Muchuan and Xiang Wan


Chilly eyes, cold heart at night, goose bumps all over.

It's windy and cool outside, but it's warm in the room.

Unlike the imagination of the evening, the room is very clean, there is no furniture, the open place on a sofa, a table. A woman was lying lazily on the sofa, looking a little tired, her body had the blessing of a middle-aged man, and her facial features were also in the state of early aging, but her skin was white and her eyebrows and eyes were beautiful. She was a kind woman because of her good looks.


This word is out of date.

I take back my mind and look at her coldly.

"Come in." The woman glanced at her.

Still in the evening.

Thanks for her shoulder? Deaf? "

In the evening, my body was under stress, and my feet didn't stop. I staggered two steps, and I was already in the middle of the room.

She looked back at Xie wanwan in silence, with a cold face, the woman named aunt Xiang.

"If you use me to exchange something, or achieve something, I would advise you to stop thinking. This move has been used by others for a long time, and those who once threatened Bai Muchuan with me Well, the grass on the grave is about two or three feet

The woman laughed and did not answer.

Her relaxed attitude is very exciting. But lazy eyebrows, not fierce, not fierce, sitting on that sofa, even a kind of people can not help but like the beautiful.

Such a beautiful woman.

And - so beautiful Xie wanwan.

What is the origin?

Looking back at her in the evening, he raised his chin and remained silent.

After looking at each other for a long time, the woman slowly pulled off the thin blanket on her lap.

"You are late."

"Obviously." "If I'm not, you don't have to ask me to come," she sneered

The woman nodded and sighed, "I see you at last."

Finally, let Xiangwan heart a Lin, sneer, "unfortunately, I don't know you."

Woman gently hook lips, "it doesn't matter, it's not too late to know now."

She speaks softly, with a beautiful sharp curve on her chin and a soft face. She doesn't look like a bad person at all. If she meets her under normal circumstances, she won't believe that she is a member of tiannu.

At night, she felt sorry for her appearance and sighed.

"Are you the new executor of tiannu?"

"No With a graceful smile, the woman denied, like Xie wanwan, "you seem to want to know who the new executor is?"


Why not?

Still at night, "yes."

She glanced at Xie wanwan.

Xie wanwan as if did not see her look, standing beside her, also motionless, like a background board.

The woman looks at them, lips slightly pull apart - smile.

She laughs.

Laugh very happy.

"Do you know what I called you for?"

The evening purses the lip Cape, does not answer, also does not take the rhythm by her.

The woman looks at her stubborn appearance, shallow smile, oneself answer: "choose new executor for natural anger."


In the evening, my heart sank, my eyes narrowed slowly, "I don't understand."

The woman sighed with a casual smile, "it doesn't matter if you don't understand it. You can learn it."

My heart beats fast in the evening. I feel a little bit more conscious and look at her tightly.

"Yes. You guessed it. " The woman seemed to see through her mind and slowly sat up straight with a relaxed expression, smoothing the folds of the blanket on her legs, "it's you. The new executors we selected. "


It's like hearing a joke in the evening.

"Why do you think I will agree?"

Her cold face, calm and indifferent, and her determined attitude made her mind clear and clear. Even if she died, she would not compromise.

The woman was not surprised by her reaction and looked at her quietly.

"You will agree."

She's very sure, too.

This firm, let the evening flustered.

"Aunt Xiang." At this time, the door opened and the man who had just glared towards the evening came in.

The woman glanced at him carelessly, "OK?"

The man nodded respectfully, and his sight passed the evening coldly, "it's all done."

This one eye is complicated and inexplicable. At night, I feel very uneasy and my heart is pounding.

For these extremists, if they want to force a person to do something she doesn't want to do, what do they usually do?

You don't have to think about it. Maybe you can guess it.

Night chest full of depression, still did not move, did not speak.

The woman raised her eyelids, glanced at her, took a tablet computer from the man's hand, looked at it, hooked his lips with satisfaction, and handed it back to the man, "show her."As a result, the content on the tablet soon fell into the eyes of the late morning.


It was in a speeding car.

Tan's three sisters are chatting happily.

Small day has been sleepy to sleep in her mother's arms.

He was very quiet, just like the evening in the car, and he was very sleepy.

At this time, Tan Yunchun suddenly yawned, as if not very spiritual, rubbed his temple, and slowly closed his eyes.

When I saw this in the evening, I glared at the woman on the sofa.

"How did you do it?"

Taxi software is a random order, how can the other party grasp their whereabouts, intercept orders and rob people?

The woman looked at her nervous look, smiling gently, "we got the new technology from crown from vermilion. It's just a small test."

Crown is not only a leader in artificial intelligence, but also a leader in technological innovation.

When there was an accident in the science and technology exhibition hall in the evening, I had some understanding of the company's background. It was not surprising at all.

The woman smiles at the evening's reaction and adds, "is there anything else you don't understand now?"

He took a glance at the slab in the evening.

The three old aunts who were still chatting just now fell asleep.

He looks calm and doesn't realize that the direction of the car is not in the urban area for a long time.

It was like a knife that would kill, and it was on her neck.

Ice cold, cool to the bottom of my heart.

There is nothing more painful than watching a loved one fall into the tiger's mouth and be powerless.

In the evening, her chest heaved, her fingers clenched into fists, and she coldly fixed her eyes on the woman called aunt Xiang, whose beautiful face was no longer gentle, just like a cold faced monster with fangs and big mouth. That kind smile, also turned into bloodthirsty slaughter, Bai Sen Sen's teeth, is her cannibalism weapon

"You, think, how, how?"

In the evening, my teeth clenched and I heard my voice for a long time.