Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 033

After seeing an Jinyan, Yang Xu went out of the hospital without going back. Originally, she was uncomfortable and she didn't give up. But when she saw him, the hatred at the bottom of her heart poured out continuously. She didn't regret her decision three years ago. She would never regret it or regret it!

She strode out of the hospital, but she didn't want to be surrounded by a group of reporters as soon as she stepped out of the hospital. Before Yang Xu reacted, dozens of microphones had been pushed into her mouth.

"Miss Yang Xu, can you tell us about the concert at that time?"

"What did you think? If you don't rescue Jiang Guaner in time, will your life be in danger? "

"Some people say that you are the biggest winner of the Jiang Guan concert. What do you think of this?"

"Miss Yang Xu, have you read it on the Internet? Now your microblog search has reached the first place. What's your mood about this unexpected popularity? "


In an instant, dozens of questions were thrown at her. She couldn't react to what had happened and where so many journalists had sprung up all at once.

"Sorry, I don't know what I said to you. Please make way." Yang Xu tried to go out, but the more she went, the more the reporters surrounded her.

"Get out of the way!" Mixed with a warning, a powerful sentence sounded impressively.

Hearing these words, the voice was suddenly quiet. When they saw that the person who came out was Yan Qin, all the reporters were surprised. Yan Qin was the famous cold hell.

Every year, he gently sat in the senior colonel. After three years of retirement, he covered the air in the arms industry. There was no lace news, no interview materials, and his life experience was a mystery. He was most interested in such a legendary media person, but for so many years, everything about him was like top secret documents pasted on the army, so he couldn't find out.

He doesn't accept any media interviews, so all reporters are afraid of this character. If he gets angry, he can't clean up.

"Can't you understand me?" The reporters were stunned and Yan Qin asked coldly.

The reporters looked at each other. They couldn't provoke the Giant Buddha. Although they were reluctant, they had to go back and make way for Yan Qin. Yan Qin pulled Yang Xu and went straight out.

Yan Qin kept pulling Yang Xu into the car. After getting on the car, Yang Xu slowed down and asked, "how did you get out?"

"The company has something urgent. Tang Qin said that she is free today. She can take care of it first."

"Oh." Yang Xu responded faintly. After the last overtime, the heavy rain was surrounded by reporters this time. This man always appeared in such a timely manner, "since your company has something urgent, you should hurry to be busy. I can take a bus to work by myself."

"Are you sure you want to go to work now?" Yan Qin asked.

Yang Xu was slightly stunned, and then thought that the colleagues of the magazine were all a group of gossip. They were afraid to know today's news. If she went now, it should be more difficult than the siege of reporters.

She doesn't work. Where is she going?

Thinking that Yan Qin's cell phone rang, Yan Qin immediately became serious and quickly picked up the phone.


"How's Guan er?" The people on the other side of the phone spoke eagerly and nervously, and their voice was loud. Yang Xu heard it clearly.


Last time Tang Qin said Yan Qin had a commander's adoptive father. Is that him? Commander Jiang?

"You are out of danger. Don't worry too much."

"That's good." Commander Jiang on the other side of the phone took a big breath, "I'm really scared to death when I see the news. It's all right now. Xiaobei, I'm still doing intensive training abroad. I can't get away. You must take good care of smile."

"Don't worry, Godfather. I'll take good care of her."

The content of the call is very simple. I just asked about Jiang Guaner. Just now, did Yang Xu hear it wrong?

Commander Jiang called him Xiaobei?

His nickname?

"Have you decided where to go?"

"Ah?" Yang Xu was thinking intently and didn't respond to his question.

"If you don't think about it, go to the company with me. As my wife, it's one of your rights to understand my work." Then Yan Qin started the car.

Yang Xu was really surprised and wanted to go to his company?

"Aren't you in a hurry? I'm afraid it's inappropriate to take me to your company. Put me down in front of you and I'll go alone... "

"My company has the final say." Yan Qin was very straightforward. Yang Xu could not refuse again. Stepping on the accelerator, the car roared away.

Jinye international is the largest entertainment city in T city. It deals in dozens of projects such as wineries, clubs, clubs and hot springs. Those who come here to consume are either rich or expensive.

I know nothing about Yan Qin and Yang Xu. I only know that he was a soldier before and went to the arms business after he retired. Now he is actually involved in the entertainment industry. Yang Xu really can't touch the man's ambition to the end.

After entering Jinye international, Yan Qin handed her over to his secretary. Naturally, he was attentive to the president's wife. He was very warm and thoughtful. He took Yang Xu around and made a detailed explanation.

First, Yang Xu didn't adapt to such a flattered life. Second, he didn't want to bother Secretary Li too much. After wandering for a while, he asked to go to Yan Qin's lounge. Secretary Li took Yang Xu to Yan Qin's lounge, with a standard smile on his face: "this is president Yan's lounge. Miss Yang can call me if you have anything."“ Well, OK, thank you. " Yang Xu replied politely. After Secretary Li left, Yang Xu looked around the lounge. It was really elegant, comparable to the presidential suite of a high-end hotel. Yan Qin was a soldier in the end. All kinds of furnishings showed a breath of troops. Almost all the books on the huge bookshelf were military books. Yang Xu looked around and finally fixed his eyes on a photo on his desk. Yang Xu couldn't help but pick it up. This is a group photo of the three. Yan Qin in the photo is probably only a teenager, holding a five or six-year-old girl in his arms, and standing behind him is a dignified middle-aged man. Needless to guess, this should be commander Jiang Zhanjiang. The little girl was Jiang Guan when he was a child. There is only one photo in the room. It seems that Yan Qin grew up in the Jiang family. Is he really an orphan? Yang Xu put down the photo and didn't think about it again. She couldn't think of such a thing by herself. She simply didn't take care of it. Yang Xu threw off his annoying high heels and lay in bed. He just wanted to close his eyes and have a rest. He didn't want to close his eyes and went to sleep in a few minutes, and this sleep was all morning. When she woke up, she had a silk quilt on her body. I don't know whether it was Yan Qin or the secretary who covered her. Look, it's more than 11 o'clock. Yang Xu shook his head and woke up. How did he sleep here“ Dada. " There was a sound of footsteps outside the door from far to near. Yang Xu hurriedly adjusted his clothes and got out of bed. As soon as he stood still, Yan Qin pushed the door and came in“ Wake up? "“ Um. " Yang Xu was so busy that he was really embarrassed. He had not had time to put on his shoes. Now he stood barefoot in front of the bed, and his hair was a little messy. Yan Qin glanced at her. There was no mocking expression on his face. Instead, he went over to pick up her high heels and came to her. To Yang Xu's surprise, he squatted down and grabbed her ankle“ The ground is cold. " Motioning to him to wear shoes for himself, Yang Xu hurriedly wanted to take out his feet from her hand: "I can do it myself." However, on the contrary, he clenched more tightly, looked up at the flustered Yang Xu and asked, "I'm your husband. What are you afraid of?" In a word, Yang Xuleng was there. She didn't affectate any more. He put on his shoes, but his face was red. For so many years, no man had touched her feet“ The hospital called and said, "smile woke up. Do you want to go with me or I'll take you home?" After putting Yang Xu's shoes on, Yan Qin stood up. His tall body blocked a meter of sunshine from the window“ Go to the hospital. I'm worried about her, too. "“ OK. " Yan Qin answered. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.