Muchuan and Xiang Wan


"As I said, you are the new executor."

Women drink tea with their heads down, and they are slow.

"What do you want me to do?"

"Do what the impeller has not done."

"Why me?"

"Because I hope it's you."

What's the reason?

Gnashing his teeth in the evening, "what if I refuse?"


The woman murmured, smiling, slowly raised her hand, and gracefully pointed to the tablet in front of her, "if you don't agree, there will naturally be someone else to do it for you. It can't change anything. Our plans will not be affected. " When she said this, she looked at the expressionless Xie wanwan, and then said, "but your mother, aunt, aunt, and this lively and lovely little cousin. Oh They're going to be a test case for the natural anger virus

I watched her fiercely in the evening.

The woman did not mind, still smiling, "do you remember the appearance of vermilion death?"

I don't remember, because she doesn't know.

But it is because I don't know that under the guidance of women, a more frightening picture emerges from the void.

"Tiannu virus is one of the most terrifying biochemical agents. People who are infected with tiannu virus will not die immediately. They will watch their skin fester, and blisters will grow thickly. Their bodies will itch and can't scratch It's a pity that little boy is so beautiful... "

"Shameless! You are a devil "I don't know what you've been through in the past, but I know your life must be very unhappy. You can't do it all your life. That's because you have a ugly heart under your beautiful face. But, believe me, you won't succeed... "

"You are more miserable than me. At least, at this time. " The woman looked at her with a smile and asked gently, "do you want to be free?"

She was still determined.

At the end of the night, he yelled and gasped, and his heart almost jumped out of his throat.

In the video of the tablet, the car has stopped, and her four relatives are still sleeping. As before, they are controlled by the drug in the car

She stares at them "close at hand" and reaches out her hand powerlessly -

to touch them.

I don't know what's going to happen next second.

It's good to touch it

But the next second, the tablet was taken away.

"Do you want to be free?" The woman looked at her kindly, compared to the mist in her eyes at night, the woman's eyes were full of smile, as if to say, don't struggle, you can't struggle.

Don't make a face at night.

Don't let the enemy see his embarrassment.

The woman laughed, "you look so awkward that people like it. It seems that it was a wise decision to choose you as the new executor. "

"Don't be paranoid --"

the woman said with a smile, "I am delusion, your heart has already told you the answer. Isn't it? "

Bite your lower lip in the evening and watch her not speak.

"You can't bear to see your aunt, your second aunt, and your poor little cousin when you are tortured That painful life, painful death, painfully become the test object of tiannu virus. Admit it, your heart has agreed

Don't talk at night.

In the dim light, her face was pale, but her eyes were astonishingly bright.

After a long silence, she suddenly asked, "what is the task of the executor? What is the purpose you are going to achieve? "

"The point?" The woman smiles and turns to see Xie wanwan, "tell her."

Xie wanwan lowered his eyelids, "yes."

As a result, Xie wanwan heard Xie wanwan's uninspired narrative voice in the evening. Like a robot, he was cold and merciless. "The task of executing human beings is to act for heaven and punish the people who can't be punished by law, damned people All to hell. "

Turning to the evening and facing her, "be specific."

Xie wanwan squinted at the woman and looked at it slowly. His voice was low and cold.

"From now on, you will be the executor of the natural anger virus, which is your honor..."

"Ha ha! Kill with my hand. Or my glory? " She sneered sarcastically at the evening, impatient to listen to her lines about the dog licking, "come on, what do you want me to do?"

She fixed her eyes on the woman.

"I'll let you know."


Late at night, he grasped the key meaning of this sentence, and his eyes lit up slightly.

"Do you mean to let me go back?"

"Otherwise?" The woman light smile, "detain you here, how do you do executor?"

In the evening, my eyes burned slightly.

What she was afraid of was the feeling of total helplessness.As long as you let her go, she still has Bai Muchuan, who is no longer alone to meet the enemy.

There is Bai Muchuan to think of a way, there will be a way, not helpless minutes want to commit suicide.

However, the next second her fantasy was completely extinguished.

"Don't try to tell anyone. Especially Bai Muchuan. Remember, once you have something to do with it, your family members will become our test objects immediately. You will not even hear their last words... "

There was a shiver in the evening.

Tiny clenched fingertips, tightly squeezed together.

She didn't speak, but the woman saw through her mind.

"I'll let you go. Of course, it won't let you go like this. "

What do you want to do with the air coming out of my nose at night

The woman smiles.

She loosened the water cup, put it on the tea table, leaned back on the sofa, looked up and down at the evening, "your face looks beautiful, and your body must be very beautiful, right?"

It's late.

The woman slowly pulled out her hair and said with a smile, "I will hide the bug in your body Well, it's a secret place that can't be found and peeped into -- "

when she said this with a drawl, she turned to see Xie wanwan.

"Go, take off her clothes, and I'll see where they fit."

A step backward in the reflex condition.

There were several men standing in the stinking house.

Let her undress in front of so many men, it's better to kill her directly.

"Don't come here --" half squint at night. "If you dare to hurt me, I promise I won't let you do it."

Women smile but don't answer.

Xie wanwan came over without any expression. His cold and pale face was like a zombie in the movie. Even if he was about to be humiliated in front of her, she would not be moved. That expression made Xiangwan's heart feel more chilly. He shivered coldly and retreated step by step.

Two men rushed over and grabbed her.

Struggling in the evening, he glared at Xie wanwan in front of him.

"Don't touch me."

Xie wanwan did not speak and approached.

"Kill me! Please