My Attributes Cultivation Life

Chapter 195: Chapter 195

Chapter 195 Chapter 195

A few days later.

In the blue sky.

A black-winged eagle with a white top swooped down from a high altitude and flew in the direction of Tianbao Palace.


Suddenly, a little red bird flew from the side, parallel to the eagle.

One big and one small, the two birds are flying towards Dadu.

Eagle quickly found Xiaohong on his side.

It flutters its wings and flies tens of thousands of meters high. It is the majestic king of all birds. How dare any bird dare to sit on an equal footing with it? ?

Immediately it was in a bad mood.

Xiao Hong looked at the eagle curiously, and Haw greeted it.

It hasn\'t been trained for long, and it hasn\'t seen many raptors yet. Feel that everything in the world is beautiful.

The black-winged and white-topped eagle\'s eyes turned cold, its body turned crooked, and one of its wings patted Xiaohong\'s body.

Big wings like cattail leaf fans, hammering **** Xiaohong\'s body.

Chirp! ~~~

Only heard a scream, Xiao Hong looked confused, and before she could react, she fell obliquely and fell straight from a high altitude.

The eagle looked at the falling Xiaohong with satisfaction, and proudly continued to fly in the direction of Tianbao Palace.




Tianbao Palace.

The deep morning bells slowly spread throughout the entire group of Taoist palaces.

There are ten morning bells in Tianbao Palace, which are distributed in the middle of the palace complex.

Opposite each place, there is the same corresponding Mugu.

The bell rang three times.

represents that the three major palace masters will hold a small meeting soon.

Fang Zhiyun changed into a white plain yin and yang Taoist robe, holding a gold silk dust whisk, and quickly stepped into the Taixuan Hall.

The other two Palace Masters also walked in slowly from the other two entrances.

The Taoist follower behind the three left consciously and closed the door with his backhand, not allowing anyone to approach.

In the Taixuan Hall, one of the Three Purities, Taiqing Daotianzun, is enshrined.

Although Daoism enshrines Yujinghanshi Tianzun, it still worships Sanqing, the saints recognized by Daoism.

In fact, many people believe that Yujing Hanshi Tianzun is one of the incarnations of Taiqing Daode Tianzun.

This view was quite popular during the period of the Five Patriarchs.

At this time, in the temple, the special triangular zenith has obliquely opened long strip skylights.

Sunlight penetrates through these linear skylights and falls on the ground, like golden crystal walls.

Fang Zhiyun, Xie Ling, Lin Qinghong.

The gazes of the three of them were all focused on the center of the temple.

There stood a huge eagle with black wings and a white top on the purple coral branch display.

The eagle tilts its head from time to time to comb its feathers.

A bamboo tube the thickness of an ordinary candle is tied to its leg.

"It\'s a decree from the head teacher."

Lin Qinghong took a step forward, approached the eagle, and stretched out his hand.

He has some prepared diced meat in his palm. When the eagle lowered its head to peck at the food, he quickly removed the bamboo tube with a swipe of his finger.

Throw the bamboo tube to Xie Ling.

"You take it apart."

Xie Ling nodded, caught the bamboo tube, quickly opened it, and poured out the silk cloth inside.

The silk cloth was unfolded, and it was covered with densely packed small characters.

"The head teacher\'s decree: There is no need to discuss the matter of the Golden Wing Tower Zhang Ying.

Zhang Ying, who was originally a genius outside of my Daoist sect, now that he has finished hiding, he should return.

Nian Qi has extraordinary talent and sincere Taoism. He finally reached the Yuanying realm at the age of thirty-five. Although he has gone through untold hardships, he still sticks to the teachings and his heart.

Now, in June 1185, Zhang Ying is planned to be accepted as the second disciple of Chongxuan sect.

This order must not be circulated, Bi. "

As soon as Xie Ling finished reading, her expression was a little dazed.

Thirty-five years old? Nascent Soul? ? ?

Is this the result of the teacher\'s personal inspection? ? ?

Didn’t you say it was Jindan before? ?

She couldn\'t believe it, and carefully read the decree from beginning to end again.

I read it several times at Yuanying\'s place, and I was sure that I read it correctly before I came back to my senses.

"This thirty-five-year-old Nascent Soul. Could it be that the headmaster made a mistake??" She was a little shocked and hesitated.

When Lin Qinghong listened to it for the first time, her expression changed slightly.

"Probably not, the head teacher will never issue a decree specifically because of a thirty-five-year-old Jindan. Therefore, this matter is very likely to be true!"

He clenched his hands slightly, and then loosened them, only feeling the faint sweat seeping from his palms.

Thinking about it, they almost expelled this kind of literary genius from the palace.

He was somewhat afraid.

A genius whose literary ability has reached such a level, if he is picked up by the Zhenyi Sect. After that day, after Zhang Ying grows up, when the two religions dispute, he and Xie Ling will be nailed to the pillar of shame forever!

"Brother Fang." Lin Qinghong\'s voice was a little astringent, and she looked at Fang Zhiyun. "You tried so hard to protect this person before, did you get some news?"

Fang Zhiyun also came back to his senses, gave a wry smile, and shook his head.

"If I knew it a long time ago, why did I fight so hard before? It\'s just"

He sighed, there are some things that are hard to say.

The grace of the heavenly girl for saving his life back then will be repaid in the end.

"No wonder." He sighed, "No wonder Zhang Ying is a man whose martial arts are all taught by me. Now it seems that he should be one of the secret hands planted by the head teacher himself. The head teacher is really pedantic. Creation is far beyond our imagination!"

The other two nodded.

"Yes. There are so many coincidences in this world. This kind of genius, I am afraid that the head teacher has been training him since the beginning. No wonder. No wonder." Lin Qinghong sighed.

"No wonder what?" Xie Ling asked.

"It\'s no wonder that the head teacher hasn\'t gone around looking for new closed disciples.

Now it seems that the disciples have been released long ago, and after many calamities, they passed through the Nascent Soul safely."

In the early stage of Nascent Soul, you have to cross the catastrophe.

All three present knew about it.

Hearing what Lin Qinghong said, both Xie Ling and Fang Zhiyun immediately understood.

"That\'s right, there is a big danger in the early stage of the Nascent Soul. The four calamities of earth, water, wind and fire are extremely dangerous, and I was almost carried on the earth calamity back then."

The so-called Earth Tribulation means that in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, the blood of the whole body will flow into the dantian to give birth to a new body, so you will often feel erratic when walking, which will cause osteoporosis, and you will easily fall and fracture from time to time.

Even people who practice martial arts will do the same. At most, practicing martial arts will make their bones and flesh tougher and last longer.

But if it lasts longer, it will be completely abolished.

"The old man was almost destroyed by the wind disaster." Xie Ling also recalled, feeling a lot of fear.

When the wind blows, especially in the early stage of the Nascent Soul, when Qi and blood gather and the resistance of the rest of the body drops sharply, if you don\'t pay attention, you will catch a cold, fever, and catch a cold.

Lin Qinghong was silent for a while.

"I was a fire calamity back then. It was really difficult."

Fire calamity means getting angry, vain fire rising, mouth ulcers, sore throat, fever in hands and feet, and constant forgetfulness.

He almost became a fool then.

The three of them looked at each other, and only then did they understand the good intentions of the head teacher.

Release this disciple now, which means that Zhang Ying must have passed the early stage of Nascent Soul and entered the middle stage of stability.

"The thirty-five-year-old Nascent Soul Middle Stage is really a blessing for me." Fang Zhiyun let out a long sigh of relief.

"If Brother Fang hadn\'t insisted on his own opinion on this matter, I\'m afraid I\'ll regret it forever afterwards," Xie Ling said gratefully.

She and Lin Qinghong almost expelled Zhang Ying from the Dao Palace. If they did this, the head teacher might slap him face to face later.

At that time, whether the two of them can keep their position as Palace Masters is the same thing.

Immediately, Lin Qinghong and her looked at each other, with a deep fear in their hearts, and then they made a long bow to Fang Zhiyun together.

"Thank you Brother Fang for saving me!"

"Why are you two here!" Fang Zhiyun hurriedly stepped forward to help.

"Besides, this apology should not be made to me, but to the nephew Zhang Zhang." He said seriously.

The two palace lords nodded in agreement.

Xin Dao turned around and decided to find a way to make up for this.




In a small building full of black and white portraits.

Zhang Rongfang changed into a pure white Taoist robe, and wore the brand given by Taoist Chongxuan next to his body, and then put on a black one-character scarf.

The so-called one-character scarf is a black belt with a jade buckle.

The Taoist sect does not allow any disciples to enter the temple without wearing hair accessories, so ordinary Taoists need to wear Taoist scarves and crowns.

As for whether to choose a Taoist scarf or a Taoist crown, it depends on personal preference. Every denomination and every region is also different.

The reason why the one-character scarf is black is also because Taoism is also called Xuanmen.

xuan means black.

Entered the small building and went up to the third floor.

At a glance, he saw the old Taoist Yue Dewen standing on one leg, his eyes seemed to be closed but not closed. It seems to be practicing.

He moved slowly, jumping and jumping, like a white-haired bird, with awkward and funny postures.

But the expression on this face is extremely serious.

Zhang Rongfang waited at the side without making a sound.

He can be said to be so convinced by the old Taoist in front of him that even the goddess can\'t see his true age and cultivation.

This old way only took ten minutes, and I can feel it clearly.

There is no doubt that this Chongxuan is definitely a top master.

In addition, Daoism is not as simple as it seems on the surface, so he immediately bowed down without hesitation.

In this day and age, in this world, there are too many weird facts.

Worshiping the gods with spiritual channels looks very dangerous. At his current level, if he doesn\'t find a big tree to enjoy the shade, it will make him somewhat uneasy.

Zhang Rongfang has always been confused about the world.

Whether it is the Lingting Court or the Esoteric Religion, the spirit of worshiping the gods, and the extreme limit of human beings all give people a feeling of being shrouded in fog.

Therefore, he is eager to find a breakthrough, to understand, to figure out how to move forward, so as to avoid the huge sinkholes that may exist.

More than ten minutes.

Yue Dewen slowly retracted his fists and feet, stood on both feet, and opened his eyes.


He let out a long breath. The huge belly swayed back and forth, which was very joyful.


"Here we come, disciple Zhang Ying, I have met Master." Zhang Rongfang was still a little unfamiliar with this Chongxuan Taoist, so he was very courteous.

"Well. I have arranged your affairs for you. Because of your background, you are also the envoy of the Golden Wing Building. So, next, your identity is the undercover agent of my Daoist sect lurking in the Golden Wing Building.

Don\'t be surprised. Anyway, you only teach martial arts, and the Jinpeng secret record in the Golden Wing Tower is not good at all, I can still see this.

In addition, you came to Tianbao Palace to break through the Ninth Grade Talisman and step into the Super Grade, right? "

Zhang Rongfang opened his mouth slightly, and the turmoil in his heart was comparable to the shock when he was seen through his age before.

"Master, you are so clear???!"

This is his first time.

For the first time in front of a person, I felt a sense of being absolutely crushed.

Even if she was the goddess back then, she was far inferior to the old Taoist in front of her.

In an instant, the image of Taoist Chongxuan in his mind began to elevate infinitely, becoming cloudy and mysterious.

(end of this chapter)