Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 045

At night, it was very dark. Yang Xuxin, who had just escaped death, couldn't calm down, because she knew that Yan Qin had been injured to save her. If it weren't for Yan Qin, she might have been destroyed with the car.

However, the rescue conditions are unique. An Jinyan, Yang Xu and Tang Qin are all excellent doctors. Moreover, Yan Qin is a special forces soldier and has excellent physical quality. If only from his expression, he really can't see the slightest difference.

Yan Qin hated stretchers most in his life. He saw too many of them when he was in the army. When an Jinyan asked him to lie on a stretcher, he resolutely refused. Yang Xu helped him into the ambulance.

As soon as she got on the ambulance, Yang Xu couldn't help crying. She was really sick and blamed herself. It was her fault tonight.

It was because she was in a bad mood that she had to drink. It was also because she didn't let the driver pick her up. She drove her car, which was the drunk driving she completely killed. As a result, she almost lost her life and injured Yan Qin.

If... If Yan Qin really died to save her, how would Yang Xu live in this world?

"Dead husband? Cry like this? " Listening to her crying, Yan Qin, sitting next to her, asked.

This is obviously making Yang Xu happy, but the more he does, the more Yang Xu blames himself. An Jinyan and Tang Qin, who are sitting together in the car, look at each other and then smile.

The car soon arrived at the hospital, and Yan Qin directly pushed forward to have an examination. Although Yang Xu was not seriously injured, he inevitably had a lot of bruises on his body. Tang Qin was busy to examine her, but Yang Xu refused, just waiting outside the examination room for Yan Qin.

"You stinky girl, I'm scared to death." Tang Qin hasn't calmed down yet.

Facing Tang Qin, Yang Xu felt really sorry and hurriedly said, "sorry, Tangtang, it's all my fault tonight, which made you... Sorry..."

"I'm sorry, forget it. You'll tell me you're sorry this night, as long as you're okay."

Yang Xu is fine, but

"I don't know how Yan Qin was hurt..." Yang Xu looked worried. Seeing her like this, Tang Qin seemed to think about something and asked, "are you worried about him?"

"He was hurt to save me. Of course I'm worried about him."

"Oh..." Tang Qin seemed to understand something, and then hurriedly comforted, "don't worry, Colonel Yan, that's a soldier level figure. This little injury is nothing to him."

"The king of war is also a body of flesh and blood."

"Oh..." Tang Qin smiled again.

Yang Xu certainly knows what she means, but she is really not in the mood to joke with her now, just anxiously waiting for the inspection results.

When Yan Qin took the film out, Yang Xu took the film and looked at it first. Seeing the film, her face became dignified and said, "there are many serious fractures under the ribs, so she has to be hospitalized immediately."

Without waiting for others to say anything, Yang Xu said first, "I'll go through the hospitalization formalities for you."

Seeing that Yang Xu was so active to go through the discharge formalities for Yan Qin, an Jinyan on the side couldn't help teasing: "adversity meets true love. It's worth breaking a few ribs for Yang Xu to forgive you."

Yan Qin Leng hum: "but I want Yang Xu to forgive you. It's not enough to break your bones."

An Jinyan was angry. Tang Qin standing next to him couldn't help smiling. Since he quarreled with Yan Qin, an Jinyan has always suffered losses.

Soon, Yang Xu finished the hospitalization procedures for Yan Qin. Yan Qin was admitted to the ward, but because he didn't want Jiang Guan to know, the ward was arranged in two different inpatient buildings.

After everything was arranged, an Jinyan and Tang Qin retreated, leaving only Yan Qin and Yang Xu.

Yang Xu hung his head, looked like he had made a big mistake, and murmured, "I'm sorry, I'm to blame this time."

"Listen to Tang Qin say today is your birthday?" Yan Qin didn't follow her words, but asked for them.

Yang Xu was shocked when he asked this sentence. He still remembers this at this time?

"Yes." Yang Xu slowly replied.

"Then why are you in a bad mood? After drinking so much wine, you'll die if you go racing? " Yan Qin's tone was neither angry nor angry, but the blame was revealed.

Asked here, Yang Xu can't say it. What do you want her to say?

Tell Yan Qin that she was in a bad mood because she thought of Heyuan City? Then because another man was depressed and drunk, he almost died and asked him to sacrifice his life to save him?

He was angry when he only said that last night, let alone this matter

Yang Xu hung his head and said nothing, but how clever Yan Qin was? He won't guess.

Yan Qin waved a self mocking smile at the corners of his mouth and said, "it's not that you don't do enough for you."

A word like a knife pierced Yang Xu's heart, and suddenly he was sad.

"No, I..."

"You don't have to explain." Yan Qin interrupted her, "you don't have to worry about today. Quan should be a soldier to rescue, and this injury is nothing to me. You don't have to worry about it. You're so frightened today. Go to bed early."

What made Yang Xu feel more uncomfortable was that Yan Qin didn't take a tough tone or blame her. He just heard a sense of frustration from his tone. Yes, a proud man like Yan Qin has made countless achievements in war. Today, his wife is crazy for another man. It is natural to imagine the frustration in his heart“ You need my care, I'll stay. "“ You are also a patient, and I said that this injury is nothing to me. If I were on the battlefield, I could still carry a gun and fight. " Yan Qin's attitude became tough this time. Yang Xu didn't dare say anything more. She knew she would be angry if she said this man again. He touched his bottom line last night. She won't go tonight“ Then you should rest early. " Then Yang Xu went out. After walking out of the ward, Yang Xu looked back, and then walked away slowly. After coming out of Yan Qin's ward, Yang Xu sat down on the bench in the corridor and leaned weakly against the wall. What he remembered was Yan Qin's words. It's not that you don't do enough for you... Is that really the case? Is it because she can't let go of the past and has always hated him, so what Yan Qin does in her heart is wrong? In retrospect, Yan Qin was really good to her. No, she was very good... Yang Xu took a long breath. What does that mean? This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.