Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 029

After separating from Tang Qin, Yang Xu came home like walking alone, but just returned to Longfeng garden, his ass was not hot, and his mobile phone rang immediately. It was Tang Qin.

"Yang Yang, where are you now? I want to see you, I want to see you right away! " Tang Qin on the other side of the phone was annoyed.

"I'm back to Longfeng garden now. What's the matter with you? What happened? " Yang Xu asked hurriedly.

"Wait at home. I'll be there in a minute." Tang Qin hung up in a hurry.

Soon, Tang Qin drove over, with a mouth full of Lao Gao and a face of depression. Before Yang Xu asked, Tang Qin said, "he refused."

He? An Jinyan?

Yang Xu secretly breathed a sigh of relief and asked why it was a big deal. Yang Xu didn't say anything. He just made her a cup of coffee like a master and handed it to her. Tang Qin took it and didn't drink it, but put it aside, looked at Yang Xu and asked:

"Yang Xu, do you think an Jinyan is a piece of wood? I've been with him for so many years. Doesn't he feel at all? " Tang Qin is really depressed. She really likes an Jinyan for many years. Although she hasn't said anything, she thinks her performance is obvious. As a result, an Jinyan pretends to be a fool.

"People say that men chase women across the mountain and women chase men across the veil. Instead of guessing here, you might as well have a showdown with him directly." Yang Xu said.

"It's easy to say. I'm a girl after all. Alas, how difficult it is to be affectionate. I'm not as lucky as you."

"Hey, what about you? Why me? How can I be lucky? " Yang Xu is really helpless about Tang Qin's cognition.

"Why didn't you? At the beginning, Heyuan City chased you and treated you so well. Now, Colonel Yan... "

Tang Qin didn't spit out, but her heart creaked here. What did she say just now?

Heyuan City?

That's the name that everyone has taboo to mention in front of Yang Xu in the past three years. What did she say? What's she talking about?

Seeing that Yang Xu's face became dark, Tang Qin took a heavy blow from his mouth and quickly explained: "Yang Yang, I was talking nonsense just now, my smelly mouth..."

Yang Xu smiled reluctantly and shook his head: "it's all right."

Tang Qin felt guilty and didn't know what to say. Yang Xu broke the ice again with a smile: "well, I'm really fine."

Tang Qin just wanted to say something, and there was a brake sound in the yard.

Is Yan Qin back?

So early today?

"President Yan." Seeing him back, the servants were busy calling respectfully. Tang Qin was also busy smiling and said, "senior colonel Yan."

It was Yang Xu who felt uncomfortable at the moment. At the thought of last night, Yang Xu felt uncomfortable with high heat.

"Tang Qin is here." Yan Qin smiled politely at Tang Qin.

"Yes." Tang Qin nodded, then took out the ticket and shook it in front of Yan Qin. "Thank you, senior colonel Yan, for getting me such a great position."

"You're welcome. It's just a little help."

"It's a little help for you, but it's great kindness for me, and one is two. I'm worried that no one will accompany me? She refused to let me go with the sheep. "

Yan Qin smiled naturally and looked at Yang Xu. The ambiguous doting color at the bottom of his eyes really made people feel itchy: "this is the case with Yang Xu in my family. I don't like this noisy occasion."

Don't say Tang Qin, Yang Xu was stunned. This man was really terrible and tight. He never had this face when he was alone with her.

"But Tang Qin is right. Let's go and have a look. Quan should relax, huh?" Yan Qin's doting color became more and more intense, but Yang Xu looked away and didn't see him.


The so-called arm can't twist the thigh. Even though tens of thousands of Yang Xu didn't want to see Jiang Guaner's concert, she couldn't stand Tang Qin's tangled fight in the end. Finally, she compromised.

The venue of Jiang Guaner's concert is semi open-air, and the style is amazing. The venue is full and the scene is unprecedented.

And tonight, the sky is working skillfully. The amber moon and the water like moonlight flow slowly and beautifully.

The concert officially started at 8 o'clock, but there were a large number of audiences, so Tang Qin began to enter the site one after another from 6 o'clock. Tang Qin could not restrain his excitement. As soon as the venue opened, she rushed in with Yang Xu first, found the corresponding position and sat down. Tang Qin felt that every cell was excited and boiling.

"Wow, this position is great. You can see everything at a glance here. It's great. There's also this stage. Look, Yang Yang, good style. It's good to be a big star. It's really a style."

Tang Qin kept talking excitedly, but compared with Tang Qin's excitement, Yang Xu was very calm, just quietly listening to Tang Qin talking.

At the moment, everyone in the backstage was in a hurry, and McCurry's ear would pop up a voice almost every few seconds.

"Smile, everything is ready. The concert will begin soon." Yao Fei reminded Jiang Guaner of the director's instructions.

Jiang Guan nodded. Before playing, he turned around and asked Yao Fei, "did he really not come?"“ Do you mean president Yan? " Yao Fei asked definitely, then shook her head, "it seems not." Hearing this, Jiang Guaner was inevitably disappointed. Originally, she planned to surprise Yan Qin at the concert. She didn't expect Yan Qin to refuse to come“ Smile, it's time to play. " Seeing that Jiang Guan didn't mean to start, Yao Fei hurriedly reminded her. Jiang Guan looked back, nodded, and then stepped on the lifting platform. The lights gathered in the center of the ball. When Jiang Guaner, dressed in a luxurious evening dress, rose slowly from the lifting platform and appeared in front of the audience, the whole audience was boiling“ Goddess, goddess! " The whole audience shouted with one voice. Tang Qin was most excited. He just pulled Yang Xu to stand up and shouted loudly. Yang Xu and Tang Qin are in the best position. It looks dazzling from the ball. When Jiang Guaner standing on the stage saw Yang Xu, her face sank and her chest was angry. Yan Qin, even if you don't want to come, you let your nominal wife come. What do you mean? The subtle changes on Jiang guan'er's face were imperceptible, but Yang Xu could see clearly. At the moment when the music sounded, he also fell into a kind of thought. Although Jiang Guaner is young, she is also very well-known in the singing world. Many of her songs are also very popular. The opening songs attracted a chorus of 10000 people. Tang Qin has been immersed in it, waving his fluorescent stick and singing with the music, while Yang Xu just quietly became a spectator. She looked at Jiang Guan standing on the stage and attracted the attention of all the lights and eyes. She was like the brightest star in the sky, and she was just one of the thousands of dust in the world. She was so ordinary that no one would care. Yang Xu has never been a person with low self-esteem, but at the moment, she and Jiang Guaner, one stage, one stage, one protagonist and one audience, also deeply feel a gap. Such a dazzling girl likes Yan Qin, but Yan Qin bullies her and refuses to divorce her. I think Yang Xu really doesn't understand what the man is thinking. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.