Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 031

Yang Xu is also tired. She sits on the ground directly against the wall and gasps heavily. Now she is really afraid. Jiang Guaner is badly hurt. She may have died if she was careless just now.

Tang Qin came forward and patted Yang Xu on the shoulder. He also sat down next to her, gasped and said, "I'm really worthy of being my eldest martial sister and the most effective assistant of master Jinyan. I can't do it for three years, and my medical skills are as good as those in those years."

Now Yang Xu is not in the mood to tell Tang Qin this. He directly said, "don't tease me here because human life is vital."

"Well, don't say that." Tang Qin also relaxed and took a big breath and said, "I was scared to death at the moment when the lifting platform collapsed just now. Although I saw countless deaths and deaths, there was an accident in front of me on such a happy occasion, and it almost killed people. It's really... I'm afraid to think about it now."

Why isn't Yang Xu afraid?

The operation was in progress. There were only Yang Xu and Tang Qin in the corridor. Yang Xu stopped talking, and Tang Qin didn't speak again. He was quiet in an instant.

"Dada dada." A very rapid and disorderly sound of footsteps came from far to near.

It was Yan Qin and Zhong Yi who ran over one after another. Seeing them, Yang Xu and Tang Qin hurriedly stood up from the ground. It was obvious that Yan Qin was worried. Looking at the three words "in operation", he panted and asked, "where's smile? How is she now? "

"I'm having an operation. In my experience, there should be no life-threatening. Don't worry." Yang Xu's firm tone also calmed Yan Qin's heart.

"It's good if there's no danger of life, it's good if there's no danger of life..." Zhong Yi seems to be more nervous than Yan Qin. His whole body softened when he heard Yang Xu's words, and he kept mumbling and repeating them.

Yan Qin took a long breath and sat down on the bench. His heart still couldn't help banging. When he saw the lifting platform collapse through the screen, he was really scared to death, ten times more scared than when he went to the battlefield.

"Don't worry, auspicious people have their own appearance. Your sister will be fine." Looking at him like this, Yang Xu took the initiative to comfort him.

This sentence now sounded very warm to Yan Qin. He reluctantly smiled, nodded, and then asked, "aren't you scared?"

"I'm fine." Yang Xu replied. Yan Qin took a deep breath and looked at the operating room all the time.

I felt that after a long time, the door of the operating room was finally opened. Yan Qin and they hurried forward. This is an Jinyan's hospital. Naturally, all the doctors here knew Yan Qin. Seeing Yan Qin's chief surgeon, the doctor hurriedly shouted, "senior colonel Yan."

"How's my sister?"

"Many fractures and dislocations, seriously injured..."

"Can that recover? Will you leave any disability? " This sentence was asked by Zhong Yi.

The chief surgeon frowned and looked dignified: "it's hard to say. We should observe first. Colonel Yan, we'd better go through the hospitalization formalities for Miss Jiang and arrange the ward first."

"OK." Yan Qin answered and looked at Zhong Yi. Zhong Yi hurriedly said, "I'll do it right away."

Zhong Yi's efficiency is always fast. After everything is done, Jiang Guaner is pushed to the ward. Now she is still unconscious. She is wrapped with bandages in many places. Her face is as white as paper.

"What does the producer eat? It's damned that such an accident happened in such a big concert! " Zhong Yi's reaction was very extreme, and he was angry. He wanted to fight with the producer of the concert.

Zhong Yi's reaction startled Yang Xu and Tang Qin. They looked at each other as if they knew something and didn't speak.

"Well, you are all tired. You are here. Go back first." Yan Qin opened his mouth with a faint sentence.

"Brother, I'd better stay." Zhong Yi hurried.

"It's inconvenient for you to be men. I'd better come." Yang Xu opened his mouth and proposed a sentence.

"Yes, Yang Xu and I are both doctors and women. It's also convenient." Tang Qin was also busy.

But Yan Qin didn't promise, just an understatement explanation: "she's still very empty now. I'm afraid she won't see me when she wakes up. I'll be in a bad mood. Don't argue. Go back."

Yan Qin's words made Yang Xu speechless. It turned out that he was considering Jiang Guaner from the perspective of Jiang Guaner. At present, the person Jiang Guaner needs most is him.

"Go back and have a rest." Yan Qin said this to Yang Xu. It was very light and soft.

"Well, I'll come early tomorrow morning." Then she pulled Tang Qin and said, "let's go."

Yang Xu took Tang Qin out. Zhong Yi was not at ease, but he didn't dare to go against Yan Qin's meaning. He had to go out after seeing Jiang Guaner in a coma.

"It feels a little messy." After coming out, Tang Qin whispered to Yang Xu.

Yang Xu knew what Tang Qin meant, but she didn't want to say more about it: "it's none of your business, you don't need to think more."

Tang Qin frowned: "you want to open it. What's none of your business? Didn't you hear that Jiang Guaner has to confess to your husband at the concert? Colonel, you don't care about her, and you can see that you don't care about her? "

"Worried?" Yang Xu didn't think so. "Don't worry. What's mine is mine. If it's not mine, it's not mine. I just need to have a clear conscience." It sounds that Yang Xu is free and easy, but she understands that this is not due to her character, but because there is no emotion in this marriageā€œ Oh, I really -- I really want to beat you up. What's on your mind? " But Tang Qin was angry when he heard this, "even if you are unwilling to marry Yan Qin, even if you don't love him, you are married after all. He is your husband now. You should know how to defend your marriage. Do you think it's so easy for a divorced woman?" Tang Qin couldn't help but say it to Yang Xu. After Tang Qin said that he didn't give Yang Xu a chance to speak, he directly said, "forget it, don't say it, you won't take it to heart. It's all a deaf ear. I'll take you home first." Of course, Yang Xu knows that Tang Qin is for her good, but some things don't happen to him. He can always say a lot of truth. Why don't Yang Xu understand these truth? This night was destined to be a sleepless night. It was very late after returning to Longfeng garden, but Yang Xu couldn't sleep in bed. His mind was full of Jiang Guan's words to Yan Qin and Tang Qin's words, back and forth disorderly in his mind again and again. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stopped our translation