My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 498

After walking out of the teahouse, Lou Muyan gathered the smile on his face and was a little more solemn.

Mo Yan stood on her shoulder and found the change of her momentum, "what's the matter?"

"I received the news from the hospital master. The dark market sent a large number of killers to leave me in Tianyuan city. Let me go back quickly." Lou Muyan walked across a shadow and disappeared into the deep lane.

Mo Yan asked lazily, "are you going back now?"

"Of course not. The boy who sent money came. How can I refuse?" Lou Muyan narrowed his eyes and replied.

Mo Yan sneered. She knew that the woman was deliberately sweeping the Tianyuan city. In fact, she was trying to lead out the killer of the dark market.

Half an hour later, in the dark lane, Lou mu Yanhuan leaned against the wall with his hands.

Suddenly, six figures appeared in the dark lane, filled with a thick murderous atmosphere.

"Your speed is too slow." Lou Muyan opened his eyes.

Her voice was like the cold wind blowing in the winter night, which made the six people shiver.

Six people immediately surrounded her, and the leading man's voice was dull and broken, "if you want to die so early, we will meet you."

Lou Muyan looked up at six people. They were all the accomplishments of the high-level sword master. She had a long blue sword in her hand, "really? Why don't I take you on the road first."

The six fiercely took out their long swords and chopped them at Lou Muyan.

A sarcastic smile flashed across Lou Muyan's lips and disappeared in place.

When he appeared, a Sword Pierced one of the killers who had attacked him head-on.

The other five people were surprised and stopped leaving their hands to kill.

Lou Muyan took a backward step, cut off his sword, and a column of water gushed out, annihilating all the sword Qi of several people.

Several people stepped back and looked surprised. Obviously, they didn't expect Lou Muyan's combat power to be so strong.

He was preparing to stimulate the joint killing array, but he was entangled in his feet by the golden vine drilled out of the ground, and his skin felt pricked by a slight needle.

The five people suddenly felt that the yuan force in their body was completely sealed and their whole body could not move any more.

A moment later, the eyes of the five people were filled with horror and fear, the blood was constantly losing, and gradually lost their vitality.

Then a golden vine held six space rings to Lou Muyan's hand.

She looked at it with mental strength and smiled, "the killer is really a rich man."

She never kills innocent people, but she will never be soft hearted to those who take the initiative to commit crimes against her, especially those who want her life. Wouldn't it be too bad not to replenish blood.

Hearing the sound of the wind, she didn't leave immediately. She hugged her hands and continued to lean against the wall to sleep.

When the second wave of killers arrived, she made a decisive move and cut the other party's back. Miaomiao also came out for some activities, and finally threw it to blood to replenish nourishment.

When Jianzong cultivates, she can kill jianzun. Now she is promoted to jianzun, which can be said to be the existence of invincible hands in jianzun. These prefecture level killers are like cutting melons and vegetables to her. Now they are too lazy to start.

There was no smell of blood in the dark lane, but a wisp of smoke signal burst from time to time, and waves of dark market killers arrived one after another.

When it was almost dawn, she put away a trace of carelessness, raised her eyebrows and whispered, "is the sky level killer finally coming?"

With her whisper falling, three men of sword Saint cultivation appeared in the air, looking at the building Moyan standing leisurely like a poisonous snake.

"You are the heaven class killer?" Lou Muyan glanced at the three and straightened up with interest. "I'll meet you."

The three men saw that the ground was full of corpses sucked dry essence blood, and their hearts couldn't help getting cold.

However, without too much hesitation, the three soon met Lou Muyan's long sword.

Killers do not taboo group warfare. They can do anything as long as they can complete the task, not to mention the combat power shown by Lou Muyan, which makes them extremely cautious.

The light and shadow of the sword are in the dark lane. You come and go. Lou Muyan can easily be besieged by three people.

She felt that she had almost played. With a wave of her palm, three groups of orange flames with blue light rushed out, and the temperature in the dark lane suddenly increased.

"Be careful, it's a strange fire." a killer exclaimed.

Just a wisp of light smoke drilled in from his mouth. He couldn't make a second sound again. He held his throat tightly like suffocation, and then was tightly entangled by the golden vines emerging from the ground. In a moment, he became a human stem.

A spiritual fire fell on the man, and the killer of a first-class sword Saint became a pile of ash.

When the other two saw this, their eyes showed the color of panic. They repeatedly stepped back to escape from the spirit fire and escape from the dark lane.

Unfortunately, their speed was one step slower after all, and the remaining two groups of spiritual fire quickly shrouded them.

When they were still in the future and screamed bitterly, they were dragged into the ground by the golden climbing vine to enjoy the nourishment.

A beam of sunlight penetrated the darkness and fell on the dark lane. The night gradually dispersed and was replaced by the day.

Lou Muyan took away the long sword in his hand, grabbed all the space rings held by blood, gently pointed his toes and jumped out of the dark lane, and soon disappeared in this space.

After half a column of incense, a man in Tsing Yi appeared in the dark lane with several sword saints.

When seeing the scene on the ground, even these killers who licked blood on the tip of the knife all year round couldn't help cooling their backs.

The man in Tsing Yi's face was very gloomy, "it was to open the Tianji assassination order and let the twelve stars go out."

"Yes," an old man behind him replied respectfully.

When Lou Muyan returned to the yard, he met Lord Feng and huolinglong.

"Lou girl, are you all right?" master Feng's face was full of worry. They were very worried this night, but she heard that they didn't have to act rashly.

Lou Muyan smiled and said, "thank you for your concern. I'm fine."

"Girl, last night's harvest was good." Huo Linglong looked at Lou Muyan with a smile and a determined tone.

Lou Muyan's attitude towards Huo Linglong was obviously intimate. She took Huo Linglong's hand and said, "courtyard master, I found that the killers in the dark market are very rich. We can kill a few more Lingshi this year."

Huolinglong giggled happily, "you girl can do business."

After listening to the conversation between the two, master Feng's forehead was full of cold sweat. They regarded the killer of the dark market as a small Treasury. God of wealth!

He couldn't help wondering if the leader of the killer organization in the dark market would spit blood when he knew Lou Muyan's idea.

At the same time, the Lord's residence of Tianyuan city.

A flurry of praise and frustration echoed in the purple bamboo forest. A burst of footsteps came. The man in dark black left Xiao from his lips, turned his head and asked faintly, "what's the matter?"

"Tell me, young Lord, the killer organization of dark market in Tianyuan city has been destroyed." a man wearing a bamboo mask replied respectfully: "but we just killed some escaping killers. It was the people of the chamber of Commerce of the Ming league who destroyed their hometown."

"I see. Go down."

The man rubbed the jade Xiao in his hand, frowned slightly, and then sighed: Emperor Ming, can't you help it?