My Funny Consort

Chapter 174: Just turn it around!

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Chapter 174: It\'s Just the Opposite!

After Hongyue stunned Xiaoya, he looked at the eagle: "You wait for me here, I\'ll wait for you to write back and take it."

The eagle closed his eyes and began to rest. After flying for a day, it was time to rest.

After Hongyue **** the girl-in-law, she turned around and went out. First, she went to the jade yard: "Sapphire, what about Qinggui Concubine?"

Sapphire looked at Hong Yue with a look of excitement, a little wonder, her look was not good: "In the yard, you are looking for a maid, I will take you there."

Without mentioning Hong Yue\'s words, she started running towards the court of Qing Concubine, and soon saw Concubine Qing. Concubine Qing looked at the two girls: "What are you doing?"

Hongyue took a look and then said, "Please ask your mother to retreat."

Qing Guifei\'s several palace ladies were dissatisfied, but she couldn\'t hold back Qingyue\'s belief in Hongyue and Sapphire. After all, the heart of Wangfu\'s aunt was fully reflected in Qingyue.

Right now, only after the concubine Qingqing and Sapphire Hongyue left in the room, Hongyue took out the letter: "Mother-in-law, the Princess has written."

When Sapphire heard the letter from the princess, she immediately jumped up and was excited: "It is really a letter from the princess, this typeface, and some small habits of the palace, slaves know it."

At the ear of Qing Guifei, she was also excited. Looking at the content of the letter, Qing Guifei was relieved: "God bless, Xiaoer is fine, Nine is fine."

Sapphire was red-eyed and gazing at Qing Guifei. She thought of Qingyue and others, and bite her lip. "Qingyue and others, should you tell the princess?"

Qing Guifei\'s hand paused before she said, "Sooner or later I will know, tell her, the palace now takes the letter to the palace to find the emperor, and see if the emperor has anything to explain."

Hongyue and Sapphire glanced at each other, but Qinggui looked at Sapphire: "Sapphire, Qingyue and others, let you write to me."

Sapphire nodded: "Slave knows, mother please rest assured."

After ordering things over here, Concubine Qing went into the palace in a hurry, and showed the emperor the letter he sent back, when the emperor looked at the letter.

Also surprised: "What\'s going on? How can you get the letter they sent back? No one from me has heard back."

Concubine Qing glanced at the emperor: "Emperor, this is an eagle. It is another idea of ​​99, and it has always been a smart one."

The emperor\'s heart was a little surprised, but would he be a beast again? This world is not without the kind of capable human beings that can drive animals.

It\'s just that people like this haven\'t appeared in a long time. Could it be that they appeared next to Jiu Jiu Jiu this time? It looks like the nineteenth birthday is strange.

All kinds of great people and strangers will appear beside her. The emperor is now very fortunate, and nine hundred and nine is appearing beside Mu Yexiao. Otherwise, what if such a person becomes an enemy?

After looking at the emperor, the concubine Qing began to be in a daze. "The emperor, please hurry to reply to Xiaoer, the eagle is still waiting!"

The emperor had been reminded by the concubine Qing, and naturally remembered: "Yes. Reply. I will write now."

The emperor started to write with the pen, and wrote everything here, and got the news from the letter, and the emperor\'s confidence was even heavier.

Since there was no problem at the border, Kyoto\'s message should also be resolved, so the emperor\'s people were all dispatched, and began to hide in the folk, spreading rumors.

It is said that there is nothing at all in the King of Kings, and a victory has been won some time ago. Although injured, the Princess of Xiao has reached the border and healed the King of Kings safely.

And it was the news from Bianguan. As for the previous news, all the people in the general\'s government wanted to seize power and rumors that were deliberately spread.

In this way, the situation in Kyoto is stable, but there is one more point, that is, this rumor has put everyone in the general\'s house in a bad situation.

All the people outside are coming in, but the people in the General\'s Mansion are actually engaged in internal fighting, so now Liu Qian and others will be rejected when they take to the street.

General Liu was furious with the news, and patted the table in front of him loudly: "What\'s going on? Did the emperor suddenly receive the news?"

General Liu shook his head: "This is impossible. The emperor\'s people are monitored inside and outside the city. It is said that there are also our people over the barracks."

"It\'s impossible to spread the news. Maybe it was the emperor who was rushing to the doctor and decided to take a gamble. Dad, anyway, our reputation is so bad, it\'s better to just seize power directly."

As soon as the words were finished, General Liu slapped a slap on General Liu\'s face: "You want my Liu family to bear the reputation of a chaotic thief for a lifetime?"

"Or do you think this rebellion is so simple? It\'s just an elm head, and now our reputation has already affected Mu Yesheng."

"We just brought Mu Yesheng to the top, and we already have a bit of a bad name. Not to mention there is a wildly watched Mu Yexiao at the border."

However, Liu Kui said in a deep voice: "Grandpa, I think it\'s the other way round. At that time, I will be fighting back and forth with General Hada, and I don\'t believe that Mu Yexiao can escape from birth."

General Liu\'s face was not good-looking: "It\'s easy to say. If you dare to do this, then our entire Liu family will stink for thousands of years."

"You know that we are fighting with soldiers. Why do people follow us? Let us be generals and lead? It is because of family style and reputation."

"If you two idiots, if you carry the reputation of the chaotic thief, will you follow us faithfully? Do you say that you will attack General Hada before and after?"

"After playing Mu Yexiao, Hada will destroy us directly, stupid."

Listening to General Liu\'s words, General Liu and Liu Kui and his father looked at each other: "What shall we do now?"

General Liu snorted coldly: "What else can we do? Fortunately, when we made the rumor before, we didn\'t show up, and we straightened out the rumor, and the old man of the emperor."

"This time, we must get the news that he has sealed Mu Yesheng as a prince, at least before Mu Yexiao returns, understand?"

That is to say, but the old thing of the emperor, can\'t wait for Mu Yesheng to die. How could he agree to let Mu Yesheng be the prince? Thinking of this, the Liu family had a hard time.

General Liu Lao was thinking, that is, to force the palace, at least after a while, and now they have a bad reputation in the general\'s government. When they commit crimes in the wind, the saliva of the whole world can drown them.

The general\'s decision here was exactly the same as when the emperor and Mu Yexiao discussed it. Obviously, their plans and practices were anticipated by Mu Yexiao and the Emperor.

At this time, the eagle with a reply had already arrived in the barracks, found Xiaoman, landed in front of Xiaoman, Xiaoman quickly took the letter post on the foot of Xiaoying.

Looking at the letter, and still answering it, I was immediately happy, and quickly came to Qian Jiu Jiu. At this time, Ji Jiu Ji was basking in the sun and touching his stomach.

With a contented look, Xiao Man came to Qianjiu in glee and put things in front of Qianjiu: "Sister, look, write back."

Jiu Jiu blinked for a moment, and it turned out to be a success. He immediately opened the reply. There were actually two pieces of paper in it. One of them was written by the emperor, and the other was a sapphire word.

Seeing this, Jiu Jiu immediately called Hongling over; "Hongling, hurry up and call Wang Ye."

Hongling immediately turned angry, and Mu Yexiao looked at Hongling in such an anxious manner that she thought something had happened, and hurried in, looking at Jiu Jiu.

"Nine children, what\'s wrong? But what\'s wrong?"

Qiangjiu shook his head: "I\'m okay, that\'s the letter from the emperor. Give it to you, take a look, and if you need a reply, write it out quickly. I\'ll let the kitty go.

Saying that Jiu Man had tuned Xiao Man to an eagle to send a letter, and said it out, Mu Yexiao was a little surprised, and he took a deep look at Xiao Man.

"I didn\'t expect that Xiaoman\'s sister would still be a beast, so it would surprise my king."

When Xiaoman heard the word "Yu Beast", he blinked for a moment: "I don\'t have that much ability. You are an eagle just a coincidence, because when you lived on the mountain, you saved it once."

"I tried it this time, but I didn\'t expect it to succeed."

Mu Yexiao just smiled and didn\'t say anything, just read the emperor\'s letter, and then began to write back, and Qianjiu Jiu looked at another piece of paper.

That is the letter from Sapphire. The content of the letter made Jiujiu dumbfounded. Xiaoman followed and looked at it. It turned out that they encountered only one hunt along the way.

Thanks to Qingyue and others, the thought of a few people jumping off the cliff, tears burst out. Hong Ling watched Qiangjiu suddenly cry, startled.

"Princess, what\'s wrong? Why are you crying?"

Mu Yexiao was writing a letter, hearing Hong Ling\'s voice, suddenly looking up: "What\'s wrong?"

Nothing happened, but she wept silently, but Xiaoman said, "Qingyue, the red chip and Qinglian maids arrived at the border to cover her sister.

"Qingyue pretended to be out of town as a sister. After delaying the killer for more than ten days, she was forced to jump off the cliff."

As soon as this word came out, Hong Ling was shocked at first, but then she looked calm and crying, and then kneeled down suddenly.

"Master, don\'t cry, this kind of thing is the happiest for them, they have fulfilled their duties. I just hope that they will invest in a good family in the next life."

"If you change to slavery, slavery will make the same choice."

Qianjiu Jiu and Xiao Man stared at each other and looked at Hongling. The two of them were aliens in this world. They couldn\'t understand this loyalty that was only the master, but willing to die for her.