Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 034

When Yan Qin and Yang Xu entered the ward, the nurse just hung up a drop for Jiang Guaner. Tang Qin stood by and watched. Her agent Yao Fei and assistant were also around.

Seeing Yan Qin coming in and lying on the hospital bed, Jiang Guan finally saw the ice breaking like hope on her pale face and gently called out: "brother..."

Yan Qin hurried forward to see Jiang guan'er. His face was still bloodless. He hurriedly asked Tang Qin, "how is she?"

"I checked her. The operation was very successful, but she was hurt too badly. It may take some time to recover completely." Tang Qin said slowly.

"How long will it take?" Yao Fei asked eagerly.

Seeing that Yao Fei was so nervous, I knew what she meant. Tang Qin snorted coldly and asked, "what's the matter? You expect her to continue to hold concerts to make money for your company. She can't come back in a year or two. "

"A year or two?" After hearing this, Yao Fei didn't react. Jiang Guaner, who was lying in the hospital bed, couldn't lie down. She was very excited and said, "how can this be? I've just returned to China for development. The prospect is so good. If it's quiet for a year or two, where do I have any popularity left? "

"Is that career important or physical important?" As a doctor, Tang Qin couldn't help saying, "I'm dying for popularity."

Upon hearing this, Jiang Guaner's mood really collapsed. Think about what happened and look at herself now. She cried bitterly: "why am I so unlucky? Why did such an accident happen, ah... "

Jiang Guan was very excited. She moved and felt severe pain, which made her cry out.

Seeing this, Yan Qin hurriedly came forward and controlled her body: "smile."

"Brother, I'm in pain, really in pain..." Jiang Guan threw herself into Yan Qin's arms and burst into tears.

Yan Qin gently opened his arms and wrapped her small body in his chest. He comforted softly, "don't think about it. Your body matters."

Jiang Guaner was still crying, and other people present were silent. Speaking of it, Jiang Guaner was really unlucky that such a sensational concert had such an accident.

Now Jiang Guaner's mood is really understandable. Yang Xu motioned Yao Fei and Jiang Guaner's assistant to go out first. There was no way, so they had to leave first. Yang Xu also took Tang Qin outside the ward first.

"Hey, I can't figure it out. Why does the daughter of the commander's family have to fight in the entertainment industry? It's also a tragedy now. I'm still thinking about my career. I'm lucky to have no disability. " Tang Qin couldn't help saying so.

Yang Xu looked at the doctor's room again. Jiang Guaner was still crying. She sank her breath and didn't speak. Jiang Guaner's conditions are indeed unique. The smooth development in the entertainment industry in recent years is probably related to her good origin.

She has had a smooth sailing since childhood. Now she can't bear it when she is at her peak.

"But sheep, you're angry this time, you know? Now the media reports are all about you. What's the most beautiful doctor and what's the goddess of calmness? You're popular now. " After the incident, the entertainment headlines were all Yang Xu.

"You know me, I never want to be a public figure, and I don't want to step on other people's opportunities to become what you call online popularity." The reporters had given her a headache this morning.

"Of course I know you. In fact, what I want to express most is that you are really born for the profession of doctor. Come back and let's fight side by side. How good it is. Now, I'm in the hospital and you're in the magazine. It's difficult to meet." Taking this opportunity, Tang Qin hurriedly advised Yang Xu.

In this regard, Yang Xu replied, "I saw an Jinyan yesterday."

Tang Qin was stunned. Have they met alone?

"Before I saw him, I really had a hard time, and I did ask myself if I regretted resigning in a rage three years ago? But after I met him, I suddenly became firm. I didn't regret it. If the time went back to three years ago, I would still choose to resign. "

Tang Qin frowned. She knew Yang Xu best. Many times she was very stubborn. After making a stubborn decision, several cows couldn't come back, but what she didn't expect had been three years. Her hatred for an Jinyan was still so heavy.

"Then you don't have to give up your medical career because of him. There are so many hospitals besides Andersen." Tang Qin really felt sorry for Yang Xu's giving up the doctor.

"You also know the position of an Jinyan in the medical field. At least in T City, I don't want to live in his shadow. I just want to get rid of him completely."

If Yang Xu is really stubborn, he is really a stone in the toilet. It is smelly and hard. Tang Qin has to say something again. Yan Qin suddenly shouted in panic in the ward: "Tang Qin, come quickly!"

After hearing this, Yang Xu and Tang Qin hurriedly ran back to the ward and found that Jiang Guaner was unconscious again.

Tang Qin hurriedly came forward to check her. The knot on Yan Qin's eyebrow on one side was getting deeper and deeper. His worry was exposed. After the check, Tang Qin said, "it was caused by stimulation. I'll give her another shot."

"OK." Yan Qin naturally did not understand medicine and only listened to the doctor.

Tang Qin gave Jiang Guan another shot. After that, Yang Xu said to Tang Qin, "you're tired, too. I'm here. Go and have a rest."“ Well, what can I do for you? " Then Tang Qin went out. In addition to Jiang Guan, who was in a coma, there were only Yang Xu and Yan Qin in the ward“ It's normal for her to suffer such a thing for the first time. When she wakes up, comfort her. " Yang Xu said slowly. After hearing this, Yan Qin hesitated and sighed: "this girl was spoiled since childhood. How can she stand such a blow."“ Take your time. Don't underestimate her. She'll get better. " Yang Xu still said a word of relief. Hearing these words, Yan Qin smiled happily, looked at Yang Xu and said, "Mrs. Yan, I found that I really married you." Is it? But Yang Xu never wanted to marry him“ But this time I'm afraid I'm going to disappoint Mrs. Yan. "“ What? "“ This time you made a big show at the concert. Those reporters found you so quickly. I believe your identity as Mrs. Yan will be exposed immediately. " Yan Qin's tone really deserved beating. He seemed to be mixed with helplessness in schadenfreude. Indeed, these media people are really terrible now. They eat people and don't vomit bones. It's easy to check a person“ It doesn't matter. " Yang Xu was relieved. "Since you can't get divorced, it will be exposed sooner or later. It's you. I think those media people will be more interested in the object Jiang Guaner wants to confess than my identity." Ha. Yan Qin smiled bitterly. He never knew that Yang Xu looked silent on weekdays, but she was still a clever girl“ Cough... "Jiang Guan Er, who was lying on the hospital bed, coughed violently. She could hear the conversation between Yang Xu and Yan Qin just now... This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stopped our translation