My Attributes Cultivation Life

Chapter 197: 197 Approaching

Chapter 197 Chapter 197 Closer (thanks to the soul reaper for the praise leader)

"This question." Yue Dewen smiled slightly.

He looked at Ming Yuan.

"It\'s up to you to tell. After all, I\'m not a spirit."

Ming Yuan respectfully saluted Yue Dewen, then turned to Zhang Rongfang.

His face is considered handsome, but his skin is too white, and he has no beard, and his skin is as smooth as a virgin.

When staring at Zhang Rongfang, his eyes were calm and indifferent.

That is a kind of indifference to everything outside except orders.

"Lingluo, to be precise, is a kind of spiritualization ceremony. This kind of ceremony is indeed immortal to ordinary people."

He answered seriously.

"Even if you are temporarily attacked beyond the limit of your body\'s strength and your body is smashed, you can recover quickly."

"Ordinary people? Are there exceptions?" Zhang Rongfang asked in a deep voice.

"Naturally." Ming Yuan continued, "The root of the spiritual network lies in the spiritualization of the meridians of the whole body, stabilizing the body, and the spiritualized meridians are not afraid of all ordinary attacks.

Whether it is fire, knife, poison, or cold, it is meaningless. but"

He paused, looked at Zhang Rongfang\'s focused expression, and continued.

"However, we are afraid of the strong man who has also been spiritualized.

Because there are also high and low points in spiritualization, and camps.

The stronger one can destroy the spirituality of others. "

"That is to say. Lingluo will be defeated by a stronger Lingluo?" Zhang Rongfang understood.

"Yes." Mingyuan cherishes words like gold.

"So, good boy, the pinnacle of the Spirit General is the real pinnacle of all force." Yue Dewen said with a smile.

"Martial arts, after all, can only be used in confrontations with similar strength and body skills.

If an adult confronts a baby, no matter how many moves the baby knows, the outcome will be the same. "

Zhang Rongfang was silent.

He started practicing martial arts a long time ago, and then saw the whole process of the god\'s spirit transforming people.

There was a strong sense of crisis in my heart.

Now, this sense of crisis has finally been confirmed.

"But don\'t be discouraged. When you and others are spiritual generals, the role of martial arts can be reflected. Why do all schools and schools advocate their own school, and only by integrating their own martial arts system can they step into the Super product?

Because only by merging into one body to form one\'s own martial arts, can one reshape everything about oneself after worshiping the gods and deified, and improve the martial arts along with it. "

Yue Dewen continued.

"Of course, you don\'t have to worry about these, anyway, in the end, you are not at the same level as others.

And my Daoism does not pursue these. In the whole world, there are only a few forces with spirit generals.

Shenyi Sect, we, foreign teachers, Buddhism Xizong. Black Ten Sect, Tiansuo Sect.

The rest seems to be gone. Maybe there are still hidden things, but these are the foundations that Daling has accumulated for many years. "

He waved.

Ming Yuan immediately lowered his head, and left silently downstairs.

After Ming Yuan left completely, Yue Dewen looked at Zhang Rongfang with a smile.

"Okay, let\'s not talk about this, since you are here today, it\'s just a matter of replacing Guanxu Gong."

"Change?" Zhang Rongfang was taken aback.

He was still thinking about spiritualization just now, when he heard this suddenly, he didn\'t react.

"You mean, my Taoism has other literary skills?"

"Nonsense, Guanxu Gong is just a simplified version. What do you think the old man is looking for golden pills under the age of 30?" Yue Dewen said unhappily.

Suddenly, his voice paused, as if he had slipped his tongue, so he quickly changed the subject.

"Ahem. This Guanxu Gong is essentially a literary skill that we have differentiated and simplified from the Taoist secret - Taishang Mingxu Gong.

The purpose is to select good disciples who are truly qualified, persevering, and talented. "

"Tai Shang Ming Xu Gong" Zhang Rongfang narrowed his eyes slightly. He also felt before that after Guanxu Gong reached Yuanying, the bonus to life and the cost performance began to decrease.

Didn’t expect this one to come out.

"Okay, the law is not passed on to the six ears, I said, you remember. This is too clear and empty, and it will improve your body. It is greater than the meditation. But it is also more difficult.

If you can cultivate it to the late stage of refining gods in the next twenty years, then you will be able to transform into a spirit general. Achieve the power of the world. "Yue Dewen restrained his smile and said solemnly.

At the moment, he began to explain in detail, expanding and refining the original content of Guanxu Gong, adding a lot of new things.

And there is an additional mental method similar to the general outline.

‘The heart is dark and the outside is bright, the essence is clear and the qi is calm, the flesh and blood are one, and the spirit is like a lamp. I thought it was false. \'

Zhang Rongfang listened attentively, and he had quietly opened the attribute bar at this time.

At this time, the attribute column is being explained by Yue Dewen, and new changes are constantly taking place.

The original Guanxu Gong line gradually blurred, and new words emerged.

It became \'Taishang Ming Xu Gong (Fifth Realm: Nascent Soul Middle Stage.)\'

At the same time, he silently operated according to the new literary skills, and felt that his body was re-centered on the Dantian Yuanying, and radiated circles of energy and blood around him.

The vibration was small and continuous, like a sound wave, which made his whole body numb.

Gradually, Zhang Rongfang gradually fell into a strange state of sleep and non-sleep, non-stationary.

Unknowingly, Yue Dewen also noticed the changes in Zhang Rongfang. He smiled and lowered his voice, and then slowly quieted down.

Raise your right hand.


A series of black shadows flashed past the corner, occupying important positions around the small building, ensuring that no one can approach and disturb this place.




Dadu Xizong.

In the cold underground palace, statues of grotesque humanoid beasts stood on both sides of the main road.

The statue is like a guard, guarding all around.

They are all black, dressed in simple tulle streamers, and hold magical artifacts.

There are only pairs of eyes carved from luminous pearls, glowing with a cold blue light.

"The sun sets in the western mountains, and the sun enters the sea."

In the main hall, there are two celestial sculptures with enchanting figures and the same black color, holding a lotus brazier in their hands, illuminating the large area in the middle.

A big monk with countless fat piles all over his body is sitting on the throne of the main hall.

The throne is two meters wide and nearly three meters high, quite spacious.

But when the monk sat on it, he felt like a big lump of fat, his stiff body spread out, filling the entire seat.

His face is full of flesh, his eyes are like copper bells, and the pupils of his eyes are shining with a cruel luster like a carnivorous beast.

"The sun hanging high in the sky is finally about to fall. Cheng Hui, it seems that you have made an extremely wise choice."

Below the throne, there is a tall man with a burly figure and a bronze complexion showing his arms.

The man was kneeling on one knee, saluting respectfully to the monk on the throne.

He was wearing a thick black cloak, covering the rest of his body except his arms.

There is an unnatural flattering smile on the face of the majestic Chinese characters.

"Water flows to low places, and people go to high places. Only by following the general trend can we not be submerged by the times.

Master Sea Dragon King, I am following the trend of the times. "

"Interesting." The monk on the throne smiled. He casually picked up a thick roasted beef leg from the food bowl in the dark.

Opening his **** mouth, he gnawed off most of it in a few strokes, chewed and swallowed.

"Show me your determination."

The monk casually threw out the remaining beef leg bone.

The corbel rolled a few times, and landed on the ground just in front of Cheng Hui.

Cheng Hui laughed a few times, picked up the beef leg bone, and started to eat it with big mouthfuls.

He didn\'t mind the saliva on it at all.

"The barbecue meat given by the Dragon King is really delicious! Thank you Dragon King for the meat!"

Cheng Hui didn\'t care, he gnawed and praised loudly.


Sea Dragon King sat on the throne, laughing loudly.

"Fun, so much fun"

He stared at Cheng Hui with cold eyes.

"However. It\'s not enough just to want to worship God. You, a gold-winged landlord, have to show some sincerity."

"Of course I know!" Cheng Hui smiled seriously and said seriously.




Tianbao Palace.

Zhang Rongfang returned to his room in the residential area where he lived.

Take out the key, just about to open the door and go in.

Suddenly, he stopped and turned to look at the yard directly opposite the door.

There is a corridor between the yard and the door.

The corridor was very lively with people coming and going, but at this moment, Zhang Rongfang\'s sight was not affected by the rest of the passing Taoists.

He looked straight at the sunflower tree in the yard.

The tree is full of white sunny flowers, and under the white flower buds, there seems to be something moving slightly.

It doesn\'t seem to be blown by the wind, but more like some kind of bird.

Zhang Rongfang vaguely heard something.

He was silent for a while, put down the key in his hand, turned and walked towards Sunflower Tree.

Come under the tree.

The breeze blew, sprinkled some white pollen, and the aroma was tangy, making his nose itchy.

Reaching out to push aside a bunch of flower branches, he was slightly taken aback.

Under the flower branch, there is a familiar little red bird hiding.

The red bird has a streamlined body and a white hair on top of its iconic head. It reminded him of the little red bird he had when he was in Tan Yang.

The little red bird that sent messages at that time also had this appearance.

But Zhang Rongfang knows that this bird is not that bird.

Because of that bird, Tan Yang had already died.

And this one is still young, with ignorant eyes, as if it has just been out for a while.

The little red bird raised its head, and called to him weakly twice, as if praying.

Without speaking, Zhang Rongfang reached out to pick it up, stuffed it in his sleeve, and turned back to his room.

After closing the door, he inspected the little red bird, and took the bamboo tube from the bird\'s leg. The scroll inside contained only a place name and a time.

Throwing away the scroll, Zhang Rongfang ignored it.

Searched in the medicine cabinet, and soon, he found some golden sore medicine for trauma, and applied some on Xiaohong\'s back injury.

As for whether human medicine can cure birds, he doesn\'t know.

Anyway, he tried his best, whether Xiaohong can survive, he can only resign himself to fate.

Feed some water and grains of wheat to the bird.

Zhang Rongfang sat cross-legged on the futon on the floor of the room, thinking carefully about the information he had received from his new master, Taoist Chongxuan, in the past few days.

‘Only cultivating literary skills, if I really want to take the route of spiritualization, it must be the best choice. With the Supreme Master Mingxu Kung Fu, and the personal guidance of Daojiao Gaoxiu, I will definitely be able to set foot on the level of the spirit general, and be at the top level of the great spirit. \'


\'That kind of thing is likely to be controlled and powerful, does it really make sense? \'

Zhang Rongfang shook his head slightly, completely throwing this route out of his mind.

‘But if you don’t use spiritualization, can you fight against spiritualization by relying on martial arts alone?

The major forces are all spiritualization. Most of them are around, and spiritual masters can be seen everywhere. If it weren\'t for being spiritualized together, there would be no way to deal with them. \'

(end of this chapter)