My Billionaire Husband

Chapter 448 - 30: She Was Too Angry

The tip had an intensely repulsive smell and was rather cold. Diana sneezed the moment she walked in. Rubbing her nose and her cold arms, Diana walked to the first pile of rubbish she could see.

Diana looked up at the mountain of rubbish in front of her. The light was dim, and she felt it would be an impossible task to find her things. But thinking of the gift she had kept for so long, Diana convinced herself to try.

Having searched through the rubbish for over an hour, Diana began to despair. She was about ready to give up when she suddenly spotted the logo of a luxury bag, poking through a pile of rubbish to her left. She grabbed it, and to her immense joy, she discovered it was her bag! She looked inside and found what she'd been looking for. It was a small, wooden sculpture about the size of her palm. It wasn't an object of obvious beauty. But Diana looked at it and smiled happily.

"This is for you. I carved it myself. You have to look after it," the little girl smiled sweetly before Little Diana and put the wooden sculpture in her hand with a serious face.

Little Diana accepted it earnestly and nodded at the little girl. "For as long as I live, I will keep it with me. It's the symbol of our friendship!"

Recalling the memory of her childhood friend's sunny smile, Diana felt everything was great and beautiful again. She held the wooden sculpture tight to her c.h.e.s.t.

In the shadows, in the corner of the tip, a pair of eyes were fixed on Diana. But immersed in the happiness of finding her treasure, Diana had no idea. Wiping the dirt off the wooden sculpture, Diana turned to set off home.

Suddenly, a hand seized her arm! Diana looked back and saw a dark face. She screamed hysterically.

"It's useless to shout." The tramp grasped Diana's shoulders and looked her up and down. His eyes had a sinister feel to them.

He had been living in the rubbish tip for weeks. He never once expected that a girl would show up here. Let alone such a sweet, innocent girl. She might still be a v.i.r.g.i.n. Thinking of that, he smiled creepily.

"Do what I ask, and you will suffer less." The tramp pulled Diana to the ground and slapped her hard in the face. He continued, "I am good at s.e.x. Several girls have enjoyed s.e.x with me. Don't be afraid."

Diana was petrified. The rotten smell from the tramp filled her nostrils as she tried to shout for help.

Diana screamed, "Let me go! Oh, god, please let me go!"

The tramp's dirty hands clawed at Diana's c.h.e.s.t and undid the buttons on her top.

Diana kept fighting against him. But being pressed down by his weight, she couldn't push him away. She cried and yelled for help. But she was overwhelmed and desperate.

The air-conditioner in Brian's car was on and maintained a comfortable temperature. But despite this pleasant environment, Brian suddenly felt anxious.

He couldn't explain it, but he felt something was wrong.

"Why hasn't Diana come out yet?" he asked.

"How interesting," Ken thought. Brian was so worried about Diana that he was getting paranoid. He opened the window.

"It won't take too long. We dumped her stuff just by the entrance. She'll find it soon."

Brian nodded and closed his eyes again. But he just couldn't relax. He felt something was wrong.

Suddenly, the sound of Diana's screams came from inside the tip.

Brian reacted instantly, thrusting the door open and running out into the night.

Ken heard the screams too and followed Brian in.

Sprinting toward the sound of Diana's cries, Brian quickly found where she was.

A dirty tramp was pushing down on Diana, his eager mouth heading for her neck. Diana was overwhelmed with fear. Though she scratched the tramp fiercely, she couldn't stop him.

Brian exploded with anger. He jumped over the rubbish around him and kicked the sordid tramp hard in the back.

The tramp was sent sprawling into a pile of bin bags, shocked at the sudden, fierce attack.

"Who are you?!" the tramp cursed. "Why don't you mind your own business? If you want her, you'd better wait your turn."

Brian was so focused on Diana; he barely heard the ramps muffled words. He took off his coat to cover her body and cradled her in his arms.

Diana's clothes were torn to pieces, and her c.h.e.s.t was exposed. She burrowed herself into Brian's embrace and sobbed. Seeing the state she was in, Brian turned his attention back to the friend who had inflicted such a vicious attack on an innocent girl. He shouted, "Ken!"

"Understood, Boss." Without explanation, Ken knew what Brian meant and picked out his phone to make a call.

Ken spoke quickly, uttering just a few words. Nobody would care if a tramp disappeared. He didn't have long left in this world.

Brian and Ken helped Diana back to their car. They laid her down gently on the back seat, but Diana flinched at their touch. She was completely traumatized.

Brian ordered Ken to drive back to his villa.

Diana began sobbing, shocked at what had just happened to her. She stayed like that for several minutes. Slowly, she was able to calm herself down a little and managed to murmur, "Thank you quietly."

"You're welcome," Brian replied. He sneered at Diana, "Did I disturb you?"

"What?!" Diana was still not thinking clearly and froze with Brian's words. What did he mean?

"Did you refuse the tramp because he was poor?" Brian said sarcastically, "If he was rich, you would be straight into his bed. Am I right?"

So did Brian think she was a whore?Diana was too angry to reply? Who did he think he was?

Overwhelmed by everything that had happened, Diana began to laugh. Brian thought she was a whore? She would show him what a whore was.

Taking off the coat, Diana sat beside Brian and hugged his arm. She breathed lightly into his ear.

Diana acted suddenly, and Brian didn't stop her. He just stared at Diana and wondered what she was going to do.

Seeing Brian's numb face, Diana felt shy. But as she had started now, she had to keep going.

Opening her legs, Diana sat on Brian's l.a.p and lowered her head to kiss Brian's neck. Her lips lightly brushed his skin.

Her warm breath touched Brian's neck. Through her thin shirt, Diana's warm skin pressed against his.

Brian was unable to control his emotions and was extremely aroused.

Ken looked at the rearview mirror and was surprised by what he saw. Brian noticed Ken's surprised look at once and stared at him. Ken swiftly turned away and concentrated on driving. He murmured, "I didn't see anything…"

Brian struggled to resist Diana's flirtatious movements. But he couldn't have s.e.x with her here. He was sweating and felt his manhood slowly getting hard. With a deep voice, he said: "Stop! Take your hands off me!"

But the more he resisted, the more Diana touched him. Her hands moved passionately around his body and showed no sign of stopping.

Blue veins were bulging on Brian's temples. If he could say no to this, he was not a real man.