Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 030

The stage design of this concert is very gorgeous. The changing background dazzles people. With the speed of music, the climax of the venue comes one after another.

After Jiang Guaner sang several songs in a row, the music stopped, and the big screen behind changed into a soft background. Under the expectation of hundreds of millions of viewers, she walked to the lifting platform and stood in the center and slowly rose to a height of nearly ten meters.

Even if there are tens of thousands of audience, they are very quiet at the moment. Just looking at her standing high, Jiang Guaner slowly said with a microphone:

"Thank you very much for coming to my concert today. I'm really moved to see so many people. Thank you for supporting me all the way, doting on me and letting me go now. Thank you..."

With that, Jiang Guan made a deep bow to the audience.

Because Jiang Guaner's concert was broadcast live across the country, Yan Qin, who had just finished his work, opened his notebook and looked at her through the screen, while Zhong Yi stood next to him.

Hearing what I said just now, I saw the graceful Jiang Guaner and Yan Qin's knowing smile. The little girl really grew up and changed.

"Brother, are you really not going? Miss Yao Feiyao called and said that the position would always be reserved for you. " Zhong Yi asked him again.

Yan Qin shook his head: "it's the same whether you see it or not."

Even though Zhong Yi had different opinions, he still had to respect Yan Qin's choice, so he stood aside and stopped talking. He just silently looked at Jiang Guan who was like a fairy on the screen.

"Here, I want to take this opportunity to say a few words to a person." Then Jiang Guaner said this again. After listening to this, Yan Qin frowned. The smelly girl was going to start mischief again!

"He watched me grow up. I've liked him since I was a child. My biggest dream from childhood is to marry him!"

Jiang Guaner has always been a direct person. She never hides her feelings. She just has to hide a lot of things in the entertainment industry. Before her popularity, the entertainment company did not allow her to disclose too much private life. Now it is different. She has become a big star. Her emotional life is the biggest gimmick, and she has been unable to restrain her inner thoughts.

As soon as Jiang Guaner's words came out, the whole audience was shocked, and all the reporters were as excited as if they had dug up big news and kept shooting at Jiang Guaner.

Tang Qin, who had been in a state of excitement, woke up and said to Yang Xu, "what's the situation? Why are you suddenly going to confess? I seem to have heard from senior student Jinyan before that Jiang Guaner has ideas about Senior Colonel Yan. Doesn't she want to confess to senior colonel Yan in front of the national audience? What the hell? Don't she know that senior colonel Yan has married you! "

Yang Xu thought she didn't care what she could do about the marriage, but now she was sitting under the stage as Mrs. Yan, and Jiang Guaner on the stage wanted to confess to her husband. Her mood was not as calm as expected, and she was even afraid that Jiang Guaner would continue to talk.

But there is no way. Today's stage is Jiang Guaner. She wants to say that no one can stop her. Yang Xu only feels that her heart beats faster and faster

"I never dared to say this before, but now I don't want to hide it, let alone wrong myself. I just want to confess to him in front of the national audience. I just want the world to know that I like him, I want to marry him, and I want the world to know that what I say is... Ah!"

Jiang Guan Er even talked about the climax. Both Yan Qin in front of the screen and Yang Xu at the scene were worried, but at this time, she said here, suddenly


In the center of the stage that attracted the attention of thousands of people, on the high lifting platform, but for a moment, in front of the audience, the 10 meter high lifting platform suddenly collapsed and made a huge noise.

Jiang Guaner, who was standing on the stage, was weightless and fell heavily from the ten meter lifting platform.

"Ah..." for the sudden accident at the concert, tens of thousands of people screamed in panic, and the scene was in chaos.

"Smile / Miss Jiang!" Yan Qin and Zhong Yi, who were watching the concert on the screen, were shocked and ran out regardless of any panic.

The audience in front of the TV was shocked, and the situation at the scene was even more chaotic. The manufacturers and entertainment companies were so scared that their legs could not help but soften, and suddenly became a pot of porridge.

Seeing this scene, out of a doctor's instinct, Yang Xu rushed to the stage quickly, Tang Qin followed, and the audience gathered around one after another.

At the moment, Jiang Guan, who fell heavily to the ground, was already covered with blood, curled up on the ground because of pain, gasping and trembling.

Seeing this scene, the people present were really scared to death and couldn't help shouting in panic.

"Keep quiet and don't shout!" Yang Xu said a stern reminder in a deep voice. Soon, all the people present closed their mouths and looked at it quietly.

"Don't worry, I'm a doctor." Now Jiang Guaner has been in pain and is about to go into shock. Yang Xu hurriedly and safely said to her, but Jiang Guaner was hurt too badly after all. As soon as Yang Xu's words fell, Jiang Guaner fainted.

"Ah!" Seeing her unconscious, there was another commotion among the people present“ I said, "be quiet!" Yang Xu said loudly, and then said to the people, "help quickly, let her body lie flat and supine, let her keep breathing smoothly first, and pay attention not to bend or twist her neck and trunk forward." After Yang Xu's words, everyone was busy cooperating with Yang Xu for first aid, and Tang Qin, who was also a doctor, was at a loss when he saw Yang Xu's first aid“ What are you doing? Call an ambulance! " This is what Yang Xu said to Tang Qin. Tang Qin quickly nodded, got up and took out his mobile phone from his pocket. After Jiang Guaner's body was flattened, Yang Xu checked her whole body as quickly as possible, threw away all the hard objects on her, untied her collar and ensured that she could keep breathing smoothly. Then, Yang Xu skillfully tore Jiang Guan's clothes directly. Seeing everything in it, she didn't have time to have other ideas. She quickly wrapped her up with the torn clothes. After simply bandaging her, Yang Xu hurriedly asked Tang Qin, "when can the ambulance arrive?"“ It's the rush hour of the road. It will take another half an hour. "“ It's too late. Now she must give intravenous rehydration and replenish blood volume. Come on, give her a hand and lift her to the nearest health center first. To keep her spine straight, be careful. " Under the command of Yang Xu, everyone carefully cooperated with the first aid, and quickly and smoothly sent Jiang Guaner to the health center. Yang Xu personally started and injected her into the vein. The ambulance came in time. When the ambulance arrived, she quickly carried her up. According to the requirements, the ambulance family can only take one person, but the doctor who came was from an's hospital. Tang Qin was the doctor there and Yang Xu was the same, so they made an exception. At the green light all the way, Jiang Guaner was sent to the hospital at the fastest speed. After arriving at the hospital, he directly pushed into the operating room. At this time, Yang Xu's heart gradually calmed down. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.