My Funny Consort

Chapter 176: You **** face

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Chapter 176 Your Big Black Face

After listening to Mu Yexiao saying this, it seems that it is not easy to finish the battle, but there is some worry in his heart.

If the battle here does not end soon, can the emperor of Kyoto wait until they return? You have to know that the Liu family\'s reputation has now restrained the Liu family.

But the power is moving. Who can think of this reputation for restraining the Liu family, and how long can it be restrained? He glanced at Mu Yexiao, looking at Mu Yexiao\'s complexion.

Obviously, I thought of such a thing, sighed, and slept with Mu Yexiao, but in the middle of the night, I heard a shouting sound.

"The enemy came and attacked ..."

It seems that Mu Yexiao was reluctant to have someone die, but the other party didn\'t think so, and Jiu Jiu followed up with Mu Yexiao: "Nine children, you come out of the tent."

Nodding nine thousand ninety-nine: "I know my current situation, and will not go out to make trouble."

Then Mu Yexiao turned around and went out, and a few girls had already come by this time, Xiaoman also came along, looking at the ninety-nine.

"Sister, are you okay?"

Qiangjiu shook his head: "I\'m okay, by the way, are you? Are you okay? Are you frightened?"

Xiaoman also shook his head: "I\'m okay, but just go on like this, you can\'t rest well. What should I do? Or go back to the city?"

Some time ago, Mu Yexiao was forced to retreat to the city because he could not break the Jin Guangdun. The military barracks was also occupied. Later, Jin Guangdun was broken by the reflective mirror of the bronze mirror.

Therefore, Mu Yexiao has taken back the barracks outside these days. One thousand ninety-nine naturally followed Mu Yexiao, and came to the barracks outside, living together in a tent.

One thousand ninety-nine glanced at Xiaoman: "Back in the city, I will not feel relieved. It seems that I still have to find a way to end this battle quickly."

Xiao Man was also frowning, sighing, and looked at Jiu Jiu Jiu: "I\'ll go out and see what\'s going on outside."

However, it was pulled by Hong Ling: "Little girl, the battlefield outside is very dangerous and you can\'t go."

Xiaoman shook his head: "Don\'t worry about me, I won\'t be in trouble. I\'ll go out and take a look and come back soon."

"No, there are no swords and eyes outside. How can I go and stay here, but only a small part of the attack camp, there should be nothing soon."

Xiao Man, who was about to go out, listened to the words of Jiu Jiu Ji, and immediately stood still, as it was said by Jiu Jiu Jiu, and Mu Yexiao soon settled down.

Watching Mu Yexiao come back, a few girl-in-law and Xiaoman just went out, watching this Mu Yexiao: "What\'s wrong? Looks like I\'m worried?"

Mu Yexiao sighed: "As long as two or three hundred people come to the attack camp, all of them have been executed, but only two or three hundred people are already noisy and cannot rest."

"My King was worried that Nadha sent people to death every night, but our soldiers did not get a good rest, and they would become tired soldiers."

I realized immediately that the soldiers would lose, and frowning at the thought of this place, for the first time, I felt that ancient wars were different from modern ones.

In ancient times, the actual battles were filled with human lives. It\'s no wonder that there is a saying that everything will be done, and sighed: "Hey, that General Hada, just don\'t take those soldiers\' lives?

But Mu Yexiao snorted coldly: "Those are old soldiers who are weak, sick and disabled. If they go back alive, they will waste Ning Guo\'s food and money to settle down."

"So the general practice of Hada is to die."

There was a moment of anger in the heart of Jiu Jiu, how could you look like that? It was incredible, glancing at Mu Yexiao: "The generals of Ning State are so cruel."

"What about the emperor of Ning State? Is it still the same brutality?"

Mu Yexiao shook his head: "That\'s not true. The emperor of Ning State is still very pro-government and loves the people, but he has some ambitions."

Jiujiu\'s mouth twitched, wasn\'t this nonsense? How is it possible to wage war without ambition? While Qianjiu Jiu had not spoken yet, Mu Yexiao continued to speak.

"In fact, many of these soldiers are victims of Ning State. They have no choice but to join the army. At least they can have food. Ning Guo is different from my Da Zhou."

"In the past year, we experienced drought and floods. The treasury should be insufficient."

Jiu Jiu\'s eyes widened: "The state treasury is not enough, and even dare to start a war. Although there were some minor calamities and minor disasters last year, the Great Zhou State did not lose much."

"Are you saying that Ning Guo is crazy, and war is still going on at this time? Are there a lot of victims in their country now?"

Mu Yexiao nodded: "So there are so many people who come to the battlefield to die."

Suddenly depressed, General Ning Guo\'s Hada was really shameless, but because there were too many people and he couldn\'t support them, he came up with such a trick and let these people die.

When killed, the enemy forces that were still passing by could not rest. Mu Yexiao looked angrily at Qian Jiujiu: "Okay, I have already arranged this."

"The rested soldiers are divided into two groups, one during the day and the other at night, and there is no major problem in taking charge of the vigilance without rest."

Although that\'s what she said, but for Hada\'s despicableness, she still hated her teeth. No, she had to find a way to make Hada suffer.

Mu Yexiao couldn\'t bear the hardship of 1999, "Okay, you take a rest now, for the baby, you need to get enough rest."

Qian Jiu Ji hummed twice, and fell asleep beside Mu Yexiao, and when Mu Jiu got up the next morning, Mu Yexiao was no longer with him.

For the conversation between the two of them last night, Jiu Jiu still remembered it. Xiao Man quickly delivered food and looked at Xiao Man: "Xiao Man, that General Hada is simply shameless."

Jiujiu angrily said that General Hada\'s statement. Xiaoman, who grew up in a peaceful era, was also very angry: "No, we must give this person a lesson."

Said Xiaoman was next to Qian Jiujiu and said, "Yes, you don\'t know, I tell you, I went to look at those devices, there are no large ones."

"How about you to make them a trebuchet?"

Jiu Jiu\'s eyes lit up instantly: "This is a good idea, so that you can directly throw the fireball into the other party\'s granary and burn the other party\'s granary."

"Ningguo is so poor that without the forages, I see what else they are desperately trying to surrender."

The two hit it off immediately, so after eating, Xiao Man found a quill, then there was paper, and he started to draw a trebuchet. You need to know this ancient stuff.

Both people have only seen it on television, but fortunately, it is still here that the top talents in this department of architecture are born. The principle of the levers or something is a minor problem.

Soon, a picture of the trebuchet came out, and Xiaoman looked at Qianjiu Jiu: "Otherwise, take it to your brother-in-law now."

"It\'s also good to make it early, your belly is so big now, I\'m so worried."

Fortunately, she has space at hand, no matter how great the danger, she should have time to treat it. Thinking of this, Xiao Man\'s heart is more stable, and Jiu Jiu has already started with the trebuchet.

I came to the big tent door of the daytime Mu Yexiao\'s office. Because of the arrival of Jiu Xiaoxiao, she naturally occupied the tent of Mu Yexiao. Therefore, when Mu Yexiao had to discuss the war, she had changed a big tent.

The soldier at the door of the tent saw that ninety-nine was coming, and immediately knelt down and bowed down: "I have seen the princess. Does the princess come to the king? The villain goes in to inform."

Qian Jiujiu said aloud: "Then you go quickly, and you say that the princess will find the king again."

Soon the soldiers ran out again: "Master Wang invites you in."

Qian Jiu Jiu went in with the help of Xiao Man and Hong Ling. As soon as he entered, he saw a lot of generals inside, but obviously he was not very happy.

One by one with a black face, with nineteen nines mouths pumping, it may be because she came and interrupted their affairs: "What is the matter about the princess coming here?"

Mu Yexiao looked at Jiu Jiu\'s sudden opening, and Jiu Jiu looked at Mu Yexiao and took out the paper: "This is a catapult drawn by Xiao Man and me, which should be helpful to your battle."

Hearing this, a black-faced general snorted suddenly: "The end general knows that the princess\'s medical skills are superior, but she did not expect that the princess also studied the war a little."

Jiu Jiu shook his head: "That\'s not there, just this ..."

Before the words were over, I heard the dark-faced general speak, "Since the princess doesn\'t know how to fight, do you think it is easy to fight?"

"If you feel free to come up with a gadget, it will be more helpful to our war. Women, they should be at home with their filial piety ..."

The words of this dark-faced general will make Xiaoman full of ambiguity. Before he finishes speaking, Xiaoman can\'t bear it: "Hey, I say you have such a **** face.

"Whether or not this trebuchet can help the king, that is also the intention of our princess. You are better off, blaming the princess directly. Why is your lady in your house giving you a husband and daughter.

"Do you think women in the world should be like this? It is simply not true, and I don\'t know what your lady is like at home now, maybe she is being rubbed by her mother-in-law!"

The black-faced general Zhang Meng was half-dead by this saying: "What the **** are you, how dare you talk to this general?"

Xiao Man\'s face flushed with anger, looking at this black face, he was furious: "This girl is the righteous sister of the princess, how dare you say that I am?"

"Hum! If the princess is not worried about the battle, such a good thing, you don\'t want to take it out! People like you are not worth it!"