My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 633 - 215: I Won’t Forgive Him If He Hurt You

Seeing Diana's reaction, Chaney added nervously, "Diana, I will be good to you and Abby. I swear!"

Diana bit her lip. "Chaney, I have told you before that I view you as a brother."

Those few painful words caused Chaney to lose control for a moment. The necklace in his hand fell to the ground.

"I am sorry," Diana uttered.

Chaney forced himself to smile.

"It's okay, I understand. So how about accepting your brother's little gift?"

He picked up the necklace and showed it to Diana.

"I spent a lot of time choosing it. Please do not refuse me again."

His smile relieved Diana from her feeling of awkwardness. She grinned and reached out her hand to take the necklace. It was a delicate piece with a small deer-shaped pendant.

"May I?" Chaney offered.

Diana ignored the voice in her mind that told her to refuse. It was a nice necklace, after all.

"Okay, if you insist…"

Chaney gently moved Diana's hair to one side and helped her to put on the necklace. With the exquisite jewelry glittering on her delicate, white neck, Diana looked even more beautiful than normal.

"It suits you, Diana, really."

"Thank you, Chaney." Diana was genuinely grateful for Chaney's gesture.

"I'm your brother, remember? No need to thank me. Come on, let me drive you home."

"Alright." Diana nodded.


In the car, Diana couldn't help offering Chaney some consolation.

"Chaney, someday soon, you will meet a girl that is much better than me."

Chaney smiled. In his opinion, he had already found the best girl in the world. "Diana, did you refuse me because of Brian?" Chaney asked.

Diana looked him in the eye. Time to explain, she thought.

"Chaney, two years ago, I left Brian because he had a serious accident whereby he lost his memory."

"Lost his memories?" Chaney was shocked.

Diana nodded.

"Does he recall anything now?" Chaney asked.

Diana laughed bitterly. "Not yet. But I do believe he will treat Abby well." Sometimes, the power of family was unbelievably strong. Chaney had taken care of Abby since she was born. Yet Abby called Brian "Father" after knowing him for a few weeks.

"Diana, I won't forgive him if he hurts you," Chaney said determinedly.

Diana smiled. "Chaney, you are a good man."

Chaney stopped the car by Diana's apartment. Diana could see through the window Brian holding Abby in his arms, turning around to look at who was outside. It was nice to see them looking so close.

"Mummy!" Seeing Diana, Abby ran out to greet her.

Diana squatted down and hugged Abby in her arms. "Did you miss Mummy today?" Diana asked.

"Yes!" Abby nodded.

Brian walked to them and stared at Chaney, who was by Diana's side.

"Uncle Chaney!" Abby greeted Chaney with her arms open wide.

"Hello, little lady." Chaney smiled and hugged Abby.

Of course, Brian was annoyed to see them like that. He stood beside Diana and suddenly noticed her new necklace. Knowing that Chaney must have given it to her, he commented, "What an ugly thing! Who would buy that?"

Diana didn't know what he was talking about. She frowned at him and asked, "What?"

"Nothing…" Brian replied at once.

Chaney was sad when he saw the way they were with each other; there was a certain level of familiarity with their interactions.

"I guess I'll be leaving now…" He said with a sigh.

"Bye," said Diana.

"Goodbye, uncle Chaney." Abby waved him goodbye.

"Drive carefully!" Diana shouted.

"Will do." Chaney smiled and walked away.

Seeing Chaney walk away, Brian felt much better. He waved at Abby and smiled. "Abby, do you want to eat pizza?"

"Yeah!" Abby answered excitedly.

Brian picked Abby up and set off together with Diana for the local pizza place.

All the while, there were people following and watching them. And none of them were there with good intentions.

"What should we do? We have no chance to do it! Carl is going to be mad at us!" one man said.

The other men stopped him at once. "Shut up! What if someone heard that?"

The man who spoke first immediately stopped talking.

At the same time, sitting in Simon's house, Antonette was rather anxious. Simon had taken back any power she had gained in operating the company, and it made her frightened. The worse her life was, the more eagerly she wanted to make Diana suffer the same pain.

Antonette called Carl. "Hello, Carl, how's it going?"

Carl was out drinking in a karaoke bar. He sounded annoyed at the interruption.

"Wait one minute. I will call them," Carl replied impatiently and then ended the call.

Carl called his guys to check how it was going.

The two men were hiding in an alley and answered with a shiver, "Boss, there's been no opportunity to do it."

"Loser!" Carl shouted. He lashed out at the glass next to him, sending it smashing against the wall.

The bar girl sitting beside him was shocked. "Carl, what are you mad about? You're scaring me…"

Carl pushed her aside and scolded her, "Can't you see I am busy? Stupid whore!"

The girl stood up in anger and hurried away.

"Do what I asked you to!" Carl ordered. He ended the call and then called Antonette back.

"How is it? Did they do it already?"

Carl was vexed. "No."

"Carl, if you don't finish the job, I will not give you the rest of the money. I am serious," she warned.

"I know. I will call you when it's done." Carl ended the call indignantly.

In the pizza restaurant near Diana's apartment, Diana was sitting with Abby and Brian.

Seeing Abby's face covered in cheese and tomato sauce, Diana thought she looked so funny. She took out a tissue and wiped her face clean.

Suddenly, Brian's phone rang.


As often happened with his business calls, Brian's eyebrows knitted into a deep frown whilst he listened to the person on the other line. A few minutes later, Brian ended the call.

What is it?" Diana asked confusedly.

"Problem at the company. I have to go back to check on it," Brian uttered.

Diana nodded. "Okay, sure, we'll see you later then."