Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 028

"God, you really got it, Yang Yang. I love you. You are really my best friend and the closest person in the world!" Although Tang Qin was expected to be excited, her reaction was far beyond Yang Xu's expectation. She kissed Yang Xu with this ticket and praised Yang Xu. Yang Xu really experienced what milk is mother. If you tell her that Jiang Guaner personally came to the magazine yesterday, she would be crazy“ I've known you for so long. How come I never know how you like Jiang Guaner? " Yang Xu is really strange. She knows that Tang Qin likes chasing stars, but they are all male stars. When did she like Jiang Guaner so much“ What do you know? I like more people. " Tang Qin's happy mouth should be grinning to his ears. Holding these two tickets, he continued to boast to Yang Xu, "my dear sheep, you are so considerate. You specially brought me two tickets for fear that I would go to see loneliness alone?"“ Then you're really amorous. Yan Qin gave you two, and I didn't want them. " Yang Xu said truthfully. But this sentence caused Tang Qin's eyes to narrow and full of ghost expression: "Oh ~ ~, I see. I'm afraid you're lonely."“ What are you talking about? Give it to me whether you want it or not. " Yang Xu was angry and wanted to grab the tickets. Tang Qin quickly collected them and said, "yes, of course I do. I mean, senior colonel Yan is thoughtful and wants you to go out to relax. It's just that I'm alone. Accompany me." In this regard, Yang Xu was not interested and immediately refused: "I am not interested in music, and I don't like such a noisy environment." Tang Qin's flat mouth was really helpless for Yang Xu. She showed Yang Xu the ticket again and explained: "do you see the words on it? It's not for sale. This kind of ticket can't be bought with money. It's a position reserved by the leaders of other people's entertainment company. How precious it is. What a pity to waste one. Don't blaspheme the sincerity of Senior Colonel Yan like this? "“ Since you don't want to waste, just call your Jinyan senior together. What a good opportunity. " A faint sentence from Yang Xu. Tang Qin frowned and hit himself hard on the head: "yes, what's wrong with my brain? Why didn't I think of it? Why didn't I think of Jin Yan's senior student at such a rare opportunity? " Seeing Tang Qin's excited appearance, Yang Xu really despised him“ Yang Yang, you've found that you've been smart recently. You've thought of things I didn't think of. " Yang Xu really didn't dare to compliment her on this "praise". It's clear that her EQ is zero, okay“ Well, I won't tell you, Yang Yang. Today, Professor Jinyan made an appointment with the patient's family. He should still be in the hospital at the moment. I'll go first and wait for my good news. " Then Tang Qin picked up his bag and ran to the position of the fast door“ Hey, do you want to put so much emphasis on sex and friends? " Seeing this, Yang Xu was really angry, "agreed to treat you today."“ Oh, you check out first and pay you back next time. " Words fall, Tang Qin's people have rushed to the door. Yang Xu shook her head reluctantly. Tang Qin has always been like this. For so many years, her enthusiasm for an Jinyan has not changed at all. However, Yang Xu really admires and admires her... This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation