Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 032

Last night, Yang Xu was not sure whether she was really asleep. Early in the morning, before dawn, Yang Xu got up and ordered the servant to make breakfast and pack it in a thermos box. The driver sent her directly to an's hospital.

Yang Xu was originally a doctor in an's hospital. She was familiar with everything here. When she came back to this place, she was really mixed with feelings. When she saw some familiar old colleagues, Yang Xu hung his head deliberately. For fear that they would recognize it, she went straight to Jiang Guaner's ward.

On the floor of Jiang guan'er's ward, I heard Yan Qin's voice as soon as I came to the corner.

"There was such a big accident, you told me it was just an accident?" Yan Qin growled, with a biting force.

"No, Mr. Yan, you misunderstood. We definitely don't mean that. We didn't expect such a big thing this time. We are also very sad that smile was hurt like this, but the accident has happened and we have suffered heavy losses. Mr. Yan, do you think you can raise your hand?"

"Whether you have suffered a heavy loss or not is not within my consideration. What I care about is the safety of my sister. I will take responsibility for it to the end and get out!"

"President Yan..."

"Get out! Don't let me say it a third time! "

Yan Qin's words fell, and soon Yang Xu saw three or five men in suits and shoes coming out of the ward at noon, all sad and sighing.

After watching them leave, Yang Xu regained his mind and walked into the ward with his lunch box. When he saw Yang Xu coming in, Yan Qin was stunned and covered up the angry color on his face perfectly.

Yang Xu looked at Jiang Guan with closed eyes and asked, "haven't you woke up yet?"

"Yes." Yan Qin answered faintly. Yang Xu put the lunch box in his hand on the table and comforted: "don't worry, she will get better. This is the breakfast for you. Have something to eat first."

"Thank you." Yan Qin said very seriously.

Yang Xu was stunned. He was saying thank you to himself? For what? Brought him food?

Just thinking of a newspaper, Yang Xu took it over and wrote with such a big title: "there was an accident and death at Jiang guan'er concert. The most beautiful doctor didn't mess up in the face of danger and helped each other."

Yang Xu was really surprised to see that the whole headline was full of this report and attached many photos of her giving Jiang Guaner first aid. Now the speed of the media is really amazing.

Yang Xu put down the newspaper and said to Yan Qin lightly, "you don't have to thank me. It's just out of a doctor's instinct."

"Thank you, too. You saved Guan er."

"Since you must thank me, I'll take it. Well, eat quickly. It'll be cold in a while." Yang Xu opened the lunch box and carefully brought out the breakfast inside, looking like a good wife and mother.

Yan Qin was well aware of Yang Xu's hatred for himself, and it was rare for her to speak to him so calmly.

Yang Xu just set the breakfast on the table. There was a light knock on the door. Looking up, an Jinyan and Tang Qin came in one after another. Both of them were wearing white coats. That kind of white looked very dazzling to Yang Xu.

"Dean an." Yang Xu politely called an Jinyan, but the embarrassment was obvious.

Although they both lived in the same city in the past three years, they never met again.

"Yes." For Yang Xu's unfamiliar name, an Jinyan just responded formally. He turned his eyes and said to Yan Qin, "I wasn't in the hospital last night. I didn't know until I saw the news this morning."

"I've been out of danger. I've been in a coma all night and haven't woken up yet." Although Yang Xu and they all said Jiang Guaner would get better, Yan Qin had to worry because he was so badly hurt and didn't wake up yet.

An Jinyan came forward and professionally made some routine inspections for Jiang Guaner. After the inspection, he said: "all aspects are still stable. Wait until she wakes up. Tang Qin, from now on, you are in charge of Jiang Guaner and come to inspect it once an hour."

"OK, Dean." Tang Qin hurriedly agreed.

"I have to go to work today. If I'm late, I'll be late. I'll go first." This is an Jinyan's hospital. There are the best doctors here. Naturally, she doesn't need her.

Then Yang Xu went out and left the ward. He immediately felt much relaxed.

She quickly walked out of the inpatient department and walked straight ahead, but she was surprised to arrive in front of the office building. She looked up and looked at the building, and her heart was suddenly grabbed by something.

At the moment, she wanted to leave quickly, but she walked into the office building and stopped in front of her original office.

Through the glass as like as two peas, she looked at everything in the office, but was surprised by everything inside. Nothing changed. It was exactly like what she was at the time. She had been away for three years.

"Yang Xu." The sudden sound behind him startled Yang Xu.

Yang Xu turned back, and a tall figure didn't enter her eyes. The white coat decorated his slender figure more and more beautiful.

In Yang Xu's life, this man really accounts for a lot of weight.

She became his apprentice at the age of 17. At that time, she had just entered medical school and her edge was emerging. Many hospitals took a fancy to her good seedling and offered attractive conditions. She chose an Jinyan only because of his words.

He said: I need a good assistant, and you need to be a good doctor. Since then, Yang Xu has been with him. He has become the chief surgeon from an intern, participated in TV lectures and military rescue. In terms of medical career, it can be said that the wind is smooth until three years ago... "The office has been kept for you. If you want to come back, the door of Anders will always be open for you." An Jinyan opened his mouth, his tone was quite complex, and his sincerity brought out some entreaties. Hearing this, Yang Xu laughed at himself: "I don't know how important my position is in Dean an's heart."“ You are a rare good doctor. Talents like you are very important to me and the hospital. " What an Jinyan said is somewhat deliberately utilitarian“ Is it? Then I'm really flattered. " Yang Xu's words can't help feeling, "but I'm very satisfied with my current work and don't plan to come back. Thank you for Dean an's love." With that, Yang Xu was about to leave. An Jinyan called her again: "Yang Xu." Yang Xu stopped, but didn't look back“ Yang Xu, we have known each other for so many years. I know better than anyone that doctors are not just a profession for you. You can not go back to Ann's, but I don't want you to give up being a doctor, which is not only a loss to me, but also to patients. " An Jinyan was painstaking, but Yang Xu didn't appreciate it at all. She just aggravated her hatred for the man. She turned back and looked at him, and her self mocking smile became more and more strong: "Dean an, I admit you helped me a lot on the road of medicine, but if you really cherish it, you wouldn't hesitate to sell me three years ago. You have changed my fate too much, In the future, you will not interfere in my life. I will go my own way. " Yang Xu said it decisively. After that, he turned smartly and left with a big step. Looking at her disappeared back, an Jinyan threw a shadow into his eyes, and some bitter water poured into his throat. He couldn't spit it out and swallow it. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.