My Attributes Cultivation Life

Chapter 196: Chapter 196

Chapter 196 Chapter 196

"Hehehehe. I have lived for more than 90 years, what have I not seen?" Yue Dewen laughed twice.

"I can still see that you still have a talisman that you haven\'t fully practiced. If you want to integrate the secret medicine and step into the super grade, this last talisman must be fully practiced."

"Master\'s gaze is like a torch, and this disciple is convinced!" Zhang Rongfang bowed earnestly.

"It should. Otherwise, how can I be your master?" Yue Dewen laughed.

He waved his hands and sat down cross-legged.

"Next, I will not change your age, and declare to the public that you are still thirty-five years old.

This is the rule of my Daoism. Generally, disciples with a little bit of talent will add years to them for protection and concealment. "

He looked at Zhang Rongfang, and said again.

"So in the Taoist Palace, many young disciples you meet, as long as they are talented, they will be registered at an older age. Don\'t worry about it."

"Yes" Zhang Rongfang twitched the corner of his mouth and nodded.

He actually felt something was wrong when he went back before. After reviewing the tape carefully, I understood a lot of things.

It\'s just that it\'s not easy to expose it in front of this master.

"In addition, starting from today, you need to give up martial arts practice and concentrate all your energy on cultivating literary arts. You must do this until you are thirty years old." Yue Dewen continued.

"I dare to ask Master, why is this?" Zhang Rongfang shuddered, puzzled.

"Didn\'t the little girl Tiannv tell you when you were in the Golden Wing Tower?" Yue Dewen said lightly.

"No." Zhang Rongfang shook his head.

"That\'s right." Yue Dewen sighed, "That little guy, maybe he hopes to find a sustenance, a hope. But it\'s not so easy to go to the extreme."

"Master, which one is better, the worship of God or the extreme state? Why do we major in Taoism? Is it related to the difference?" Zhang Rongfang narrowed his eyes and asked carefully.

"That\'s a good question." Yue Dewen laughed.

"Extreme Realm is a human road created by a man named Meng Qian many years ago. If you can\'t ask for it, you will become a demon, use the demon to enter the Tao, give up everything else, and only focus on one point.

Concentrate all human potentials on one point to fight against spirit guards and spirit channels. "

"However, such a path is inherently evil. Therefore, there are only two endings for people in the extreme realm. Crazy or dead."

"Crazy or dead" Zhang Rongfang took a deep breath. After all, he gave up the idea of ​​going to the extreme.

"What about the Lingluo?" He asked again.

"Lingluo generally uses worshiping gods as a transformation ceremony. It is divided into Lingwei, Lingluo, and Lingjiang.

As the envoy of the Golden Wing Building, although you have not been in office for a long time, you have also come into contact with a lot of information. It should be clear that the railway man who fought against you back then was Lingluo. "

Yue Dewen sorted out all the information that Zhang Rongfang could find.

At this time, when he spoke, everything was detailed and logical.

"Then, have you ever thought about it? Since there are three types of spiritual channels, who can turn into spiritual guards, who can turn into spiritual channels, and who can turn into spiritual generals?"

Zhang Rongfang has already determined that the other party is a big boss in his heart, and it is only natural that he knows these obvious information.

He wasn\'t surprised either, and murmured.

"Is it possible that it has something to do with literary skills?"

"Exactly!" Yue Dewen laughed.

"The higher the cultivation of literary skills, the stronger the root of life, and when it is transformed, it can be transformed into a higher level."

"Master, what about this boundary?" Zhang Rongfang already had a bottom line in his mind at this time.

"The limit is that ordinary people can only become spiritual guards by worshiping gods. Those who have golden elixir of literary skills, or those with five or more martial arts can be regarded as spiritual channels.

Written skills and mastery of the gods and above can be regarded as spiritual generals. "Yue Dewen explained softly.

"Spiritual generals are rarely restrained, and their lifespan can last for a hundred years. The level of energy boosted in the whole body is also much higher than that of the spirit network.

This is the root of the long life that my generation practiced. "

Zhang Rongfang was slightly silent when he heard the words.

He didn\'t expect that Wen Gong could still have such an effect.

"So, many of my Daoist disciples who practice literary skills are all for the purpose of worshiping gods and transforming in the future, so as to improve their level?" He asked in a deep voice.

"What else? If you can become a spirit general, you will be able to extend your life for an additional hundred years after transformation.

Lingluo can also prolong life by 50 years, and Lingwei also has 20 years.

Apart from worshiping gods, how can there be such a direct path to longevity in this world? "Yue Dewen said naturally.

"But the celestial daughter of Dongzong lived for a long time?" Zhang Rongfang hesitated.

"That means she hasn\'t entered the extreme state yet." Yue Dewen didn\'t want to say more. "Anyway, it\'s useless to talk too much. When you see more in the future, you will naturally understand the benefits. Now, your task is to work hard to practice literary skills, and you must elevate it to the realm of refining gods.

Based on your current age, realm, and aptitude, within twenty years, you will definitely be able to step into the cultivation of gods. At that time, a hundred years of longevity will be at your fingertips! "

"Okay, if you insist on practicing martial arts, it\'s fine, but don\'t delay your literary practice. Secret medicines and super-grade secret methods will be given to you after you break the limit and the last talisman. But remember, martial arts In the early stage of protecting the way, the real way is literary skills.

When you transform into a spirit general, you will understand that the so-called martial arts are just a helpless choice for those who lack literary aptitude, and the future will treat you like an ant. Just a waste of time. "Yue Dewen urged earnestly.

"Disciple, obey!" Zhang Rongfang replied earnestly.

Judging from the words of Taoist Chongxuan, it is obvious that Daoism also takes the route of worshiping gods, but it is just a very high-grade route.

But it doesn\'t matter, his purpose at this time is just to find a place to live and grow himself safely.

Anyway, there is still a long time to go before refining the gods, so he can use his attribute points to follow his own path.

Although Master said a lot just now, from the beginning to the end, Zhang Rongfang only remembered the scene where the gambler was pierced between the eyebrows by the thin metal needle flying out of the **** statue.

If he really had no choice, he might really accept his fate and take the route of worshiping God.

After all, so many people go this way. This is the general trend of the times.

But unfortunately, he has a choice.

"Also, don\'t leave Tianbao Palace recently. It\'s not peaceful outside." Yue Dewen said in a deep voice. "In the future, you must remember that you are a member of my Taoism. It has nothing to do with Dongzong."

"Yes!" Zhang Rongfang replied seriously.

He didn\'t think he was from Dongzong at all. He was in love with Ye Bai and Tiannu from the Golden Wing Tower at the beginning, and he didn\'t know the rest well.

As long as the people he wants to bring out are taken away, the Golden Wing Building is just a name to him.

"Okay, let\'s not talk about this, you are now a Nascent Soul, if you have any questions, you can ask them directly." Yue Dewen reminded.

"Yes." Zhang Rongfang thought for a while, and stepped forward to carefully ask many questions about literary and vain merits.

This is the case on the surface, but the words Yue Dewen said just now echoed in his heart.

Martial arts are not important? All for Lingjiang?

He couldn\'t understand how this line of thinking came about.

Perhaps it was really the spirit general who was too strong to resist, that would have such an idea.

seems to have seen his thoughts.

After answering a few questions, Yue Dewen pinched his beard, stretched out his right hand, and snapped his fingers.

Soon, a tall man with white face and beardless wearing a square black road hat quickly went upstairs from downstairs and stopped beside the two of them.

"Ming Yuan, I have met the master." The man respectfully bowed his hands to Yue Dewen.

"Ming Yuan, this is my newly recruited second disciple, please take care of me in the future, and don\'t make any mistakes."

Yue Dewen said with a smile.

"In addition, he feels that he is very good at martial arts, and the cultivation of literary skills is not as cost-effective as martial arts. You come to make him sober."

"Follow the law." Ming Yuan looked calm, raised his head, and looked at Zhang Rongfang.

Zhang Rongfang frowned.

"Master, just do it here? What if you hurt this small wooden building?"

"Don\'t worry, the winner will be decided soon, and nothing will be hurt." Ming Yuan said coldly.

He and Zhang Rongfang were about three meters apart. At this time, he turned around and faced Zhang.

"You can shoot first. Although it is a bit impolite, please use your full strength and don\'t worry about hurting me."

Zhang Rongfang narrowed his eyes.

"Are you Lingluo?"

"Yes." Ming Yuan did not deny it.

The two fell silent and stopped talking.

After observing for a few breaths, Zhang Rongfang did not hesitate. He had seen the Lingluo and knew that the other party was not afraid of any fatal blow at all.

He tested this point many times against the two railway men in the Yinhuailin Grand Tour.

No matter what the injury is, they cannot be completely damaged.

It only takes less than a minute, and the fatal injury will quickly recover as before.

Facing any sharp weapon, Lingluo will never be cut or separated.

"Then, be careful!"

Before he finished speaking, he stopped keeping it and stepped on it.

The figure was silent, as if it didn\'t even bring up the airflow, and then came to the back of Mingyuan\'s side in the blink of an eye.

At the same time, the eagle\'s claws were quietly thrown out, grabbing towards the waist.

This catch is just an ordinary shot under his normal state.

But Zhang Rongfang at this time, no matter the speed or strength, is much stronger than when he was at the ninth rank.

Ever since he forcibly broke through to the tenth rank with his literary skills, he can display the limit-breaking skills of the ninth rank in every move and style at this time.

In this attack, he is just a simple one-yuan talisman move. The one-yuan talisman is done in one go, neutral, peaceful, coherent and light, and is suitable for sneak attacks.

The first move of the general unary talisman is the most powerful, and then drops rapidly.

With this move, Zhang Rongfang was confident that Xue Chengyu, the mermaid back then, would have no time to react, so he must have had to deal with it hastily.

If you don\'t pay attention, you may even get hurt.

But alas.


Ming Yuan reversed his hand with one hand, blocking the eagle claw.

His right hand blocked the blow in an extremely awkward posture.

No matter how you look at this posture, it is completely unsuitable for exerting force.

But he just blocked it. He didn\'t even shake his body.

"Exceeds the impact of ordinary ninth grade." Ming Yuan said calmly, "Nephew seems to have some strength left, don\'t worry, you can give it a go."

"Give it a go?" Zhang Rongfang looked at the other party\'s casual expression, feeling a little gloomy in his heart.

Immediately, he no longer keeps.

The limit-breaking skill heavy mountain suddenly rotated, his hands were like eagle claws, his feet stepped like a snake, quickly circled Mingyuan, and made a heavy hand move.

Bang bang bang bang!

The series of heavy hands, every time, was easily blocked by Ming Yuan.

And, he only used one hand.

The hand was like lightning, almost turning into a phantom, constantly surrounding the body, blocking attacks from every angle.

Twenty strokes in a row.

Zhang Rongfang suddenly retreated, closed his momentum, and stood still.

Looking at Ming Yuan who seemed to have never moved, there was a strong inexplicable look in his eyes.

First time.

For the first time, he felt that there was a huge gap like an abyss between himself and a person.

This kind of gap, he doesn\'t even know how to catch up.

Because the other party\'s response has gone beyond the scope of human beings.

"Did you see it? This is Lingluo." Yue Dewen smiled and said.

"Mingyuan\'s transformation is considered top-notch in Lingluo. And before his transformation, he was only a ninth-rank warrior, and his vitality and blood had declined. He was nearly fifty years old.

But because the literary skills have reached the late Yuanying stage, after the transformation is successful, the overall quality has been greatly improved, and it has become the top level of the super class.

Even if he is a master, he can defeat him, but he cannot kill him.

In the battle of life and death, the master can only retreat. "

Zhang Rongfang looked at the opponent\'s palm that didn\'t even have a red mark, and fell silent.

The Lingluo and Lingwei he met before were all without sanity.

This is the first time he has faced the spiritual channel that has been successfully transformed.

But. Such a gap.

"Don\'t be discouraged, you are now in the Nascent Soul realm, and your martial arts have the essence of super-grade, although there is no secret medicine, it is not really super-grade.

But it’s okay, wait later.” Yue Dewen stroked his beard, his eyes full of anticipation.

"In the future, when you are in the late stage of **** training, you will be able to transform in one fell swoop and become a spirit general.

Until then, it will really be famous all over the world! "

"Disciple understands!" Zhang Rongfang saluted earnestly and complied.

"Master, I still have questions." He continued again.

"Tell me." Yue Dewen thought of the fact that our sect would have another strong spirit general in the future, and then add himself, one school with two spirit generals, how majestic and domineering it would be!

At that time, it will also be the day when Daoism suppresses the true one.

"Dare to ask Master, the spirit is not dead, not afraid of injury, is it really invincible and immortal?" Zhang Rongfang asked this most sensitive question.

(end of this chapter)