My Evil Imperial Wife is Too Arrogant

Chapter 352

Hearing Jinse's words, one of the people standing around couldn't help taking a breath of cold air.

Jinse, the disciple of the master of the refining Institute, is very famous in the inner gate. He ranks among the top 30 on the inner gate contribution value and pan soul stele.

She not only looks beautiful and enchanting, her strength is amazing, but also her temper is very cruel. She never gives any face to those who don't like her.

She is known as a witch for her ruthless style of doing things. She is well-known as "fierce" in the sect. Even the top three disciples don't dare to provoke this aunt.

She is overbearing and unscrupulous in the inner court, so her popularity is not good, but many people are afraid of her.

But no one expected that she would show kindness to Lou Muyan just because she bought a few pills. This is really unheard of. Many people envy Lou Muyan that an outside disciple can make friends with Jinse.

"OK! If I am bullied in the future, I must report the name of elder martial sister." Lou Muyan raised an arc on his lips and blinked at Jinse.

Seeing the other party's watery and beautiful eyes staring at him, Jinse's heart suddenly softened. His bright face showed a bit of madness, "well, if anyone dares to bully you, I'll beat him to death for you."

It's rare to have a woman who looks good to her. It's OK to help.

Many people trembled when they heard Jinse's bold words.

"Thank you, elder martial sister!" Lou Muyan knew that now was the truth of Jinse, but she liked this kind of arrogant and domineering person with clear mind.

It's better than those who smile gently and stab you in the back.

"I have something else to do, so I'll go first." Jin se suddenly remembered something, came up to Lou Muyan's ear and said, "little girl, in the future, elder martial sister will go to Lou's house to buy Beauty pill. Don't make an appointment to queue up?"

"No, elder martial sister, if you need to buy Beauty pills or other pills in the future, you can come to me directly, and still give you a 20% discount." Lou Muyan said with a smile.

The voices of the two people were very low, and they were soundproofed by Yuanli used by Jinse. Others only saw their intimate appearance, and immediately felt thrilled.

"Younger martial sister is really a wonderful person. If you have time, come to the inner courtyard to play with her." Jin se patted Lou Muyan on the shoulder, and then walked away with a circular arc silver knife.

Lou Muyan restrained the smile in his eyes. This elder martial sister is also very interesting. She can make friends.

"Yangyandan can still sell five today, on a first come, first served basis. Each person is limited to one. Twenty thousand spirit stones are the same price." Lou Muyan looked at her with complicated eyes and said with a light smile.

Hearing that there were only five beauty pills, many people rushed forward to buy them. Although Jinse only spent 15000 spirit stones, they didn't dare to compete with the witch.

At the beginning, the people in line successfully bought the beauty pill and left happily together. They were disappointed that they didn't buy it and kept pestering Lou Muyan.

When Lou Muyan would sell ten cigarettes tomorrow, he decided to line up early the next day.

Seeing that there were still a lot of people around, Lou Muyan took out a few sacred vessels and treasures while the iron was hot and said, "these are refined by the weapon refining masters of various sects. Don't miss them when you pass by."

"Younger martial sister, why can you see that these magic weapons are refined by the master of weapon refining of various sects?" a tall, wild and handsome man went to Lou Muyan and swept the magic weapons on the table.

Lou Muyan replied honestly, "because this is a gift from the elders of all sects in the Tianling mainland competition. Do you think they will give inferior goods to others?"

After selecting the sect in the competition, elder Ao Rong asked for these from several other sect elders. It is called the younger generation to give the elder rare Centennial red honey, and the elder should also give the younger generation gifts.

So the elders could only take out the useless sacred vessels and treasures and give them to Lou Muyan.

Of course, even if they can't give it away, it won't be too bad. After all, people with that identity won't take it with them if it's too bad.

Hearing what she said, the man's eyes showed interest, picked up a holy treasure, looked at it, smiled and said, "it's really a good thing, junior sister. Why are you willing to take it out and sell it?"

In fact, he is not trying to test anything. He is just curious. The defensive shield in his hand is a middle-grade holy treasure. How can Mu Yan in this building be willing to sell it?

Lou Muyan said to him, "because I'm poor, I have to sell it. Senior brother, do you want one?"

When they heard her words, they couldn't help but smoke the corners of their mouths. Didn't they just earn 250000 spirit stones to sell beauty pills? It's also called poverty.

And how can these holy treasures feel worthless in her eyes? Does she know the goods or not!

"How can I sell this Chinese Holy treasure?" the man held a small shield covered with blue scales.

Lou Muyan glanced and said, "200000 spirit stones are priceless."

At the auction, Shengbao of China defense can usually get more than 200000. She shouted that the price was very moderate and didn't want to get involved because of the price problem.

"OK, I'll take it." the man fainted with a smile on his lips, narrowed his eagle like eyes, lost a bag of spirit stones to Lou Muyan and left.

Lou Muyan put away the spirit stone and looked at his back. Although he restrained his breath and looked harmless, this man was definitely not simple.

Moreover, the people around wearing the inner gate disciples' clothes shrunk slightly after seeing him. Presumably, this man is not an ordinary person in the inner gate.

Next, all the magic tools and pills sold by Lou Muyan were sold out, which added millions of Lingshi income to her and instantly stepped into the ranks of the rich.

With money, she is naturally generous. She is not stingy with Ling Feiyang, who has helped for a day. Each of them gave them ten beauty pills and asked them to set up a stall here tomorrow, so she won't come.

"Lou Muyan, you can make too much money." Yan Jun impolitely put YAN Dan away. This woman spends money like water, but she has more ability to make money.

He will not sell these beauty pills tomorrow. They will be very happy to take them back next time to honor his mother and grandmother.

"But I will spend it soon." thinking of several losers of lingchong, Lou Muyan sighed wordlessly.

The three didn't want to talk to her anymore. She came to attack people.

"By the way, cousin, these are ten beauty pills. You can bring them here for me to sell tomorrow." Lou Muyan aroused his brother without mercy.

Ling Feiyang took the pill and said with a smile, "no problem."

Lou Muyan's every move today was heard by the heads of all the academies. When she heard that she had carelessly sold the things sent by the other five sect elders, she didn't know whether to cry or smile.

Ao Rong was drinking tea and playing chess with the sect leader. When he heard the report from the sect leader's disciples, a mouthful of tea gushed out.

He couldn't help stroking his forehead. What about the low-key?

It's hard not to let the inner disciples pay attention to such a blatant high profile. How can she compete for places when those cubs are on guard!

"Ao Rong, you don't have to worry about that girl. She must have her own plan." the patriarch threw away the tea cup sprayed by AO Rong and replaced it with a new one.

"That's true. The girl is as smart as a fox."

"Add her name to the task next month." the patriarch pondered.

"Ah!" Ao Rong Meng looked up at the patriarch and said, "that task is very dangerous. After all, she hasn't grown up. If something happens, the gains will outweigh the losses."

"The premise of growth is sharpening." the patriarch only replied.

"Ah! All right."