Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 046

It was a long night for Yang xulai. She almost sat in the hospital corridor all night. Her mind thought a lot.

In the fear of the accident, she suddenly figured out one thing.

The past, good or bad, is a thing of the past. People have to look forward. Life is so short, just like tonight, she almost died.

In the face of death, all love and hatred will become very small. As long as people are still alive, there are no difficulties that can not be solved.

No matter how beautiful the past was, it was just the past. She shouldn't continue to live in the past. Yang Xu, who has been depressed and depressed, let her die in the car accident tonight.

She wants a new start.

Thinking of this, Yang Xu was really much more cheerful. She first took a bath in the hospital bathroom, then made breakfast for Yan Qin and sent it to his ward. Maybe because she washed and changed her clean clothes, the whole person looked a lot more energetic.

"I made you breakfast." Yang Xu put her breakfast on the table next to Yan Qin's hospital bed.

Look at this breakfast, and then look at Yang Xu's mental outlook. It's like a different person from last night. I can't see that this is a person who experienced life and death last night.

Seeing that Yan Qin didn't respond, Yang Xu hurriedly said, "eat quickly. Listen to Zhong Yi, you were busy all day yesterday. Now you are injured again. You must eat breakfast."

Yan Qin was slightly stunned. This little woman is really like a chameleon, one day at a time.

Yan Qin didn't say anything. He took his breakfast and ate it. Seeing that he ate fragrant Yangxu, he was quite satisfied.

Yan QinGang came in and reported to Yan Qinhui: "brother, the car has been found under the steep slope. For the accident last night, the traffic police said they need to find the parties to understand the situation."

"Yes." Yan Qin answered faintly, "you go to deal with the follow-up matters first, and the traffic police let them talk to me."

"OK." After asking for instructions, Zhong Yi went out.

After Zhong Yi went out, Yang Xu's heart panicked again. The traffic police asked the party to understand the situation?

Didn't she make a big mistake about drunk driving?

Yang Xu hung his head and felt very uneasy.

"I'm in trouble. Now the traffic police come to the door and advise me?" Seeing Yang Xu like this, Yan Qin felt both funny and annoyed.

Yang Xu had to admit that she really counselled.

"What if they find out I'm drunk driving? Will I... Go to jail? " At the thought of this, Yang Xu's heart crunched. Now she thinks that she did knock down a street lamp last night, which can be regarded as damaging public property.

"What do you say?" Yan Qin asked.

Yang Xu didn't speak, but just played a drum in her heart. She had never done anything against the law. If she went to prison, how would she see anyone in the future?

Seeing her like this, Yan Qin couldn't help laughing and asked, "aren't you afraid of death or going to jail?"

Continuation really wants to beat this man. Yang Xu knows that this man obviously has a way, but he won't ask if he doesn't say it himself.

Yan Qin didn't speak any more. Instead, he got up and got down from the hospital bed. Seeing that, Yang Xu hurriedly helped him and asked, "what are you doing if you don't lie down well?"

Yan Qin took off his sick clothes as if there were no one else. He took the clean suit prepared for him by his subordinates hanging on the hanger. He cleaned his cuffs and said, "didn't you listen to me just now? I'll talk to them about the traffic police, or you'll wait to go to jail?"

A word made Yang Xu completely stunned there, and it also strongly shocked her heart.

After saying that, Yan Qin went out and ordered Yang Xu when he came to the door: "go and go through the discharge formalities for me. I hope you have done it when I come back."

Yan Qin had walked out of the ward.

Did Yang Xu hear wrong and go through the discharge formalities?

He stayed in the hospital all night.

But Yan Qin said that Yang Xu had to do the same. Anyway, she is a doctor herself. There are Yan Qin's private doctors in Longfeng garden. All kinds of conditions are very good. It's also a good thing to leave the hospital.

After completing the discharge procedures for Yan Qin, Yang Xu has been waiting for him in the ward, but he hasn't come back for a long time.

Yang Xu was worried. After all, he was hurt. Yang Xu took out his mobile phone to call him, but it was ridiculous to find that she didn't have Yan Qin's contact information.

Then he had to wait here. After a long time, Yan Qin came back, but he didn't come back himself. Later, he followed Tang Qin.

Before Yang Xu opened his mouth, Yan Qin handed her a list of inspection items: "follow Tang Qin to check."

Yang Xu was confused: "what do you mean?"

Tang Qin explained first: "Colonel Yan's meaning is to let me take you for a general examination."

"General examination?" Hearing this, Yang Xu was really confused, "me?"

"Yes, I said I didn't want my wife to leave any roots. The last time you were kidnapped by Zuo Xuan, you should have a physical examination." Yan Qin said it firmly.

And Yang Xu really felt a little confused: "my whole body is not painful and itchy. What kind of systemic examination do I suddenly do?"“ You are a doctor. You should know better than me. Many diseases don't feel so obvious. "“ Yes, if you are not ill, you have to have a regular physical examination. It's like a full-body physical examination. Colonel Yan handed you over to me, so I'll take you to have a good examination. " Tang Qin also said so“ Follow Tang Qin. I'll go and see Guan er. " Yan Qin said slowly, "also, you don't have to worry about the traffic police. It has been solved."“ Come on, Mrs. Yan. " Tang Qin shouted and took Yang Xu out. Yang Xu was very reluctant and was dragged away by Tang Qin. She said, "well, what inspection should we do? Yan Qin fooled around, and you booed along. "“ Where is this nonsense? " Tang Qin said seriously, "Yang Xu, I found that you are really in the midst of bliss. You don't know how good Colonel Yan is to you. He, ah, I see that you haven't seen any trauma after the car accident. I'm afraid you hurt somewhere else. Last time you were kidnapped, you were in a bad mood. He was also afraid that you would fall ill. He urged me to take you for a physical examination. Hey, You said how many good things you did in your last life. If you married well, he was so kind to you. " Hearing this, Yang Xu was also surprised. Is she so important in that man's heart“ Well, you should live up to the wishes of others. After you check everything, he can rest assured. " Then Tang Qin took her from department to department to check, from beginning to end, carefully. To Yang Xu's frustration, even the gynecology department was dragged to check. This time, Yang Xu felt relaxed, but Tang Qin felt a little heavy when he saw the results... This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation