My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 353

Lou Muyan sold out all the things he was going to sell, went to buy a batch of spirit grass and materials for refining seal characters, and then went back to the yard and began to close down.

She practiced all the spiritual herbs she bought into three or four pills, and she was going to finish refining all the three pills she was going to send to Lou's house before she left the customs.

"Ice halberd, send these pills to Lou's house to give them to my father." Lou Muyan put the pills in a space ring and handed them to ice halberd.

Ice halberd knew that the responsibility was heavy. He swallowed the space ring into a small space in his abdomen. "Don't worry, master. I will send the pill."

"Go early and return early. If anything happens, I'll send you notes from thousands of miles." Lou Muyan put some things for ice halberd into a space ring, "if you have anything urgent, use the notes inside to send me messages."

Ice halberd rubbed his head against Mu Yan's shoulder, waved his wings, looked at Miaomiao's several spirit pets, and flew away towards zongwai.

Baji sect disciples can't go out often, but Lou Muyan applied for permission to let lingchong go out freely through Ao Rong's help, otherwise he can't supplement pills for Lou family's pill shop.

After refining the pill, she took out the purchased materials and began to refine Level 3 and 4 runzhuan.

One day, as soon as she finished refining a level 3 invisibility talisman, she heard the voice of elder Ao Rong.

After cleaning up, she flew to the hall of the conference hall with her sword.

As soon as he stepped into the Council hall, several eyes looked at her in surprise.

Lou Mu was also slightly surprised in Yan's eyes, because she saw not only Gu Xiu, but also Jinse and the wild man who had bought her Chinese Holy treasure.

"Disciple, please see the Lord!" Lou Muyan walked to the Lord and smiled and saluted.

The patriarch smiled gently and said, "excuse me. I have an important thing to tell you today."

"Lord, please say." Lou Muyan's face remained flat.

"The specific situation is like this." the patriarch's gentle face showed a somewhat cautious look. "Our six sects recently found some suspicious signs in a place. The disciples near the guard disappeared inexplicably, but the soul card did not break. It was very strange. Therefore, the sects discussed and decided to send several disciples to investigate."

"And you are the candidates for this mission."

Lou Muyan was silent and asked, "why did the Lord choose me to participate in this mission?"

The people standing here are all inner disciples except her and another disciple who are wearing outer door clothes. She is more curious about the plan of the high level of the sect.

"Are you afraid?" the patriarch asked.

Lou Muyan smiled: "I'm not afraid. I just want to know the reason."

"You and Ruan Jia are the two most favored of the new core disciples of the external sect this time, so we decided to let you go out to hone it." the sect leader didn't hide too much, "although this mission is said to be very dangerous, the core disciples of the internal sect will lead you to the mission, and your safety is guaranteed."

"Are there new disciples in other sects?" Lou Muyan thought and asked.

"It's natural. Excellent disciples don't hide and tuck in. You can't be a big thing in the future if you haven't been honed."

The patriarch has been observing the change of Lou Muyan's mood and look, but he found that she had not changed since she entered the door until he finished the task. She was still so calm and calm, and he couldn't help admiring her.

"Of course, you can also choose to give up, and it will not affect your current situation in zongmen."

"Go, since the patriarch and the elders can give me this opportunity, I will naturally cherish it." Lou Muyan replied firmly with a smile.

After she finished, the two elders and patriarchs present were quite satisfied. If she chose to retreat, they would not be forced, but it was no longer worth their great efforts to cultivate.

The cultivation of a swordsman is full of ups and downs. If you go against the sky, you must have the courage to challenge danger.

"Your captain is Gu Xiu this time. You can discuss anything with him." the patriarch touched his beard and ordered.

"Yes, disciple!"

"Lord, I have one more question to ask." Lou Muyan smiled and said.

Gu Xiu looked at her curiously and wondered if she would ask for protection or ask for powerful magic tools to protect her body.

"I would like to ask if there is any reward if we complete the task, such as contribution value or spirit stone." she blinked and asked with a smile.

As soon as the problem came out, everyone present couldn't help but smoke the corners of their mouths.

Did she get into the eyes of money? Before doing the task, she had so much contribution value and sold so many spirit stones. Isn't it enough for her to spend?

"Do you lack contribution value and spirit stone?" Ao Rong asked.

Lou Muyan's blinking little miser always gives people a simple sense of innocence, so no one feels disgusted when she asks about the reward. Instead, she thinks she is very straightforward and pleasant.

Besides, it's normal to get a reward for completing a task at zongmen.

Lou mu yanmeng nodded: "of course I lack it!" then he looked at Ao Rong brightly and said, "does Ao Changlao want to support me?"

Ao Rong gave her a funny look, "I'm poorer than you."

Lou Muyan glanced incredulously, but she no longer entangled this topic. Enough is enough. She still understood.

"This task is regarded as a level 7 task. After you finish the task, each person will be rewarded with 3000 contribution values, and the disciples with outstanding performance will be rewarded with 4000 contribution values." the sect leader was not prepared to let them go in vain.

"Yes!" they all replied.

"Well, you go down and get ready. Let's start tomorrow morning." the patriarch waved to several people, indicating that they could leave.

"I'm leaving!"

After several people left the door of the hall, Jinse went to Lou Muyan and said with a smile, "younger martial sister, I didn't expect us to meet so soon."

"Yes! Elder martial sister, we are so destined." Lou Mu smiled.

"Elder martial sister, take good care of you! Go back and prepare well. If you have Buddhist tools, you'd better take them with you. See you tomorrow!" said Jinse.

"Thanks for reminding, elder martial sister. See you tomorrow!" Lou Muyan's reminder to Jinse was very useful.

Jinse and Lou Muyan said hello to several others at will and left. Others also left after a light greeting to each other.

In fact, Lou Muyan also felt that in addition to Jinse and Gu Xiu, several other people were curious about her, but they all had a sense of exclusion. They might think she was very likely to lag behind.

She didn't care about their attitude, but she was a little interested in the task.

"Mo Yan, do you think the evil spirit will be made by some demon clan?" Lou Muyan asked Mo Yan on his shoulder.

In the cultivation world, in addition to her spiritual world, there is also the demon world. There are demon families in the demon world. They do not lead to spiritual cultivation, but to practice before the real evil spirit. There are often interface battles between the two families.

Mo Yan's eyes were somewhat dignified, "there is indeed a demon clan interface here, but they are not a rare race, but composed of ghost repair and demon repair, because their interface is composed of Yin Sha and true Sha Qi, so they are called the demon clan."

"So the one in my pendant belongs to the demon clan?" Lou Muyan's lips evoke a playful radian.