly, my heart rose and moved. They were slaves. They were born to protect the master and to sacrifice for the master was the greatest glory.

But now the master is crying because of them, and instantly sees Jiu Jiu as the best master in the world. Qingyue coughed twice before explaining it.

Looking at Qianjiu Niu: "Back to the princess, we are not dead this time, thanks to Qingye!"

Qianjiu Jiu looked at Qingye, and Qingye smiled a little bit. Jiujiu remembered Qingye, and her medical skills were very good, especially the medicine, which was almost the same as her.

From this aspect, it can be seen that, in their training, Mu Yexiao took great care, but they did not blink, and gave these people all of them.

Qing Ye looked at Jiu Jiu so staring at herself, and smiled a little embarrassedly: "Prince, the slave also accidentally fell off the cliff when she was on a mission."

"But that cliff is just a blindfold. Just under ten meters below the cliff, there is a platform with a cave inside."

"So right from the start, the slaves planned the route. There was still time to reach the cliff and then use the cliff to get out."

After listening to 1999, he could not help but sigh: "You are also a terrific, you can count so fine, do not do such a dangerous thing next time."

"As soon as I thought of you, you almost disappeared, and I was very sad."

Several maidservants immediately fell on their knees when they heard: "Prince, you are our master. It is our greatest honor to sacrifice for you."

Jiu Jiu Ji twitched a bit: "Get up first, look at your dusty servants, go wash first, then stay, and wait for the army to triumph, and return triumphantly together."

After a few people thanked him immediately, they went to wash and wash, and Jiujiu looked at the letter: "It looks like it\'s time to reply to Sapphire. I guess this girl is crying too much."

After talking about ninety-nine, she wrote a letter with Mu Yexiao. After replying to the letter, several girls also lived in a tent together. When these girls came, Mu Yexiao was relieved a lot.

After all, these are all familiar maids, so they must be used smoothly. However, the war ahead is getting more and more tense, and Mu Yexiao\'s return time is getting late.

Just when Mu Yexiao came back tonight, Jiu Jiu Ji hadn\'t fallen asleep and looked at Mu Yexiao: "Mui Yexiao, have you encountered a problem?"

Mu Yexiao froze for a moment, thinking about the stories that Jiu Jiu told her, and suddenly blinked: "It was a difficult problem, and General Hada of the other side stood in a line."

"Every time our soldiers rushed in, they couldn\'t rush out ..."

Speaking of Jiu Jiu, he said that camp, but Jiu Jiu\'s mind was thinking of the TV he had watched before, squinting and not talking.

Listening silently, now the enemy is relying on the camp, so that Mu Yexiao can\'t even get out of the gate of the city, how to fight, frowned.

"I\'ll go and see at the gate of the city tomorrow."

After the words of Jiu Jiu Ji were spoken, Mu Yexiao felt that something was wrong. He glanced at Jiu Jiu\'s stomach and coughed twice: "Are you sure you are going to the tower like this?"

"I\'m not assured. I\'ll think of a way for my husband myself, don\'t underestimate my husband."

Jiu Jiu pouted his lips: "Don\'t I look down on you, isn\'t it that one person counts short and two counts long, do you say OK? I\'ll just glance at it secretly."

"If it doesn\'t work, I\'m pretending to be a fat man, what do you think?"

In fact, in 1991, when he came to the battlefield, he felt like he was alive again. Although peace was good in the last life, he only came here.

However, she found that her violent factors had begun to come back to life, and she was very happy, except that Mu Yexiao did not discuss with her every time she had something.

And this time, it seemed like a last resort. Looking at the longing of Qianjiu\'s face, Mu Yexiao flashed a little accident, and finally nodded: "Then you pretend to be a fat man and look at it."

After getting the answer from Mu Yexiao, 1989 woke up very early the next day, excitedly dressed himself as a fat man, and called with the enemy again.

I followed Mu Yexiao to the top of the city tower, but I heard the people below always shouting, "Mui Yexiao, why are you scared of a turtle?"

"Stuck back? Hahaha ..."

Suddenly, Jiujiu\'s nose was crooked, and she dared to call her grandfather her head a tortoise, and she was really trying to die. Thinking of this, Jiujiu snorted.

Looking at the enemy\'s equipment, holding a large shield, still flashing light, Jiu Jiu suddenly smiled, watching Mu Yexiao: "Mou Yexiao, come here."

"Do you have a bronze mirror here? It\'s a big one. Go look for it, and face the soldiers with shields when the sun is the strongest."

"I can\'t burn them, I dare scold you."

Mu Yexiao\'s eyes flashed suddenly. Why didn\'t he think of using this idea? Reflecting with copper mirrors on it, he could just hit those people\'s eyes.

Thinking of this, Mu Yexiao suddenly looked at Jiu Jiu Jiu: "Nine children, you are really my blessing star, the king knows what to do, and the king will arrange it now."

"Go back to the tent first."

Jiu Jiu Jiu her mouth, she has not seen enough! But Mu Yexiao said it all, and of course he had to go, and he didn\'t sit idle after he returned.

After touching her belly, she thought about it, and her belly should be born. When Xiaoman came in with lunch, he looked at Jiujiu and touched his belly: "Sister, what\'s wrong with you? What are you thinking?"

One thousand ninety-nine glanced at Xiaoman: "I\'m thinking, I have nine months in my stomach. It\'s time to give birth. I don\'t know when the war outside will be finished!"

Xiaoman put his meal in front of Jinjiu and looked at Jinjiu: "Otherwise, I will get the bomb out and blast the place directly into the sky, so that we can win the battle if we don\'t."

Qianjiu rolled his eyes and looked at Xiaoman: "You take care, this won\'t work."

In the era of cold weapons, when a bomb suddenly appeared, I also wanted to know what kind of sensation would be caused, not to mention the death of the bomb was immeasurable.

After the arrival of 1999, she did not use modern-looking things, but only used learning and entertainment, that is, she did not want to be because of her arrival.

The things in this era have changed too much, so when Xiao Man offered to make a bomb, he immediately rejected it.

Xiaoman also had a dissatisfied look: "But don\'t you want your brother-in-law to win earlier?"

Qiangjiu was shaking his head: "Although I want your brother-in-law to win earlier, things that do not belong to this era appear too many, which is not good for us."

Xiaoman\'s mouth twitched, and he didn\'t say anything. Of course, his heart dispelled this idea. He looked at Jiu Jiu Jiu: "Then I will listen to you, all right, let me eat with you."

At night, it was revealed that the shield soldier of the other side was destroyed by half because it was too hot. Many soldiers\' hands and even the whole person were burned by the shield.

After listening to 1999, he just left his lips, who made the other person\'s wealth rich, and even made shields with gold, which would dissolve under high temperature.

Afternoon sunlight reflected by the copper mirror and gathered at one point, it was not ordinary temperature, and it was really silly. Looking at the copper mirror here, I didn\'t know to hide.

The news was said when Mu Yexiao came back for dinner, looking at Jiu Jiu Jiu: "Nine children, this is really good news, so that you can continue to fight tomorrow."

Jiujiu looked at Mu Yexiao: "Mui Yexiao, is this your war? You called out under the city walls, and then I went out to fight, and then fought, each withdrew troops?"

"How do you divide the outcome like this?"

Mu Yexiao laughed suddenly: "How could this be, just because I was injured recently and Hada was also injured, so this is a small-scale contest."

"Now my injury is almost healed, and I think there will be a big fight soon."

Qiangjiu frowned as he listened: "Have you ever wanted to attack overnight? Or burned each other\'s forage? You can\'t fight passively?"

Mu Yexiao looked at Qianjiu Jiu: "It\'s not that I never thought about it, but there are so many people in the other party. It\'s not easy to succeed if you burn grain or something."