My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 447 - 29: Playing Some Kind Of Tricks

"What do you want?" Brian's staring made Diana feel like a rabbit being eyed up by a wolf. She felt a strong urge to run away from him.

But she was caught firmly in Brian's arms and couldn't move. The only thing she could do was stare at him.

Looking down at Diana's half-open mouth and wet lips, Brian felt hot.

"Brian William! Let me go!" Diana struggled and shouted, "Where did you throw my stuff?"

Brian was lowering his head toward Diana. Hearing what she said, he stopped his movements and gazed at Diana, his dark eyes filled with complicated emotions. And then he seemed to remind himself of something and replied sarcastically, "I threw them in the rubbish tip over by North Street Station. Do you still want them?"

Diana was shocked and scolded him, "You asshole! Those were my personal belongings! You had no right to throw them away!"

Compared with Brian's figure, Diana was much smaller. But somehow, she wriggled free from Brian's grip and punched him hard in the c.h.e.s.t.

But she found that under Brian's suit was hard, strong muscle. Brian was not hurt by her punch, while Diana's hand was quite painful.

"This doesn't make any sense," thought Brian. Why couldn't she just act gently and timidly? Her things were nothing but rubbish in his eyes. Why did she care so much? As long as she did what he asked, he could give her things far better than that garbage.

Gazing at Diana, Brian recalled her sweet lips and grasped her wrists. Then he lowered his head to kiss her.

Looking at Brian's handsome face coming closer and closer, Diana was too shocked to move. Just at that moment, a beautiful face appeared in her mind. It was Brian's fiancée.

Miss Jefferson was gentle and cute. She was the one who was meant to be with Brian.

Diana turned her head to the other side and pushed Brian away. "You make me sick! You bastard! You have a fiancée! Why do you kiss me?"

Hearing the word "fiancée", Brian fell into silence. It was like someone had pushed a stop button on him.

Seeing his reaction, Diana was so angry that she smiled, "You are such a jerk! If you love your fiancée, why do you flirt with me? Do you think it's funny?"

Brian's eyes changed, and he wore a complicated expression.

Diana felt emboldened and continued to shout, "You should treasure and love your fiancé. So please, can you just stay away from me? I want to study hard and graduate. I have my own life. We are a different kind of people!" Saying that Diana's eyes twinkled and were filled with tears.

"You…" Brian closed his eyes. His long eyelashes cast a shadow on his face.

Diana didn't want to hear Brian's voice. She pushed him away, forcefully, and rushed out of the villa.

Why did she want to cry? Brian wasn't worth her tears. Diana wiped the tears from her eyes, which luckily he didn't see.

Brian was nothing but a jerk! He had a fiancée. Why did he act as he cared about her? Did he know that his gorgeous face was seducing Diana into doing something wrong?

Running quickly away, Diana felt her tears being dried by the wind. She stopped for a moment and squatted down, hugging her knees. Panting heavily, she took out her phone and scanned the contact book.

"Papa, Mom, Daniel, Kyle…" They would only worry if they saw her now.

Putting the phone back in her pocket, Diana gave up the plan to call somebody for help. She looked around and walked to the bus station.

The bus station was empty. Only the notice board still shone in the dim light. No more buses were running, the bus drivers had all long since finished.

Biting her lip, Diana began the walk to the rubbish tip where Brian had dumped her stuff. There was a treasured possession in amongst the things that had been thrown away. There was no way she could accept it was gone, she had to find it.

Diana walked on in a fury and paid no attention to the black car following her. The car was not noticeable at night. But it followed Diana silently all the way, like a cheetah stalking its prey.

Ken was driving the car. Though he had a young, innocent face, he was indeed a master in tracking and following people. He followed Diana with one hundred percent prudence. Antonetten if Diana had noticed someone following her, she wouldn't have seen it was Ken.

"Boss, Miss Anderson, left the bus station." Sitting in the driver's seat, Ken told Brian about Diana's movements. "I know that the buses don't run at this time. Boss, should we go pick her up?"

"No. Just follow her." Brian closed his eyes to relax in the back seat.

"Yes, boss." Ken turned on the engine and slowly followed Diana. He complained silently, Brian made Diana mad at him, and now he followed her. Was he playing some kind of trick? Ken didn't understand.

But as the most trustworthy of Brian's staff, Ken would keep all his doubts to himself. His boss never made mistakes. No matter what was going on, Brian's happiness always came first.

They were following Diana for over an hour before she finally arrived at the rubbish tip. Brian was bemused. Did she really care about her things that much?

He remembered that there were a few luxury bags with her things. So, was she worried about those bags? It was nearly midnight, and she still went to get them. Diana Anderson, you truly are a greedy girl.

He couldn't believe that he had been worried about her walking alone at night, went out to protect her and all so she could go to a rubbish tip!

"Boss, shall we drive-in?"

Ken worried it would be too difficult for them to drive or walk in without being noticed. He hesitated and waited for Brian's answer.

Closing his eyes, Brian replied in his deep, cold voice, "Just wait outside."

He wasn't interested in watching Diana rummage through the rubbish.