My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 500

Ten days later, the red flame mark on Lou Muyan's forehead came out again, and a palm sized purple gold spirit fire magic Unicorn came out of her body.

There is a faint green light lingering in Qilin's stomach. It is the poisonous fire cultivated by Lou Muyan with highly toxic refining.

After she refined the drop of pure fire Unicorn blood essence with the original life fire, the original life fire became a unicorn, and her intelligence improved a lot.

As soon as she turned her hand, the little Kirin immediately jumped to her palm and rubbed it.

She was connected with little Kirin and naturally had special feelings and love for him. She gently rubbed his little head with her fingers.

"Master, will your spiritual fire turn into a human form?" Miaomiao became a lovely girl and climbed to the floor. Muyan sat on his leg and asked.

Lou Muyan touched Miaomiao's small head and said with a smile, "no, but its intelligence will be higher and higher."

"Master, when shall I set out to find your second brother?" Miaomiao rubbed in Lou Muyan's arms.

"You start tomorrow. Don't let Bai Luoyin take advantage of this opportunity to harm my brother." since Bai Feiyao was abandoned by her, she was a little worried about her second brother and was afraid that the Bai family would try to revenge.

Miaomiao nodded. "Don't worry, master. I will tear the woman's true face and let your second brother mature."

"Well, whatever Miaomiao wants to do with that woman," Lou Muyan said, touching Miaomiao's head.

Bai Luoyin has a deep mind, but when she meets the cunning Miaomiao, she will be forced to show her original shape.

"By the way, don't expose it at the beginning. First inquire about Bai Luoyin's purpose of approaching my brother. I suspect that she lurked around my brother under the instigation of the Bai family." Lou Muyan thought and said.

The Bai family should aim at his brother's killing body, but his temperament is too honest and sunny, so the killing body can't really stimulate the opening. Bai Luoyin is the chess piece that induces him to really open the killing body.

"Well, I'll have a good time with that woman," Miaomiao said bitterly.

She hated Bai Luoyin. It was the woman who separated her from her master for the time being.

Mo Yan opened his eyes from entering the calm and looked at Miaomiao to remind: "don't be too careless. That woman can hide much deeper than Bai Feiyao, and her constitution is also some special."

"Don't worry, boss mo. in the master's words, such an opponent is more challenging." Miaomiao raised his small chin with full confidence.

Mo Yan believes in Miaomiao's ability. Among several spiritual pets, Miaomiao is the most intelligent and cunning. He is more like Lou Muyan's temperament. He won't suffer anywhere.

Although he has full confidence in Miaomiao, in order to ensure everything is safe, Lou Muyan hung a pendant magic weapon refined by himself to defend against attack on Miaomiao's neck.

"There are seven prohibitions in it. You will be inspired in case of danger."

Lou Muyan then gave her a space ring. "In addition to the things for my second brother, the others are pills, poisons and seal characters prepared for you. If you encounter bad people, you'll throw them away and run if you can't beat them. When you come back, old Mo and I will avenge you."

"Well, the master is the best!" Miaomiao put away the ring and rubbed the building Moyan to be coquettish.

Mo Yan's thin eyes also overflow a layer of smile, and he dotes on Miao Miao very much.

Early the next morning, Miaomiao flew out of Baji sect in the upgraded Xumi boat of Lou Muyan, and used the tracking symbol to find Lou muting all the way.

Lou Muyan watched Miaomiao leave, feeling more empty in his heart. He spoiled Miaomiao in the palm of his hand since childhood. It was the first time for Miaomiao to leave her side.

"Let her go out and wander." Mo Yan saw Lou Muyan's mind and changed the topic. "Are you still going to practice recently? Or go to pick up the task?"

"I'm going to cash the reward of the sect, and then continue to practice enlightenment in the element underground palace."

Lou Muyan paused and said, "the place of inheritance is about to open. Among the people who enter, in addition to the disciples of the six sects, there are people of major forces. The most important thing is to improve their strength."

"That's true. You should encounter a lot of assassinations in the place of inheritance." Mo Yan nodded cautiously.

There are places in the six major gates to enter the inheritance place, and there are definitely places in the dark market. In addition, it is absolutely common for people of various forces and super families to fight and kill.

If there is no strength, the place of inheritance is a place of burial.

Lou Muyan raised his eyebrows and said with a smile, "I always welcome the God of wealth."

Mo Yan looked at her speechless. The woman was hopeless, but he was itchy. It was good to have a good anti robbery in the place of inheritance.

Lou Muyan stretched out his hand and poked Mo Yan's stomach, joking: "you're already nine steps. Why don't you turn into a human shape? Isn't it so ugly that you can't see people?"

In fact, she was really curious about what it would be like for Mo Yan to turn into an adult.

Mo Yan was a little ashamed and angry by her, and immediately avoided her claws. "You'll know what I look like in the future."

I don't know why. In Tianling mainland, he doesn't want Lou Muyan to see the shape of others. Let's wait until he rises to the Guangling world in the future.

"Cheapskate." Lou Mu's cigarette curled his mouth.

That afternoon, Lou Muyan withdrew the array outside the hospital, flew the imperial sword to the zongmen contribution point management office to exchange the reward, and then went to the element underground palace to practice nonstop.

With the passage of time, following the record of the underground palace of the eighth Pavilion of the gold element last time, Lou Muyan entered the eighth pavilion to practice in the underground palace of the three attribute elements of wood, fire and water, which once again caused a sensation in the inner door.

Then before the sensational upsurge passed, news came from the element underground palace one after another. Lou Muyan stepped into the sixth Pavilion in the underground palace with three attributes of thunder, earth and wind.

Only the ice attribute is slightly worse, only stopping at the fourth Pavilion of the ice element underground palace.

This time, the disciples and senior leaders of the whole sect were not calm. Lou Muyan was an eight series element swordsman. It was quite surprising.

If the element underground palace could not cheat, they all thought that Lou Muyan used what methods to constantly create new records.

Lou Muyan didn't want to expose that he was a multi-attribute swordsman, but practicing in the element underground palace was too useful to understand the yuan power attribute. In order to improve his strength, he had to make a high profile.

She always had an unspeakable feeling in her heart. She always felt that it would be dangerous or even fall if she did not improve her strength in the place of inheritance.

Anyway, she has been in the limelight recently. It doesn't matter if she wants to keep a low profile. Why is it so difficult?

If other people know what she thinks, they can't help vomiting blood. How can it be so difficult for them to make a high profile?

In this way, three months later, Lou Muyan still nestled in the underground palace of various elements, madly realized the attribute of Yuan force, and the harvest was also huge.

A very important and urgent news mixed with good and bad suddenly came, and all the senior leaders in the sect were alarmed.