Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 044

"Yang Xu, where are you? Respond immediately when you hear me! "

After starting to go downhill, Yan Qin kept shouting. He was looking forward to hearing Yang Xu's response in this quiet midnight, so he kept shouting her name.

Now Yang Xu is really desperate. He also feels that he has less and less strength. He doesn't know how long he can last. It's like hearing Yan Qin's voice in his empty mind. Is it an illusion? Or really?

"Yang Xu, this is Yan Qin. Where are you? Can you hear me? Answer me when you hear it! " Yang Xu stopped to listen. Yes, it was Yan Qin. It was him. He came. He came to save her.

For a moment, it gave her a great impact. It was like seeing the sunshine of her life. It was all her hope for survival. Yan Qin came, he came, and he found here.

"Yan Qin, I'm here..." Yang Xu wanted to shout, but he had no strength, but his mood became much excited because he heard Yan Qin's voice. His body couldn't help moving, and then the car fell sharply. Yang Xu was scared out of his wits: "ah..."

The sound of the car sliding and Yang Xu's cry were particularly clear this night. Hearing Yang Xu's voice and knowing that she was still alive, Yan Qin was ecstatic and hurried down.

"Yang Xu!"

"Yan Qin, I'm here..." Yang Xu hurriedly shouted, but now the car suddenly slipped. Yang Xu felt that something stuck in the car was crushed.

"Ah... Yan Qin... Help me..." Yang Xu instinctively shouted in a hurry.

Seeing the car rushing down, Yan Qin couldn't care. He hurried forward and butted the sliding car with his body. Fortunately, the wheel was blocked by something, but the violent impact of the car still hit Yan Qin heavily.

Yang Xu was frightened by Yan Qin's move. She didn't expect Yan Qin to do so. How can human power block the car?

If the wheel had not been blocked by something, the car would have run over Yan Qin's body and rushed down.

Yang Xu was stupid. He was really stupid there“ Can you climb out of the window? " Yan Qin's body did not dare to move, so he had to lean against the car. He was not sure what was blocking the wheel, but what was certain was that it could not stand the inertia of the car. He was afraid that the car would rush down as soon as he let go


"Ah?" Yang Xu hurried back to his mind and tried to move his body. Fortunately, his body was not stuck and was flexible.

"Yes, it should be." Yang Xu trembled and said this sentence, and then hurriedly said, "but you're too dangerous. Get out of the way!"

Now Yan Qin's situation is much more dangerous than Yang Xu's. as long as the car slips and rushes down, Yan Qin will die.

"There's no time, Yang Xu, come on, climb out!" Yan Qin spoke loudly to Yang Xu.

But Yang Xu didn't dare to move. If she moved a little, the car would move. She could climb out, but didn't the car completely get out of control?

"No..." Yang Xu tried. She couldn't do it. The car would move when she moved.

"The car will move." How can Yang Xu joke about Yan Qin's life?

"Don't worry, I'm a special soldier. If you don't come out again, do you want to play martyrdom with me? I don't want to die yet. " Seeing that Yang Xu was so nervous, Yan Qin could only joke.

But it is true that he is a special forces soldier.

"Come on, climb out, or we'll both die!  ”

Now Yang Xu can't think about anything. If she writes down again, both of them will really die.

Yang Xu didn't dare to speak any more, but she climbed out of the window as lightly as possible, but when the car moved, she was nervous. Yan Qin hurriedly said, "don't panic, be steady."

At the moment, Yan Qin seemed to Yang Xu to be the Savior. His words calmed her down instantly, and then calmed down and climbed out a little bit. Yan Qin has been encouraging her.

"Don't be afraid. Slow down. We'll all be saved when we come out."

"Yes." Yang Xu quickly answered.

Yang Xu's movement is very stable and slow. She slowly climbs out of the window. When she is about to leave the car, Yang Xu's heart suddenly mentioned the Adam's apple. She is so scared, really scared. Xu was nervous and the car flashed again. Yang Xu's heart, which had just stabilized, panicked again. Suddenly, Yan Qin quickly dodged away from the side of the car, reached out and grabbed Yang Xu's arm and pulled her out. The car was violent because of the violent exercise just now

At the moment Yan Qin fell to the ground with Yang Xu in his arms, the car rushed down like out of control.

Then I heard the huge sound of falling down the mountain. If people are also on it, I'm afraid they don't even have a whole body.

Yang Xu was tightly close to Yan Qin's chest, and the heart seemed to jump out and fit in Yan Qin's ear with a rough and unstable breath.

Yan Qin held her tightly in his arms and said soothingly, "don't be afraid, it's all right."

Yang Xu's heart finally sank. She was honestly held by Yan Qin. At the moment, Yang Xu felt like a mountain in front of her“ Are you hurt? " Yan Qin asked hurriedly“ No. " Although he was greatly frightened, Yang Xu didn't feel uncomfortable“ That's good... "Hearing that she was not hurt, Yan Qin's heart was relieved“ Yang Xu, Yang Xu... "At this moment, Tang Qin and an Jinyan shouted anxiously. When they came, Yang Xu quickly responded:" here, we are here! " Hearing the response, an Jinyan and Tang Qin were happy and ran down. Yang Xu was saved, she was saved, and Yan Qin was saved. Yang Xu was really happy to hear them rush down. Yang Xu's body moved. At the moment, Yan Qin was still pressing on her. Yan Qin's body came down from Yang Xu, but he didn't stand up, but half knelt on the ground. Seeing this, Yang Xu realized that it was wrong and hurriedly asked, "Yan Qin, what's the matter with you? Are you hurt? " The car must have hit him just now. Yang Xu's heart jumped wildly when he realized that he had just stabilized here“ I'm fine. " Yan Qin replied and stood up with some difficulty. Tang Qin and an Jinyan thought very thoughtful and brought the medical team directly“ Yang Xu, how are you? You scared me to death. What's the matter with you? " Tang Qin hurriedly ran over and asked Yang Xu. Yang Xu hurriedly said, "I'm fine. Yan Qin, he's hurt. Save him first. Come on, save him!" This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.