My Attributes Cultivation Life

Chapter 370: 370 view

Chapter 370 View under 370

"Is there something important?" Zhang Rong\'s expression relaxed, "Do you need help?"

On weekdays, besides his affairs, Qian Shimen also has a lot of chores to deal with.

Such as recruiting newcomers, arresting and punishing traitors, collecting treasures and medicinal materials, visiting relatives and friends, etc.

People are not objects, they all have their own communication activities, so Zuo Han doesn\'t stay by his side all the time. From time to time, I would leave to deal with my own affairs.

He is used to this kind of situation.

"The head of the sect has already mentioned, please don\'t worry, the son, he will take care of it." The man replied.

"Okay, you go down." Speaking of this, Zhang Rongfang knew in his heart that he had to wait for Zuo Han to come back and try again.


The man in black at Qianshimen got up quickly, took a few steps back, turned around and galloped away.

Soon there was only Zhang Rongfang left in the forest.

He sighed softly.

The figure moved again, and continued to rush towards the mountains and forests farther away.

Running wildly all the way, at his speed, he didn\'t know how far he ran, until there was no trace of people around, even the ground was covered with tree roots and vines, and the surrounding bushes and grass were all over the place. There was no room for people to track.

Only here did he stop with satisfaction.

‘Next, it’s time to try what this new blood-colored lotus is for’

Standing on the edge of a giant tree surrounded by three people.

The tree is a banyan tree, the air roots hang down, and a tree becomes a forest.

There are bits and pieces of sunshine around, the scenery is beautiful, the air is fresh and clean, without any dust.

Zhang Rongfang looked up at the sky beyond the gaps in the leaves.

Blue and gold are mixed, a little dazzling.

"let\'s start."

He closed his eyes. Feel the position of the blood lotus on the back.






Opening his eyes suddenly, blood flashed in his eyes.

The body began to swell and become bigger. The outer skin was cracked by the expansion of flesh and blood, and then, like blood-colored porcelain, it healed before it shattered.

Then it was split by new flesh and blood.

so repeatedly.



three times.

In just a few seconds, his body grew rapidly from 2.5 meters to 3 meters, and then continued from 3 meters!

Three meters two.

3.5 meters.

3.7 meters.

Four meters!

Zhang Rongfang\'s clothes burst out, and his body was completely covered by **** lotus flowers.

The blood lotus that was originally only on the back now seems to be connected with the **** cracks all over the body, forming a larger blood lotus covering the whole body.


Zhang Rongfang looked down at his bare upper body.

‘The current blood lotus is not like a flower but like a net! \'

A special scarlet web woven like a spider.

"Is this the power of the blood lotus?!"

Zhang Rongfang raised his hand and saw that his arm was completely covered with **** lines, and its circumference had grown to more than twice its original size.

He bent down slowly, picked up some tattered robes from the ground, and tied them around his waist to cover his vitals.

Then quickly move forward, through a large area of ​​woodland, to the small pool on the side of the banyan tree.

By using the reflection in the pool, he finally saw what he looked like at this time.

It was a huge monster four meters high and two meters wide, who seemed to be wearing blood-colored muscle armor.

His long hair hung down to his waist, with traces of blood faintly showing.

The eyes, ear holes, mouth and nose are all covered with a thin film of transparent flesh, which seems to be for the protection of the vital organs.

The vital points of the lower body also naturally produce layers of muscle armor, as if they were born with a pair of blood-colored trousers.

Obviously not wearing clothes, but in the reflection in the water at this time, he seemed to be wearing a blood-stained coat. Then the upper body was covered with a flesh and blood armor.


Zhang Rongfang opened his mouth and let out a mouthful of hot air.

But I happened to see that his mouth was not in a normal state at all.

Inside the dense white teeth, there is a faint white ring growing on the inside.

It seems that a new row of teeth is about to grow.

He reached out and touched his open eyes.

There is a transparent film on the surface of the eyeball, so that his fingers cannot directly touch the surface of the eyeball.

That film is tough.

"Is this the blood lotus state?"

Zhang Rongfang raised his hand and spread his five fingers. The muscles on his body naturally squeezed, flowed, combined and cooperated, making a subtle clicking sound.

He can feel that at this time, he is much stronger than when he was superimposed on the limit state before

The state at this time seems to have naturally linked all the limit states of his previous practice, and forcibly formed a complete system structure with blood lotus.


He looked at the pool in front of him.

Gently waved his right arm.


The right palm disappeared instantly.

Immediately afterwards, a gust of wind swept across the entire pool, squeezing and shaking the calm water surface, blowing out large ripples.

"It\'s a pity. There is no more specific comparison to let me know how strong I am now. Feeling alone is not accurate."

Zhang Rongfang felt a little regretful.

He feels that he is much stronger than before, but only after playing will he know what level he can reach.

Look at your own reflection in the water. Who would have thought that a few years ago, he was just an ordinary man of less than 1.8 meters.

Now actually

Looking at the image of himself in front of him, Zhang Rongfang felt a little uneasy.

Not for anything else, just because this appearance is so evil that people feel uncomfortable at a glance.

"No way! Once such an appearance is exposed, everyone will shout and beat you without explaining. You will be labeled as an evil sect in an instant."

That does not work!

He was born in a famous family and walked the right way, and now he is a disciple of the right way, a closed disciple of one of the leaders of the world\'s Taoism.

How can there be such an evil actual combat form?

Zhang Rongfang\'s body quickly relaxed and shrunk, and soon returned to its original normal body shape of 2.5 meters.

Then he stood by the pool and pondered. How to solve this problem.

Don\'t look at it as a mere image matter.

But in many cases, it is the instinct of all people to judge people by their appearance.

If he fights with someone outside, and encounters troublesome people who see uneven roads, at first glance, his image is definitely a bad guy.

"This way!" Finally, Zhang Rongfang thought of a way.

"I practice alchemy diligently. Now that I have broken the alchemy and become a baby, I will soon become a god. In ancient times, if I reached the level of god, I can be called a human being, and I can prolong my life for decades. This is the first."

"In both Buddhism and Taoism, the lotus flower is a pure flower that emerges from the mud and is not stained. It has a special meaning. Although I am made of flesh and blood, I am still a lotus flower. Doesn\'t it represent one of the three flowers of the human body!?"

Zhang Rongfang forcibly put it on top.

"Furthermore! In ancient times, people who attained the Tao were called immortals. I can definitely create another one!"

Zhang Rongfang\'s eyes flickered with inspiration.

"A fairy is also a mountain person. A person who is as tall as a mountain is a fairy! My body is too tall, which just happens to explain it!"

Although Daling’s consent is not written in this way, Zhang Rongfang plans to start promoting things in this regard when he returns home.

There is no simplified Chinese character for xian, wouldn’t it be good for him to create another one?

Anyway, Daling basically doesn\'t care about this aspect. He comes from a fake and famous family, so there are plenty of talents under him for this way of life.

A set of ancient books and cultural relics tomb robbery is produced, and then some old people from Taoism are invited to publicize it. It should not be too simple.

He is for this mouth.

As long as there is a lot of publicity, the blood lotus is the right way of Taoism, the right way to become a fairy, and then create a fairy character to promote its meaning.

When the time comes, he will inadvertently reveal his true body

Everything will fall into place!

"Doesn\'t Taoism emphasize the gathering of three flowers at the top, and the five qi are at the top? At that time, I will study it, and maybe I can gather two more blood lotus to form three flowers, and then everything will be justified."

The more Zhang Rongfang thought about it, the more feasible it became.

Immediately, after confirming his future plan, he hurried back to Chenxiang Mansion and changed his clothes.

The exaggerated increase in the blood lotus state gave him another hole card in an instant.

If there was a blood lotus state when the former Sea Dragon King was empty, I am afraid that there is no need for such an explosion at all, and he can directly suppress the opponent in an all-round way.

As for how many moves can kill Kongwu, Zhang Rongfang doesn\'t know.

The actual combat power of the blood lotus state needs to be fought before.

The only thing he can be sure of is that the increase in strength of the blood lotus state is far greater than the superposition of other extreme states.

What makes him a little regretful is that in the state of blood lotus, the structure of the body has almost completely changed.

This also makes it impossible to use the blood lotus state and other extreme states in superimposition, and even the technique of breaking the limit, which requires fixed muscle structure, cannot be used.

Only ordinary martial arts moves can be used.

After everything was dealt with and changed clothes, Zhang Rongfang quickly returned to Ping\'s residence, which was the B&B inn opened by the talented woman the other day.

Chang Yuqing was still sitting in the yard, but this time he was not on the swing, but sitting at the stone table drinking tea and eating pastries.

"Miss Chang, I\'ve been waiting for a long time." Zhang Rongfang has long hair and shawls, a burly figure, and a slight gleam in his eyes, implying majesty.

Compared to before, the state is completely different.

"I didn\'t wait long." Chang Yuqing blinked, feeling as if the other party had changed.

If the person before was just a strong man pretending to be elegant and seemed to have practiced martial arts, then he is already faintly different now.

This difference made her unable to describe the feeling. But that kind of temperament will make people unconsciously not to be underestimated.

"Miss Chang, you" Zhang Rongfang had just opened his mouth, and was about to say something when his eyes froze suddenly.

He unexpectedly smelled the extremely thin scent of flesh and blood from Chang Yuqing\'s body again.

Is it possible? Can still suck! ?

A bold idea welled up in his mind.


Suddenly, he clasped his hands together.

"Miss Chang, I have found a solution to your illness."

He didn\'t talk nonsense, Chang Yuqing\'s illness is essentially the innate talent of the body that cannot bear the burden of the brain, resulting in a serious waste of both the essence and spirit.

God is continuously extracting essence and energy from both, causing them to be unable to grow and become larger on their own.

So a vicious circle.

He who can see clearly with dark light vision, it is not difficult to solve this problem.

Those medical masters before probably treated it as a disease.

But the problem is, Chang Yuqing is not sick.

Rather than a disease, it is better to say that it is a drag brought about by an overpowering talent.

Unfortunately, Chang Yuqing\'s symptoms are very similar to those in the medical classics, and because of his frailty, he suffered from multiple diseases, and the symptoms became complicated and profound.

If he didn\'t have low-light vision, Zhang Rongfang wouldn\'t dare to be so sure.

But seeing it with my own eyes, of course there can be no fake.

(end of this chapter)