My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 631 - 213: It Happened Suddenly

Chaney knew that Diana was asking him to leave because of Brian. And it made him even more frustrated.

In fact, Diana was genuinely worried that Chaney might be tired. That being said, Brian was also a disturbing factor; she didn't want the two of them to start a fight in her house.

"Good night then, Diana," Chaney said disappointedly.

"Good night," Diana replied.

Chaney walked away sadly.

"Hold on, I will see you out." Saying that, Diana put on some shoes and walked with Chaney out of the house.

Now it was Brian's turn to be vexed. Diana was always so cold when she spoke with him; she was never caring and warm like she was with Chaney. Thinking of this, Brian walked into Abby's room.

"Abby?" Brian whispered.

"What?" Abby put down the toy in her hands and looked up at Brian.

Brian sat down by her side.

"Abby, are Uncle Chaney and your Mummy… close?"

"Uncle Chaney?" Abby thought for a second and then nodded her head firmly. She added, "Grandma says that when I was born, Uncle Chaney took care of Mummy. So, I should take care of Uncle Chaney when I grow up."

Brian was stunned. He didn't know that Diana had known Chaney for so long! What had happened in those lost two years? What's more, he had lost his memories of ever being with Diana. Did he really have a chance to start over with her again?

Outside, Diana was walking Chaney to his car.

"Diana, go back inside. It's freezing out here," Chaney said gently.

Diana squeezed out a smile. "Chaney, I am sorry I didn't tell you about the roommate thing. It happened suddenly."

Whilst Brian moving in had been unexpected, what actually made Diana worried was that Chaney would be so troubled by it that he couldn't do his work properly.

"It's okay, Diana. You don't need to apologize to me. But… do you know what Mr. William is planning?" Diana lived with Abby; none of them could protect themselves against an a.d.u.l.t man.

Diana bit her lip. "It is complicated. I will explain it to you another time."

Chaney nodded. He trusted Diana. If Diana could agree to Brian moving into her house, she must have her reasons.

"Diana, is he Abby's father?" Abby looked just like Brian. Anyone that saw them both together would assume Brian was her father.

Diana nodded. For her, Chaney was like a brother. She didn't need to hide that from him.

Chaney smiled bitterly. He didn't know whether he should be happy or sad about Diana's frankness.

After Chaney left, Diana walked back to her apartment. She opened the front door and could hear Abby and Brian's quiet voices coming from her room. She went in to see what was going on.

"What are you two talking about?" Diana looked at them and laughed.

Brian raised his head and hinted at Abby. They answered at the same time, "It's a secret!"

Diana was speechless. She pretended to be angry. "Well, now you're keeping secrets from me!"

Diana put Abby to bed. After a few lullabies, she was fast asleep, allowing Diana to tiptoe quietly out of the room.


Diana's task for the rest of the evening was to find out what she would have to do to leave her previous company, which after some research, turned out to be far more complicated than anticipated.

As she entered the kitchen, she found that Brian was also there.

"How come you're still up?" Diana asked as she took out the instant coffee and put a spoonful into her cup.

Watching her, Brian couldn't help asking, "Do you usually drink instant coffee?"

"Yes," Diana answered. In France, she was always too busy to go to the café, so she normally just made herself some instant coffee.

Diana poured some water into her cup and stirred. She was about to take a sip when, without warning, Brian grabbed her cup and poured the coffee down the sink.

"What are you doing?" Diana exclaimed.

Brian didn't say a word and walked away to his room.

"Weirdo!" Diana cursed. Totally confused by Brian's strange behavior, she took out the instant coffee to make another cup.

Meanwhile, Brian came back with a machine in his hand.

"Do not drink that," Brian said and took the coffee from Diana's hands.

"I will prepare fresh coffee for you." Brian threw the instant coffee into the rubbish bin.

It was then that Diana noticed Brian was holding a proper coffee machine.

"I thought that you didn't drink coffee?" Diana said.

"Really?" Brian answered, but he was focused on the machine. He carefully prepared everything that he needed, then put the coffee beans into the grinder.

"After I woke up from my coma, I couldn't remember anything; I had to learn everything again. There were some people who wished to see me fail, to resign as CEO of the company. However, Ken prepared many files for me to get familiar again with the operations of the company. I had to learn all of that inside out so that I could answer people when they questioned me. It was during that time that I started drinking coffee to keep me awake," Brian explained.

Diana had not realized how hard it must have been for Brian to do that.

"What was I like before?" asked Brian.

"Before?" Diana was unsure how to answer. Things had changed a lot in the last two years. They had both changed a lot too.

"You… you were similar to now," Diana answered. The conversation was making Diana uncomfortable; she was filled with a strong sense of loss.

"Would you like sugar?" Brian asked.

Diana nodded.

Brian rummaged in the cupboards for a while. He looked at Diana apologetically, "I don't normally take sugar. And it looks like we're out."

"It's okay." Diana took a sip of the coffee. It was so bitter that Diana couldn't help grimacing.

But Brian drank it easily; it seemed that he quite enjoyed it.