My Attributes Cultivation Life

Chapter 369: 369 view up

Chapter 369

The secret place of Yuxu Palace·Shangguan House.

Shangguan Feihe gently stroked a ruby ​​food box in the bedroom.

The food box is divided into three layers, and the surface of each layer is carved with special animal-shaped patterns.

However, these patterns are not like the traditional Taoism, with fairy air, ferocious and rough, but rather naive, round and cute.

The sun outside the window was dazzling, falling on the surface of the food box, shining a thin layer of red light on the reflection.

"Brother Shangguan is still so nostalgic? After so many years, can\'t you let go?"

Outside the room, in the courtyard, an unusually familiar voice came to him.

The voice is soft and familiar, like a middle-aged man in his thirties or forties.

This is the core of the Shangguan family, ordinary people are not allowed to enter and leave without permission.

But Shangguan Feihe is used to it.

It\'s all because the person who spoke was his best friend for many years, Han Xinghe, the head of the Han family mansion.

"I rebelled back then because I didn\'t care about my father\'s rules. Now that Wan\'er is dead, what she left behind should always be remembered by me."

Shangguan Feihe said calmly.

The red jade food box is the most precious relic left to him by his wife.

At that time, he was practicing martial arts every day, and his wife was like this. She brought him meals every day, and changed the dishes every day.

"Didn\'t you go outside? Why did you come back suddenly when you have time?"

Han Xinghe sighed softly.

"Yue Dewen is dead, Tianbao Palace is now vacant, one of the two Taoists is missing, and the other is far from growing up, Tianbao Palace has been expelled by the majority, and now the timing is just right.

So, I’m here to introduce someone for you.”

"Who?" Shangguan Feihe asked calmly. Put the red jade food box in front of him in a corner, get up and open the door and go out.

In the spacious courtyard outside the door, there was a tall, handsome man with a strand of white hair standing on his forehead.

The man was none other than Han Xinghe, the head of the Han family mansion who stood out for his handsomeness among the twelve palaces.

"I\'ve already taken the person outside the door. I\'m only responsible for introducing them. As for what to talk about, it\'s up to you to decide." Han Xinghe said.

Immediately, he cupped his hands at Shangguan Feihe, turned around and left.

Looking at the back of the other party leaving, Shangguan Feihe narrowed his eyes slightly, and sensed that outside the gate of the courtyard, there was already a master with different energy and blood fluctuations and defense.

"Since Brother Han recommended you, let\'s come in." He said calmly. The sound is not loud, but the other party can definitely hear it.

"Thank you, Palace Master."

Outside the gate of the courtyard, a woman with ponytail wrapped in a red leather jacket walked in slowly.

The woman even wears a red mask on her face, and the thin leather jacket perfectly highlights every skin part of her body. If she is a lustful person, she may even find that this dress is comparable to not wearing it.

But if someone who knows someone who knows the goods sees it, the first thing that comes to mind is not sex, but the power behind this leather jacket.

"Concubine Ming?" Shangguan Feihe immediately recognized the significance of this attire.

"Ming Concubine Hengyu, I have met the Palace Master." The woman knelt on one knee and gave a big gift to Shangguan Feihe with a respectful attitude.

"As a Ming concubine, she dares to come to my Yuxu Palace. It\'s interesting to be recommended by brother Han." Shangguan Feihe thought about it, and soon realized the problem.

"You don\'t know that there are no eternal enemies in the world, and there will be no eternal friends. The palace master knows that Dadu is already the world of us and Shinichi." Ming Fei Hengyu said in a low voice.

"And then? What do you want to say?" Shangguan Feihe was noncommittal.

"On behalf of the Master Zong, I come here to promise you one thing." Heng Yu said calmly without changing his face.

"What\'s the matter? I need your promise to do something?" Shangguan Feihe looked worried.

"The palace master misunderstood. You may not know that today\'s Dadu is already under the control of my two families. All the seats in Tianbao Palace have already been squeezed out, and the positions of the provinces will soon be cleared."

Heng Yu talked eloquently, "Originally, I thought that after the removal of Tianbao Palace, we would be able to make more profits, but unfortunately, Zhenyi is aggressive. Because of the same origin and the same origin, he has absorbed a lot of high-level practitioners from the Tianbao Palace industry. .Now it’s even more powerful. So.”

"So what?"

"So, I wait for hope and re-establish Tianbao Palace!" Hengyu\'s words were like thunder, unconsciously making Shangguan Feihe move his fingers slightly, and his eyes flashed.

"Re-establish Tianbao Palace?! Who do you mean?"

"Abbot Yuanshi personally promised." Heng Yu said in a deep voice.

"Then." Shangguan Feihe\'s complexion remained unchanged, but his eyes were a bit inexplicable.

"Then, what do you mean by coming to me and talking about this matter?" He asked doubts in his heart. Although he already had a guess in his heart, it would only make sense if the other party really admitted it.

"Since Tianbao Palace is to be re-established, there is no one to support it today. Two Taoists, one is missing, and the other is still there, but it is still too early. So I have been discussing for a long time, and I feel that this person must be the master of the palace. Belongs to. Now in Daoism, besides Palace Master Yuyan, you are the second. Who else can hold this position besides you?

If the Palace Master agrees, we can immediately send you to Jixian Yuan as the elder seat. At the same time, the original site of Tianbao Palace can also be returned, and will support the Palace Master to stabilize the situation for a period of time. "

Hengyu smiled and said: "Master Yuan knows very well that the Palace Master wants to take a crucial step and has been preparing for many years, but with Palace Master Jin Yuyan here, it is almost impossible to replace the high position of Yuxu Palace before he takes the crane.

Since the Yuxu Palace is hopeless, it is better to change the way. Tianbao Palace is currently out of reach, and there is a vacancy waiting for it. With the talent and ability of the palace master, isn\'t it the time to make great achievements? "

She paused, and continued: "Could it be true that those who are dead and vegetarian will continue to rise to the top and ruin the reputation of Taoism Tianbao Palace?"

She looked at Shangguan Feihe\'s face, and faintly realized that he was already lost in thought.

"Is it possible that the Palace Master is confident that in the long years to come, he can surpass Palace Master Yuyan and become the number one on the Dao?

One is full of thorns and little hope.

The other one is Kangzhuang Avenue, and there are even my help and support on both sides.

With a limited body, do limited things. We wait for warriors, even if we worship gods, the time will be extended by at most decades. Why did the Palace Master waste his precious time in such a futile place as Yuxu Palace? "

Shangguan Feihe was silent.

He really didn\'t have the confidence to face Jin Yuyan.

Although he has challenged the palace lord many times, in the eyes of outsiders, he is very strong.

But in the same way, only after he has truly experienced it can he know how terrifying Jin Yuyan is.

After the grand master is promoted, he can maintain the final state all the time.

This state will continuously strengthen the body strength, optimize the force structure, flesh and blood structure, and make the body unconsciously change in a direction that is more suitable for the final pose.

So after becoming a grand master, the longer the time, the stronger the strength. This is a state of purely looking at who is older, the body structure is stronger.

Afterwards, when the structure is optimized, worshiping God will maximize the benefits.

Originally everyone’s rules were like this.


It wasn\'t until a genius came out that Jin Yuyan came out.

Developing himself in a semi-extreme state, when he first became a grand master, he caught up with an old master like him who has accumulated for many years. After that, he used the semi-extreme realm to tap the potential of the great master.

Add more superpositions to worship the gods and become a spirit general. Such a result is simply terrible.

The condition for becoming a spiritual general is literary skill in Daoism.

Although Jin Yuyan\'s literary skills are not as good as Yue Dewen\'s, he is still far superior to the rest. Has reached the refining god.

So combine the two.

Shangguan Feihe\'s heart was heavy.

He couldn\'t win Jin Yuyan many years ago, and he couldn\'t win now.

After worshiping God, you cannot strengthen your body, but you can develop and utilize your original strength to a greater extent.

Under the same strength and speed, the fighting power of a well-trained master fighter is very different from that of an ordinary person.

The biggest difference between him and Jin Yuyan lies in the terrifying power that can be exerted after excavating the body of the Great Master of Worship in the Semi-Extreme Realm.

Extreme Realm is essentially to excavate and maximize the use of oneself, not to enhance the essence.

"If the palace lord has a decision, we can help with all our strength!" Heng Yu said again.

She could see that Shangguan Feihe was tempted.

This person has strength, ambition, and influence.

The Shangguan family is also full of experts. Once they move into Tianbao Palace, they can quickly stabilize the situation and become a big force closer to Xizong than before.

This is the direction they want to see.

"What do you want?" Shangguan Feihe is a very realistic person. He knows very well that the other party has given so much to help him, and it is impossible for him to help him without asking for anything in return.

"It\'s very simple." Heng Yu smiled, "We need a voting certificate."

"Voting certificate?"

"That\'s right, three points." Heng Yu smiled, "First, please cooperate with the Palace Master to cover the evacuation of our grandmaster on Ze Province\'s side. It doesn\'t need to be too obvious, just provide a little information cover."

"Secondly, the master of the palace has also arranged manpower industry in Dadu, right? We need to put manpower in this part."

"Thirdly, there is still a Daoist here in Tianbao Palace. The palace master needs to cooperate with us to deal with this person. It seems that there are other forces behind this person. In Zaitong, many masters of my generation were killed because of it. There is also a newly promoted God Worship Master who mysteriously disappeared.

So. We hope that the palace master will cooperate with us to find out the specific strength behind this person. What is supporting him? At the same time, he avenged many former masters of the True Buddha Temple. "

"How about it? These three things are difficult for others, but for the Palace Master, they are all easy. With your basic strength, as long as you are willing"

Hengyu laughed.

“Everything is at your fingertips.”

"." Shangguan Feihe hesitated




Outside Qingchuan Mansion, in a barren forest.

The figure of Zhang Rongfang galloped rapidly in the forest, and soon reached a clearing.

He quickly took out a porcelain bottle from his waist pocket, opened the stopper of the porcelain bottle, and a strange fragrance slowly wafted out from it.

The sound of the surrounding forest is shaking, and the shadows of the trees are dense.

A trace of coldness was also washed away by the surging blood temperature on Zhang Rongfang\'s body at this time.

With him as the center, the surrounding area of ​​at least five meters is like a stove, and the temperature has risen several degrees.

After waiting for a while, finally, a figure in the distance galloped towards him quickly.

It was a masked man in black. After the other party ran close, he knelt down on one knee.

"This subordinate has seen the crown prince."

"Where\'s Uncle Zuo?" Zhang Rongfang asked. He had a strange blood lotus on his back, and his biggest thought at this time was to find Zuo Han to test it secretly to see how much effect the blood lotus had on him.

"The Holy Gate is recruiting, and the owner of the gate is going there urgently. I will leave a message for you and say that I will be back in a few days." The man replied.

(end of this chapter)