My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 446 - 28: She Felt His Concern

Now Antonette looked at Diana coldly, making no effort to hide her feelings. Diana Anderson, you just knew Brian earlier than me. Why are you such a hypocrite? You're an easy girl who'll sleep with anyone!

Diana was dead to the world as she slept. Suddenly, her phone rang.

She was woken by the call and drowsily picked up the phone.

Although her body was awake, her mind still wasn't. Diana answered the phone by instinct.

Kyle's gentle voice appeared in Diana's ear, "Diana, why didn't you answer my call? Is there something wrong?"

"Kyle?" Diana glanced at the phone to check who was calling. It was Kyle. No wonder the voice sounded so nice.

Kyle was worried about her, how sweet.

But why was he calling her at this time?

Was there a problem with their project? No! It was too important!

"What's wrong?" Diana sobered up at once, "I am sorry. I was on the night shift yesterday."

Diana checked the time but found it was already evening. She remembered that she had made an appointment with Kyle before.

After the night shift, Diana had planned to have a sleep and then go to the lab in the afternoon. However, a quarrel with Brian and tiredness from work made her forget the time. If Kyle hadn't called her, Diana would still have been asleep. It was completely dark outside.

"I am really sorry, Kyle. I overslept and forgot to go to the lab." Diana was very nervous, "I was working last night, and it was super busy. I have been asleep since I got back."

Kyle lowered his voice to comfort Diana, "It doesn't matter. I have handled the experiment by myself. Take it easy. But why didn't you answer my call this afternoon?"

Phone call?

Diana thought for a moment. She had been sleeping so deeply she hadn't heard a thing.

She looked around but found no one. Her roommates must have gone for dinner, so there had been no one to wake her up when Kyle rang.

Diana scratched her head and apologized to Kyle. She found she had more than 20 missed calls from him.

Kyle had been looking for her for so long. But he had finished the experiment by himself. Why did he call her so many times?

"So, is there anything you need to ask me now?" Diana asked.

Kyle was still anxious for her, "Did you really not answer my calls because you were sleeping? Not for any other reasons?"

"It's true. My roommates can prove it." Only then did Kyle let out a sigh of relief. His kind voice continued, "Diana if you have a problem, you can tell me."


Diana thought it was better not to let Kyle know the problem, since Brian was so powerful. Antonetten if Kyle knew it, he would be unable to help her. It would also cause trouble for him.

So Diana denied quickly, "No, I don't have any trouble. Anyway, I can handle myself, don't worry."

"But this morning…" Kyle said slowly.

Hearing this, Diana knew he must have heard the rumors. After all, there had been a handsome man, a luxury car, a team of bodyguards, and a crowd of people that morning around her dormitory.

Although she didn't want to be famous in school, she was on the way to being very well known.

Diana was frustrated. But she didn't want to tell Kyle the truth, nor mention Brian's name. She only said, "Ah, it was no big deal, just some weird guy in my dormitory."

Diana looked around cautiously after saying these words. She was afraid that somebody might have heard. Fortunately, there was no one in the dormitory. Diana felt relieved. She was so nervous these days!

Seeing that Diana didn't want to talk about it, Kyle changed the subject.

"Diana, I hear that you are working at Adam's Bar. Is it true?"

Diana tensed. How did Kyle know about this?

"Kyle, please don't misunderstand!" Diana explained urgently, "I am just a waitress! Please trust me!"

"It is not safe for a girl to work there." He wasn't judging, just looking out for her. Diana felt touched by his concern.

She didn't want Kyle to worry about her. She pretended to be happy and strong, "Everything is good. The bar owner and the manager are friendly to me. And a lovely supervisor is teaching me how to do makeup properly. I look pretty beautiful after her makeovers!"

She recounted various funny stories of things that had happened in the pub.

Kyle listened to her carefully and laughed at Diana's tales.

"That's good," Kyle said with a warm smile.

"I am relieved to hear you are safe." Kyle continued, "Although everyone is friendly to you there, men are complicated. You'd better keep an eye out just in case."

Diana felt his sincere concern.

She repeatedly nodded in approval, fighting back the tears in her eyes, "Thank you, Kyle. It's OK, and there's nothing to worry about!"

Although Diana sounded bright and happy, in fact, she was very moved.

She didn't expect someone who didn't know her that well to be so concerned about her. She was determined to prove herself worthy of Kyle's concern.


After hanging up the phone, Diana washed her face. In the mirror, Diana saw her haggard appearance, with dark circles around her eyes.

When thinking of Brian, Diana couldn't help getting angry again.

Why did he throw her stuff away?! She would never give in to him!

After washing, Diana took the bus to go to Brian's villa.

The villa was surrounded on all sides by a sea of trees and flowers, beautifully arranged and maintained by Brian's employees.

At the entrance, there was a large iron gate carved with exquisite patterns. On each side stood two rows of bodyguards, dressed in crisp suits.

It was not the first time for Diana to come to Brian's villa. But it was the first time for her to come alone. She was eager to see Brian, but the bodyguard stopped her as she tried to enter.

"Brian William asked me to come. I am here for him!" Diana argued with the bodyguard.

"Sorry, Miss, we didn't receive any notification of this." The bodyguard was handsome and muscular, intimidatingly attractive in a fitted suit.

She had been here so many times. Why wouldn't this bodyguard just let her in?

Diana pointed behind the guard's back and said, "Here comes your boss!"

The bodyguard immediately stood up straight and turned round to give a salute.

As he turned to greet his boss, Diana attempted to run past him.

But the bodyguard quickly realized what she'd tried to do and stopped Diana with one hand.

Diana rolled her eyes, "Where is Ken? Ask him to come out!"

"Ken will not meet you." The bodyguard threw Diana out. "We cannot let you in without an appointment."

Why was Brian's bodyguard so unkind?

Realizing there was no way in, Diana stepped backward.

"OK, I get it. I will not come here again, even if you invite me!" after these words, Diana kicked the wall heavily and turned to leave, clutching her foot as she went.

After Diana left, the bodyguard made a phone call.

"Miss Jefferson, we have completed your task. Please rest assured. We didn't let her in nor give her an opportunity to see Mr. William."

The bodyguard was completely submissive now. The fierce look disappeared from his face.

There was a sweet voice on the phone. The bodyguard cheered up after hearing her words. "Don't worry. I won't say anything to Mr. William. Thank you, Miss Jefferson. I will follow your instructions."

He was just a gatekeeper. Of course, he would obey orders from whoever paid him.

He knew Diana was Mr. William's doctor. But the future Mrs. William gave him the command. He didn't dare to resist.

What's more, there had been a nice reward in it for him. The bodyguard smiled as he thought of the money deposited in his bank account.

"Diana?" Diana was slowly making her way home when Ken, en route back to the villa, noticed her walking along, angrily kicking stones along the pavement as she went.

Ken pulled over and popped his head out, "Are you here to treat Mr. William? Why didn't you go in?"

Diana was really angry now.

But it was not the time to be mad. Diana answered with a forced smile, "Your bodyguard didn't let me in."

"I have already told the gatekeeper if you…" Ken muttered and opened the car door for Diana, "Get in. I will bring you inside."

Diana got in the car happily. When they passed the front gate, Diana discovered the bodyguard looked at her without expression, as if it was not he who had rejected her.

Diana opened the window and asked him, "I told you I knew Ken. Why didn't you let me in?"

Hearing these words, Ken stopped the car and said to Diana, "Miss Anderson, please wait a minute."

Diana didn't know what Ken was going to do. She just nodded her head.

Ken opened the door and got out of the car. He walked toward the bodyguard and said something.

The bodyguard turned pale with fright. He almost knelt before Ken.

The bodyguard left, appearing to be in much distress. Ken got back in the car with a smile.

Diana was puzzled, "What did you say?"

Ken smiled at Diana, "I just told him a dog should be loyal to his master. If a dog betrays its master, it will be punished."

Diana's head was in the clouds. She didn't quite understand what Ken meant but admired the effect his words had on the bodyguard.

They drove slowly into Brian's villa. Ken opened the front door.

Brian sat leisurely in the living room. He was not surprised to see Diana here, as if he knew she would come. There was only arrogance on his face.

Diana couldn't contain her anger anymore. She rushed over and pounded the table, "I will not treat you! Forget it!"

Brian looked at her with deep eyes, "Really?"

"I don't have money!" Diana yelled, "Even if you tried to get the compensation, it would be impossible."

"So, why are you here?" Brian stood up. He looked at Diana oppressively, his hands against the table. "Have you made up your mind yet? Where do you want to live?"

Brian felt annoyed. Diana only wanted money, but why would she not accept his money? Didn't she know the right choice for her was to stay by his side?

But Diana was not afraid of him.

"Where is my stuff?" she asked, "Where did you put it?"

"You want to know?" Brian walked around the table and stepped towards Diana, cornering her.

Diana had no way to step back. She wanted to push Brian away, but he grabbed her wrists.

Brian looked deep into Diana's eyes. Her clear eyes contained only anger.

Had he misjudged her? Brian began to doubt himself.