My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 501

In the main hall of Baji sect, several courtyard leaders and the head elders of the sect were summoned together by the sect leader.

"What happened to the patriarch?" Ao Rong asked when he saw the seriousness and solemnity of the patriarch's face.

The patriarch looked deep, sighed and said, "the land of inheritance is about to collapse."

"What?" the present zongmen high-level couldn't help exclaiming.

"What does it mean to be about to collapse? Can it be opened this time?" Ao Rong frowned and asked.

The patriarch replied, "according to the information obtained by several supreme elders, the inheritance place can be opened for the last time, and the time will be shortened from one year to half a year."

Hearing that there was still half a year to open, the elders present were sorry, but they were also relieved. It was better than not being able to open at least once.

"What about the number of people?" Ao Rong grabbed the key and asked.

"One hundred more people will enter the land of inheritance in the whole Tianling continent this time. In six cases, ten people will be added to each case on the basis of the original plan, and the remaining 40 people will be shared by several top forces and several super families." the patriarch said with half joy and half sorrow.

"If so, it will have both advantages and disadvantages for us, and the advantages should outweigh the disadvantages." Feng Yuan's main interface said.

The patriarch shook his head slightly and said, "for our Baji sect and Tianji palace, two peerless geniuses may fall."

"Chi Xiu and Lou Muyan are so gifted that the dark market and many forces don't want them to grow up. This time, there are a large number of swordsmen in the place of inheritance. It's the best time to assassinate." the patriarch added.

Hearing the leader's words, the faces of several hospital leaders and elders changed again and again. Especially the recent performance of Lou Muyan in the element underground palace made them regard her as a talented disciple who focused on training.

If Chi Xiu and Lou Muyan really fall into the place of inheritance, it is definitely the biggest loss of Tianji palace and their Baji sect.

"Things in the place of inheritance are very important, otherwise Lou Muyan can give up the quota." the head of the court sighed. It is impossible to give consideration to both.

"It's impossible for practitioners to shrink back when they encounter danger. The building girl may be eager for those dark market killers to find her, so you don't have to worry about it here."

Huo Linglong picked her eyebrows and continued, "but the things that protect her life should be given to her more just in case."

"What's the meaning of building girl? She's eager for the killer in the dark market to find her?" the patriarch asked with a frown.

Huo Linglong shrugged and replied helplessly: "she said that the killer of the dark market is the God of wealth who sent it to the door. Naturally, more is better."

That girl should have made a lot of money from the dark market killer recently. It's good to be assassinated.

"..." the patriarch and several elders of the courtyard master couldn't help pumping their lips when they heard such words.

Elder Ao Rong said in tears and laughter, "that girl is really a money fan, but the swordsman in the dark market is really much richer than the disciples of our six families at the same level."

"Yes! Isn't it too bad for people who want their own lives not to charge some interest?" Huo Linglong glanced fiercely, "the dark market deceives people too much, and it's also good for them to lose more Tianji killers."

The senior executives present were speechless when they heard Huo Linglong's determined tone. She meant that those killers in the dark market were all wine bags and rice bags and would send them to Lou Muyan.

"Don't underestimate the power of the dark market. Go back and tell the building girl not to be careless." the patriarch said cautiously.

The identity of Lou Muyan's six product Alchemist is enough for the whole sect to pay attention to. In addition, she has eight talents. This time, the sect can't let the dark market succeed at any price.

"Don't worry, that girl is smart and won't joke about her life." Huo Linglong replied with a smile: "even if you die, she will be alive."

"..." several people have a black line. What did the woman say.

Ao Rong was silent and asked, "Lord, has the time of the inheritance land changed?"

"Of course, it's ahead of time. The result of negotiation between the six sects and the top forces is to open in ten days," said the patriarch.

"How can we divide the ten extra places in our clan?" asked the head of the court.

"In addition to the disciples who have obtained the places of inheritance, all the disciples of the inner gate who want to go to the places of inheritance will fight again to seize the ten places." the patriarch said a more fair method.


Because of the pressing time, the things discussed in the main hall of the sect soon spread throughout the sect door.

The disciples who lost their places in the first battle seemed to have beaten chicken blood one by one to prepare for the battle for places one day later.

Lou Muyan was feeling in the ice element underground palace. She also heard the news from the surrounding disciples. Her eyes showed meditation, and then got up and went out of the underground palace.

She opened the door of understanding through the element underground palace. In addition, she has no other assistance, so she is the slowest among the eight elements.

However, she has benefited a lot from her understanding in several element underground palaces in recent months. With the improvement of element understanding, her cultivation has also improved a lot unconsciously. As long as she takes an opportunity at will, she can break through the primary sword respect.

The most important thing is that she has reached the bottleneck of the great fullness of jiedan period. After going to the place of inheritance, she can try to break through the impact of Yuanying period.

After forming Yuanying, her cultivation will be further. The swordsmen who sweep the cultivation of the sword saint should have no problem.

As soon as Lou Muyan left the customs, he was summoned by old man Tianxuan.

This time, she went alone to the wooden house in the mountains to meet old man Tianxuan. When the teachers and disciples met, they went to the next game before getting to the point.

"Girl, the news from the inheritance place is bad for you!" old man Tianxuan smiled and dropped a white word.

Lou Muyan played with a sunspot in his hand and said indifferently, "I always like stimulation. This time, I happen to meet those who want my life."

"I heard you regard the killer of the dark market as the God of wealth?" old man Tianxuan asked with a smile.

Lou Muyan put his eyes on the chessboard and dropped a sunspot, "yes! They are all going to kill me. Of course I have to charge some interest, otherwise who has the spare time to play with them."

When Tianxuan choked, he found that he and the high-level officials of the sect were just emperors. Don't worry, eunuchs. Bah, he's not a eunuch.

"No problem coming back alive."

Lou Muyan looked up with a smile at the cheap master, "does the master want me to come back alive?"

Tianxuan blew her beard and gave her a white look. "The old man is counting on you and your senior brother to bring me back to my old age."

"That's enough." Lou Muyan dropped a sunspot and looked up again with a smile: "master, you lost again!"

Tianxuan looked down at the chessboard and said, "don't play anymore."

"Master, is my cheap elder martial brother going to the place of inheritance this time?" Lou Muyan consciously put away the chess pieces on the table and asked carelessly.

Tianxuan nodded: "your elder martial brother, as the first on the broken list, of course, is going."