My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 632 - 214: Will You Give Me A Chance?

Diana put down the coffee and turned back to Brian.

"So, how has life been for you in the past two years?"

"Me?" Brian fell into silence. After a few seconds, he spoke.

"Not so bad. I got familiar with all the strangers around me. It is an odd feeling, though, to be told you are something that you don't remember. For example, everyone told me that I am the CEO of the company and that I am the big, bad boss. And they introduced me to everyone. It is funny to be introduced to your own family."

Brian laughed sadly.

Somehow, without thinking, Diana reached out her hand and touched Brian's frowning face. This gesture had them both stunned.

Brian acted quickly. He held Diana's hands after noticing that she was about to put them down.

"Will you give me the chance to take care of you and Abby?" Brian said earnestly.

"Is that out of guilt or something?"

Brian shook his head. "No, it is out of love. I love you."

Diana was shocked.

Brian didn't know why, but he felt Diana was special from the very first day he met her. Later, he learned of Abby's presence and became even more determined to be with Diana. He had never really believed in true love, yet somehow with Diana, he found he knew it was real.

Despite this setback, Brian felt full of love. He would be patient with Diana. If she didn't love him now, it didn't matter. He had a lot of time to spend with her. The important thing was that he would never let her escape again. That much he was sure of.

Diana ran to her bedroom and closed the door. Her heart was still beating crazily. She wanted to calm herself down, but she just couldn't.

She had thought that she was more m.a.t.u.r.e than two years ago. But why couldn't she be like that when she was face to face with Brian? Diana felt frustrated by her emotions.

The next day, Diana woke up early as usual. She opened her eyes and found that Abby was still asleep. To avoid waking her up, Diana didn't move until she heard someone knocking on the door.

Diana was surprised to find Chaney standing patiently at the front door.

"Chaney, why are you here so early?"

Chaney smiled at her. "I brought breakfast." His hands were raised in innocence. In fact, Chaney didn't sleep at all that night. He had been thinking over and over and finally came to a decision.

"Who is that?" Brian asked. He walked out and yawned.

Chaney noticed that Brian didn't come out of Diana's bedroom, which made him rather relieved.

"I never knew anybody to come to a girl's house so early before," Brian sneered.

"At least I'm not sponging off a girl for cheap rent," Chaney retorted.

This irritated Brian. "What did you say? I paid the whole rent!"

"Stop it!" Diana was tired of their childish arguments. "I'm going to get some water from the kitchen."

Seeing Diana walk away, Brian immediately threatened Chaney, "Leave Diana alone!"

"That's exactly what I was thinking to suggest to you. Get out of Diana's life!"

The two men stared at each other in a heated standoff.

"Water!" Diana came back with three glasses of water balanced on a tray.

"Diana, could you come to the company with me?" Chaney begged, looking at Brian as he spoke.

"I don't agree," Brian answered before Diana uttered a word.

"I am not asking for your opinion," Chaney said, rolling his eyes.

"Okay," Diana said, ignoring Brian.

"I said I don't agree!" Brian raised his voice further.

"Who do you think you are?" Chaney yelled.

Diana ignored Brian and went into her bedroom to take her bag.

"Let's go," Diana said to Chaney.

"Did you two hear what I said?" Brian complained.

"Stay at home and look after Abby," Diana said forcefully. With that, she put her hand on Chaney's arm, and they walked out together.

Brian gritted his teeth, watching them leave. He was extremely jealous now. But his angry contemplation was disturbed by Abby calling something from the bedroom.

"Mummy?" she shouted.

Outside, Diana recalled Brian's frustrated look and was amused by his childish ways. She couldn't help laughing.

"What are you laughing about? Anything interesting?" Chaney looked at her with an amused smile.

"Nothing." Diana shook her head and returned to a serious expression.

After a while on the road, Diana could see that they were driving to an increasingly remote area. Confused, she asked Chaney, "Where are we going?"

Chaney smiled at her but didn't answer. Several minutes later, he stopped the car.

Diana got out and looked around. It was a beautiful garden. Diana had lived in this city for more than twenty years, but she never knew there was such a place.

"How did you find this?" Diana asked in excitement.

"Do you like it?" Chaney was happy to see Diana's cheerful face.

"Yes!" Diana nodded. But she was still confused as to why they were there.

"I thought we were going to the company. Why are we here?"

Chaney looked at her and smiled. "Diana, I lied."


Chaney clapped his hands. On cue, music began to play from behind where they were standing.

Diana frowned as she saw a violinist walking towards them from the corner of the garden.

"Chaney, what is going on?"

Chaney took out something from his pocket and kneeled down before Diana. "Diana, will you be my girlfriend?" Chaney was looking earnestly at Diana,

awaiting her response. Brian had made him anxious. He had planned to wait patiently till Diana one day accepted him, but he couldn't wait. He had to tell her how much he loved her.

Diana was stunned. She was totally speechless.