My Attributes Cultivation Life

Chapter 371: 371 Decision

Chapter 371 Chapter 371 Decision

"Sir, what you said is serious!? You are not joking with me!?" Chang Yuqing became serious, staring at Zhang Rongfang, got up and asked seriously.

"Of course I\'m not joking. But what you need for your illness is not medicine stones, but physical strength!" Zhang Rongfang said naturally.

"Do you practice martial arts? I don\'t know about it, sir. I have tried it before, but practicing martial arts will make my illness worse." Chang Yuqing tried everything, and shook his head in disappointment when he heard this.

"Nature is not a simple martial arts practice. The situation in your body is very complicated. You can\'t do some normal martial arts movements at all. You need to tailor a set of martial arts for you." Zhang Rongfang is now in a good mood.

From Chang Yuqing\'s body, he was able to get the wool twice, which made him more interested in this woman.

Although Taoism does not emphasize fate as Buddhism does, but by coincidence, Chang Yuqing gave him such a big gift.

Even if the other party doesn’t know about it, not reciprocating is not in line with Zhang Rongfang’s consistent self-criticism.

Since he has benefited from the other party, he must give something in return.

Whether the other party knows it or not, this is practicing his own principles.

Just as he suffers a loss, he must seek compensation and revenge.

Also regardless of whether the other party knows or not.

Immediately, he and Chang Yuqing explained one by one, pointing out whether she would experience pain or discomfort when practicing martial arts in the past.

Chang Yuqing was inexplicably amazed by the location and feelings he mentioned every time, because there was never a mistake!

She has gradually begun to believe that the other party can really cure her illness.

At this time, Zhang Rongfang also intends to take him under his family.

With Chang Yuqing\'s talent, if it is not limited by his body, if he is practicing martial arts, he is simply a natural martial arts genius with extremely high comprehension.

Although the time for practicing martial arts is much later, there will be great opportunities in the future if we find another way.

Compared to Ding Yu, the dangling tiger, he actually values ​​the talent of the woman in front of him more.

Because, the fragrance he smelled from this woman was only a little worse than that of the formidable uncle Jin Yuyan, just a little bit.

"Tailor-made. Unique martial arts?" Chang Yuqing heard the meaning.

The meaning of unique martial arts is that only direct descendants can be taught.

She hesitated.

Although what the other party said made sense, many of the things she pointed out were symptoms that she did have.


Apprenticeship is not something that can be easily decided.

Being a teacher for a day is a teacher for life. In many cases, a master can even be a person who is closer than a parent.

"Of course, it\'s okay if you don\'t want to, you can\'t force it in the world." Zhang Rongfang smiled.

He has now reached ninety-five in flesh and blood, and this height is enough for him to be satisfied.

And taking the blood of the person in front of him doesn\'t need to be so troublesome.

He was just curious about the physique of the man in front of him.

This is the first person he has met who can be absorbed into flesh and blood for the second time.

Coupled with the fact that this woman is extremely talented, she may be worthy of success in the future.

People always worry about the future, worrying that when they are weak, when they are weak, there will be people around them who can help them hold up the sky. Don\'t let everything in the outside world collapse and overwhelm you.

And this is also the fundamental reason why many people accept apprentices and give birth to children.

"May I think about it carefully." Chang Yuqing hesitated.

For her, although now it is equivalent to being abandoned, waiting to die here to recuperate.

But apprenticeship is an extremely serious matter for people who have always attached great importance to this aspect.

Zhang Rongfang didn\'t care.

"Think about it slowly, by the way, squeeze some more blood for me, and I\'ll make sure for you to see if I read it right just now." He reached out from his waist pocket, took out a cup and handed it over.

"." Chang Yuqing looked at the cup which was as big as her water cup, and fell silent.

Do I need such a big cup to squeeze some blood? How did he come up with the idea of ​​carrying such a big mug with him?

"Oh, it\'s okay, this is the cup I usually use for other cups, just squeeze out a few drops of blood." Seeing this, Zhang Rongfang quickly explained.

"Okay." Chang Yuqing always felt something weird.

But she still raised her finger, forced out the blood, and dripped it into the cup.

"Huh? Your wound hasn\'t stopped bleeding yet?" Zhang Rongfang frowned suddenly, noticing this.

"Well, I have always been like this. It takes a long time to heal after peeing like this since childhood." Chang Yuqing looked accustomed to it.

"Is that so?" Zhang Rongfang thought for a while, took out a paper bag from his pocket, and poured a little yellowish medicinal powder into his palm.

"If you are not afraid of poison, press this powder on the wound, and then count your heartbeat to a hundred times when you are still. If you are afraid, forget it."

He passed the powder over.

"." Chang Yuqing looked at the medicine powder in the opponent\'s palm, and paused. Suddenly smiled.

"There is nothing to be afraid of." She is a person who will not live long, so what else is there to be afraid of?

In fact, Zhang Rongfang also noticed that the other party\'s family background is not bad, but there is a high probability that he was given up.

Otherwise, how could such a talent be placed here alone, accompanied only by a maid?

If it is an ordinary person, they will stay by their side all the time, and parents worry that it is too late to take care of them.

"Since that\'s the case, I\'ll come back later. If you make up your mind, let\'s talk about it at that time. Then, let\'s say goodbye."

Zhang Rongfang achieved his goal, turned around and took the cup and strode away.

Not sloppy at all. Didn\'t even bother to ask for a reserved room.

His goal has been achieved, and staying here is a waste of time.

In the future, if the other party decides to become a teacher, he will teach them well.

If the other party does not apprentice, he will give other compensation. Then disappear.

Just treat it as an uninformed transaction.

Not far from the courtyard, he found a sugar shop, bought a cup of water, diluted the blood in the cup, and drank it all in one gulp.

In a short while, a sense of comfort surged into my heart.

He felt that the cells in his whole body seemed to be cheering and jumping, and some strange changes occurred.

The degree of flesh and blood completion, on the basis of 95, has been further increased by two points. reached 97.

This time, there are not many promotion points, resulting in little physical change.

It was just that the whole body became hot for a while, and the strength of the whole body increased a little, and then it disappeared quickly.

"It seems that the last three points may be very difficult to find. But it doesn\'t matter, I still have a lot to do next."

Blood lotus state is obviously much stronger than his previous limit, and can be used as a new trump card.

Now that his physical strength has increased, the limit state is superimposed, and coupled with the ten-fold combo of using the limit-breaking skill, it is estimated that the load is not heavy.

‘Perhaps, the superposition of the limit state can already be used as a normal state. \'

With such thoughts in mind, Zhang Rongfang returned towards his mansion.

He is ready to make a plan, and when everything is ready, he will go to Dadu to really see if the master is dead or not! ?

He didn\'t believe that Lao Yue, who was so cunning, would die so peacefully and unremarkably.




Fuchuan City, Tianya Pavilion, Ze Province.

Fuchuan City, which is the closest to Qingchuan Prefecture, is the favorite place for rich people in the whole province to visit.

Here are the most towers in Ze Province.

All kinds of religions have sat here to discuss Taoism and built towers to discuss Taoism.

Nearly a hundred years ago, a hundred schools of thought contended, and many sects sat here to discuss, and whoever won would add a layer to their own Taoism Pagoda.

Whoever loses will have to tear down one layer.

Among the many towers, the tallest one must be the winner every five years.

At that time, the Daoist Sect and the Zhenyi Sect joined hands to fight Buddhism, but they were still defeated by the merger of the Eastern and Western Sects.

Therefore, Buddhism has also established the status of the Daling state religion.

Now, the Lun Dao Pagoda is still there, but people are no longer confined to this mere Fuchuan City.

Only these Lun Dao pagodas are still there.

At this time, the tallest Lun Dao Pagoda is on the Tianya Pavilion.

Shangguan Feihe walked slowly, walked up to the seventh floor, stood in the small hall, and looked out into the distance through the hollow curtains on all sides.

The setting sun is like blood, and the white gauze is flying.

The salty smell of fresh sea water is faintly wafting in the wind.

Shangguan Feihe stretched out his hand and gently stroked the stone tables and chairs in the small hall, his eyes showed nostalgia.

"Hey, can you see the things here, which ones are made by me?" A sweet female voice suddenly sounded behind him.

Shangguan Feihe trembled and turned his head abruptly.

There was nothing behind him.

"You are still the same as before, others say you are impulsive, dare to do anything, and are not afraid of anything.

But I get it, you just want to be yourself.

So, when you hesitate. When you still think of me, maybe, here, you will find the answer. "

The voice sounded softly beside him again.

Shangguan Feihe didn\'t turn around this time.

He just stretched out his hand and let the sun shine on his palm.

In the haze, an illusory white palm was also gently placed into his broad palm.

"thank you for remembering me."

Shangguan Feihe raised his head. In the blood-colored sunlight, he seemed to be able to see a slim and familiar figure floating in the wind, turning into countless petals.

The petals are like blood and illusion, and they fly into the distance in the blink of an eye.

Looking at the petals flying in the distance, Shangguan Feihe\'s cold face flashed a hidden softness.

He seemed to see Wan\'er again.

When young.


The moment when you look up when you get married.

When holding the child, I don’t forget to applaud myself desperately.

When he was injured and lost a lot of blood, he did not forget to comfort him gently.

Lying on a hospital bed, skinny and out of shape.

"That\'s the fate, but I absolutely, absolutely will not kneel down and beg for mercy."

In my memory, when Wan\'er spoke, her eyes were shining brightly.

"Because I am your wife, you are so proud. The future, the future will definitely reach the end that everyone can only look up to"

"Since no one can escape death no matter what, then, is it not the same whether you die on your knees or with your chest straightened out?

I don’t want to, I don’t want you to be looked down upon.”

"Yes." Shangguan Feihe murmured softly. "I always forget, but every time I come here, you remind me"

The luster in his eyes gradually gathered.

Turning around, he took one last look at the gray-black stone table carved with delicate patterns, and strode down the tower.

Just walked out of the tower.

Heng Yu, the Ming concubine of Xizong, had already waited ahead of time outside the defense circle.

"Mansion Master, I wonder what your decision is? I will return to Dadu soon, please ask for instructions."

"Decision?" Shangguan Feihe looked at the woman. "I\'m sorry to let you take a trip. Because, my decision is to refuse."

(end of this chapter)