Muchuan and Xiang Wan


On the way back, I was restless in the evening.

I'm thinking of my relatives who have just returned to Jincheng, and I also think of Bai Muchuan.

What is he doing?

Playing with mobile phones in the evening, sitting in the back seat of the car, quietly surfing the Internet.

The book review section of "murder of the God" is looking forward to the ending as usual, and readers express their opinions.

On major social platforms, the hottest news is still entertainment. Netizens are the most forgetful group, and the smoke related to her and impeller has been dispersed unconsciously. There are still many posts searching for the keyword impeller, but there is no heat at the beginning.

There are still people who insist on lighting wax for the impeller every day, but the number is decreasing.

What was said to the impeller in the evening has been verified in a short time.

He's being forgotten.

It will soon disappear in the eyes of the public -

at this moment, I think of the impeller in the hospital and insist on asking her to live to the final result. I can't help but feel the bitterness and despair in my eyes.

It's not easy for him.

But who comes to this world and lives easily?

"Victims of the past can also be tyrants today. This is the darkness of human nature, the darkness of retribution, and the darkness of hatred that people indulge in. And the writer is a traveler through the darkness... "

A word from North Island suddenly came out.

Sigh for the impeller in the evening and have a new idea for the final result.

She lowered her head to open the document, wrote the fragmentary things in the outline, edited it with her mobile phone

The windows are closed and the air in the car is not very smooth, which makes people feel drowsy.

She was immersed in her own thoughts and didn't pay much attention. It says, maybe it's the cell phone for a long time. Gradually, my brain is dizzy, and my chest is dull

See mobile phone carsick?

Take a breath in the evening and close your eyes.

She was sleepless last night. She fell asleep quickly.

She didn't wake up when the car left the highway.

The car stopped and she didn't wake up.

It was quiet all around. There was no sound at all.

Xiang Wan tilted his head on the chair, left his satchel by his hand, and had already loosened his bag belt. He looked like an ignorant man -

the door was opened.

The early spring breeze with a strange smell blowing in, blowing her cheek side hair gently.

She is still awake.

Two bundles of sight were gouged out like knives.

"What to do?"

"Let her sleep!"

"I guess it will take another hour to wake up..."


She was still asleep when someone was talking.

Sweet dream like a temptation of the abyss, she hovered in the dark edge, unconscious, do not know what dream, lips up, full of relaxed, that sweet smile in the beautiful face, beautiful incredible.

With the window open, the woman standing outside the car, looking at her.

For a long time, for a long time, she didn't move.

Finally, he picked up a shawl and gently put it on her body.

The dream of the evening, like a movie.

The happy ending was shown one by one in her dream. What made her happy was that she finally knocked down the word "the whole book finished" in front of the computer. After the task was removed, her whole body was relaxed, and the ending of tens of thousands of words made her feel that her life was instantaneous beautiful and complete

It's so comfortable.

One second before she opened her eyes, she was still happy.

When I realized that it was a dream, I was suddenly depressed -

I didn't write, I didn't write a word.


This is not the most depressing.

When she woke up completely, she found that in a strange place, the air was full of smell, at least for three seconds, this reaction was not right.

She took a taxi to go home.

Where is this?

The brain crashed in a second.

"It's over

With a thump in her heart, she observed the environment.

The car is parked in a courtyard, surrounded by walls, which are littered with discarded commodity packaging, plastic bags, and the remains of instant noodles Like a garbage collection station, that kind of make her nauseous strange smell, is floating out like this.

Garbage station?

Thinking of the death of vermilion in the evening, I felt a cold war.

"You are awake." In the open space, the voice of women in the breeze is particularly cold.

Turn your head slowly in the evening and look backward from the right side of the car to the left side.

A woman stood behind her, her clean face was almost pale, without makeup, her gorgeous complexion was greatly reduced, and her temperament changed a lot. A pair of eyes seemed to have frozen ice, which made people unable to see through

"Don't you know me?" She asked.

In the evening, my heart was slightly chilly. I was afraid that I was still in my dream. I pinched my thigh. In the pain, I looked directly at the woman's cold eyes again. I was indifferent."Xie wanwan?"

I can't believe it in the evening. I take a breath.

The woman standing in front of her is actually Xie wanwan, the police are looking for.

"Why do you..."

There were many questions in the evening, but before she finished, she shut up.

There is no need to ask.

Ask a suspect? immature.

"Come down." Xie wanwan is neither cold nor warm. From his eyes to his face, there is no trace of expression. It's like that he has never had the origin of the past with the evening. He is just a stranger when he meets today. "They've been waiting for you for a long time."

I gazed at her thin side face in the evening and didn't move.

The smell of the air, the deathly quiet environment, this is not a good place.

"Is that you?" "The new executor of tiannu organization? Is it you? "

Xie wanwan eyebrow heart a few can not observe a wrinkling, and then restore calm, "is not."


"Who is that?" sneered at the evening

Xie wanwan did not want to explain, standing motionless in the wind, long hair flying: "you will know when you see people."

"That's why you brought me here?" she said

Xie wanwan was expressionless, "come down, don't let them invite you. Otherwise, you will suffer. "

Who are they?

In the evening, his heart was full of doubts.

But at the moment, she has lost the right to refuse.

This is an environment she is not familiar with. Not far behind Xie wanwan, there are a few big and three thick men in the clothes of ordinary scavengers, but the cross flesh on their faces does not seem to be good at stubbornness

"Thank you for your invitation."

When she got out of the car, she didn't see her bag and her mobile phone.

If you understand, you don't have to ask.

In the evening, he followed Xie wanwan to the only house in the yard, a place like a garbage collection station. There were several dilapidated houses, which were covered with felt on the top, which were dilapidated. The eaves were dripping with rain overnight. Looking at all this in the evening, my heart is cool.

The style of the "hiding place" of criminals is changeable, which is unexpected

"Here she is."

Xie wanwan stood at the door and said softly.

The man at the door looked at her and knocked on the door, "aunt Xiang."

"Come in!"

It was a woman's voice that responded to him.

The man did not speak, opened the door and glared at the night, "go in!"