My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 499

On the same day, Lou Muyan and others rushed to bajizong with the flying magic weapon of master Feng.

Along the way, Lou Muyan refined five and six pills in his room. Several lingchong were big stomach kings. If the pills consumed every day were put outside, they could support a family.

After returning to Baji sect, Lou Muyan and others were summoned by the patriarch and several elders who had been waiting in the hall.

"I've seen the patriarch."

The patriarch smiled with a spring breeze, "you did well this time!"

He praised emperor killer Tian and Ziche Shi respectively, then looked at Lou Muyan and said with a smile, "Lou girl, you are the great hero of my Baji sect this time."

"The patriarch falsely praised!" Lou Muyan smiled humbly.

"Ha ha, I'm telling the truth." the patriarch was obviously in a good mood. He continued: "during the Tianling mainland hegemony competition, elder Ao Rong promised to let you participate in the quota competition for the place of inheritance."

"Now, because of your outstanding performance this time, I discussed with several elders of the sect and unanimously decided to exempt you from the competition and directly reward you a place to inherit."

"Thank you, Lord and elders." the reward was expected by Lou Muyan.

The patriarch said gently and lovingly, "go to the sect contribution value management office to exchange other rewards."

"Good!" Lou Muyan knew that zongmen would not treat him badly in reward.

Then the patriarch said some words of praise and encouragement to the disciples, leaving master Feng and Huo Linglong to let the others leave first.

Lou Muyan didn't rush to the zongmen contribution value management office to exchange rewards, and when he returned to the hospital, he began to close the door and refine the Fire Kirin blood essence given to her by QingHan at night.

Mo Yan Still purified the blood essence and finally condensed it into two drops.

"Mo Yan, you also have the yuan power of fire attribute. Refine this drop." Lou Muyan didn't hesitate to take out a drop to Mo Yan.

Mo Yan is not polite. He is not the demon king who once had a strong scenery. He needs these things to constantly restore his strength.

"You will have better effect if you melt the essence blood of huoqilin into the fire of this life spirit." he incorporated the essence blood into the elixir field, looked up at Lou Muyan and said.


One man and one beast calmly refined the blood essence of the burning unicorn, but it was very lively outside the yard.

Many disciples came to visit Lou Muyan for the first time, but found her in seclusion. They couldn't help but sigh that she was too diligent.

On a floating island.

Qi ran leaned back on a recliner, and two people dressed as inner disciples came in.

"Qi Shao, Lou Muyan closed the door immediately after he came back."

Qi ran opened her eyes, thought deeply and asked, "did the patriarch of the place of inheritance give her one directly?"

"Qi Shao is as good as a God." one of them smiled.

Qi ran sneered: "isn't it obvious that Lou Muyan won the six events, which not only won the face for the clan, but also won so many places in the place of inheritance. If this doesn't reward a place, it doesn't make sense."

"That's true. When Lou Muyan represented zongmen in the six events competition, there was a lot of opposition in the inner door. They all thought she was going to give people places. Who knows that this woman is a secret." another person said with a complicated face.

Qi ran raised her eyebrows: "if she doesn't have some skills, she can break through the eighth Pavilion of the element underground palace? What's the reaction of others?"

"Those people have no trend. At present, those who visit Lou Muyan are all the disciples below the top 20 in the pansoul list." one person replied.

Qi ran gently tapped the back of the chair, "you continue to inquire. Lou Muyan came out of the customs and told me."

"Yes, Qi Shao."

On another floating island.

A man full of yin and cold is meditating. His injury has almost recovered after recuperation.

A knock came. He opened his eyes. His voice was like ten thousand years of cold ice, "come in."

"Boss, Lou Muyan is back, but this woman is really good enough to fight. She began to shut up as soon as she came back." a disciple came in and said.

The man asked faintly, "did she get a place in the inheritance place?"

"The boss is wise. The patriarch and several elders did reward her a place."

The disciple turned his eyes and said with a flattering smile, "boss, are you going to do something to that smelly girl?"

He didn't forget that the boss said that if Lou Muyan came back and wanted to kill her, would the boss who robbed the heavy water be about to report it?

The Yin cold man glanced at him, "she is now a popular person in the sect. If you move her now, the top of the sect will not let me go."

"The awesome hatred of heavy water has been written off in the way she has done so. There will be a melee between the doors and other forces in the place of inheritance, and she will be more beneficial to the rest of us."

The disciple asked carefully: "she has no intersection with the boss! And even if she wins the championship in the strength war of the six major sects, it's still not enough to see compared with the boss and the top few on the disk spirit list. Maybe she will drag you back."

The Yin Han man sneered: "what do you know? She is a sixth grade alchemist, a fifth grade talisman and array mage. The role of these three abilities in the inheritance place is definitely more useful than the top ten disciples in actual combat."

"Still the boss is wise," the disciple scratched his head and said.

"OK, you go down and observe the movements of others on the footwall spirit list." the Yin cold man waved his hand impatiently.

"Yes." the disciple left the door with a haze in his eyes.

On a foggy floating island.

A beautiful woman hurried into the room and said to the beautiful woman who was teasing colorful parrots: "Miss, Lou Muyan won a place for inheritance, and she began to close as soon as she returned to her residence."

The beautiful woman fed the colorful parrot, smiled and said, "she's a smart man."

"What does that mean, miss?" asked the maid.

"She won the six events and became famous in the first World War, especially the identity of the six product Alchemist is very special. There must be many disciples in the sect who want to make friends with her. Now she can stop many flies by closing the door." the beautiful woman answered carelessly.

A trace of clarity crossed the maid's face. "I see. Do you want to deal with her, miss?"

"No, I don't want to embarrass her because she has won so many places to inherit." the beautiful woman paused and said, "after all, we have to go to the place to inherit together. It's the best choice to be consistent with the outside world."

Although she can't get along with Jinse, she won't be foolish enough to touch the mildew of the building and smoke. In front of major right and wrong, a little personal gratitude and resentment is nothing.

In a palace, a feminine looking man

This situation has been staged in many places of bajizong, but the disciples who despised and were hostile to Lou Muyan have basically changed their attitude, which is quite different from that last time.

If Lou Muyan, who is in seclusion, knows the change of these people's attitude, he will smile and praise the disciples of Baji sect. They are really United externally.