My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 354

Mo Yan knew that the ghost repair spirit existed in the pendant carved by Lou Mu Yan's soul nourishing wood. In fact, he was afraid of the man.

"He is a demon, at least he must be before he becomes a soul." he can still judge this from the breath.

"It's a pity that he hasn't responded since he swallowed those people last time. Otherwise, it's good to call him out and ask the news of the demon clan."

Lou Muyan snorted coldly: "I almost forgot my previous deal with him when I mentioned it. If he dares to deceive his identity after he wakes up, I will burn him with spiritual fire."

Swallowed up the memories extracted by the souls of those people in black. Before she could ask, the ghost fell asleep. Now she hasn't woken up, and she doesn't know what he's doing.

This demon cultivation of unknown origin always makes her feel that it is a big hidden danger, but she has done everything for Lei Huang. It seems that it is not a big deal to leave it to the demon cultivation.

"I don't know if the thunder emperor has been upgraded to level 10." Lou Muyan touched his chin.

Since Lei Huang signed the contract with Lou Muyan, he changed his body in the competition space with doubles. He didn't leave immediately when she left the competition space.

Until she rushed to Lou's house, he took the opportunity to sneak away. As expected, the great powers didn't find it.

"Ten steps are not so good for promotion. He's still early." Mo Yan said faintly.

The aura of this interface is thin. No matter how good the talent is, it can't be promoted so quickly.

"Well, anyway, he still owes me a favor. Let him finish it next time, or I'll suffer if I'm photographed outside another day." Lou Muyan said with a smile.

Mo Yan took a white look and said, "he is not the idiot of ice halberd. Ice halberd can't die, and he can't die."

With the cultivation strength of Lei Huang, he can walk horizontally in this continent. Even if he meets the first master in the mainland, it is not difficult for him to escape.

"That's true."

Early the next morning, Lou Muyan, Gu Xiu and others left the zongmen in a flying magic instrument.

Gu Xiu is the captain of the mission, as well as Jin se, Xiao Ye, Yu Kang and Peng Yang from the inner door. The rest are her and Ruan Jia, who is also the outer door.

Although she and Ruan Jia are both core disciples of the outer gate, Ruan Jia's attitude towards her is very cold, and her relationship with several people in the inner gate is more harmonious.

Several people are neither hot nor cold to her. Fortunately, there is no hostility, but of course she won't stick her hot face to other people's cold ass.

Ruan Jia has been a four attribute swordsman since he entered the sect. He has rare thunder attributes, strong talent and amazing strength.

If it weren't for more than a year before he entered the inner gate, he would be an inner gate disciple now.

His preferential treatment in zongmen is no worse than that of Lou Muyan, and even slightly higher.

The most important thing is that he is also one of the disciples of the patriarch. As soon as he enters the inner door, he can be promoted to the ancestral disciple. He has proud capital.

He didn't like or hate Lou Muyan, but he didn't recognize her in his heart. He was still a little uncomfortable when he compared them to the patriarch and put them on a parallel line.

Along the way, several people sat and practiced separately, and they were basically speechless.

When he was about to reach a city, Jin se looked at Gu Xiu and asked, "elder martial brother Gu, where shall we go directly or meet the disciples of other sects first?"

"The place we are going to is luogui river. There is a small town nearby. The disciples of the six sect agreed to gather there." Gu Xiu replied.

Because the mission had not been made public before, several people didn't know that the location of the mission was luogui river. At this time, they couldn't help but be stunned.

Lou Muyan has also heard of luogui River, which is a mysterious place in Tianling continent.

It is said that there is a bottomless abyss under the huge peak on the other side of luogui river. There is Yin evil spirit overflowing all year round. That is, ghost cultivation and demon cultivation dare not go too deep, otherwise they will be eroded by Yin evil spirit and lose their intelligence.

However, although there is danger near luogui River, it is also a natural resource pool. Many mercenary corps and casual repair will go deep into it to do tasks or look for opportunities.

"It's not weird if those disciples disappeared inexplicably near the luogui river?" Jin se asked, "many places are full of crises. Maybe they are trapped somewhere."

"It's also possible, so in addition to checking the information, our most important task is to find and rescue the missing disciples of each sect."

Gu Xiu sighed and continued: "this matter was discovered and reported by the disciples of Tianji palace. The specific situation has to wait until luogui River to listen to the disciples of Tianji palace."

"I see. It's not a small thing that can attract the attention of Tianji palace. We'd better be vigilant," Yu Kang said.

"It's natural." Gu Xiu nodded, looked at several people and warned, "each sect will send core elite disciples to participate in the task this time. Try not to conflict with other sect members."

Because Dabi Baji sect has been at the bottom for nearly a hundred years, it is indeed inferior to other sects in terms of overall strength. Therefore, when encountering a task, it will be ridiculed by the disciples of other sects, and contradictions often occur.

Of course, not all disciples are so tasteless, but most of the elite disciples of all sects are arrogant masters, who will hold a disdainful attitude towards their Baji sect, so it is easy to cause disputes and even big fights.

"Hum, as long as they don't mess with me, if they dare to touch me, I'll take care of what kind of disciple he is. I'll beat him right." Jin se snorted coldly.

She is not soft hearted. When she was angry with a disciple of the sword sect last time, she beat the other half to death. The bad name naturally spread to the disciples of other sects, but she doesn't care about reputation.

"It's better to stop." although Xiao Ye has a wild temperament like an eagle, his heart is as thin as dust. "This task is not small, but it still focuses on the overall situation."

Gu Xiu agreed: "as long as you don't really bully the door, if it's just verbal provocation, don't worry about it for the time being."

When he finished, his eyes deliberately stayed on Jinse and Lou Muyan for a while. In fact, this sentence was mainly said to them.

Everyone knows Jinse's domineering witch, but only he has seen Lou Muyan's performance in the competition space.

The little woman looked steady and quiet at this time, but she was a master who could cause trouble. The violence was frightening, and Jin se was not worried.

He didn't tell others about Lou Muyan's past. It's boring to say too much. Let them experience it by themselves.

He believes that after the completion of the task, the people who have some disagreements with Lou Muyan may eliminate all such disagreements.

Lou Muyan naturally found Gu xiuruo's deep eyes. The corners of her lips were hooked, and her thoughts were the same as that of Jinse.

It's best to live in peace. If someone deliberately wants to pinch a soft persimmon on her head, she will never be polite.