Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 002

Yan Qin? Hearing the name, the man's body suddenly fell into silence. Hasn't he disappeared for three years? Why are you here tonight? Thinking of the sudden ringing of the mobile phone, the sound is particularly harsh in this stormy night. The man connected the video call. In the video, a middle-aged woman knelt in the heavy rain and couldn't tell whether it was rain or tears on her frightened face“ Xiao Xuan, help me... Xiao Xuan... "Seeing that her man's pupil grew up, his nerve seemed to burst, and he was in a mess:" Mom! "“ Xiao Xuan, come and save mom, mom... "She cried to speak again, but the mobile phone was taken away by a slender hand, and then reflected on the screen was a cold face, which even if turned into ashes, men knew“ Yan Qin, what the hell do you want to do? Let my mother go! " Seeing his frightened face with green veins, Yan Qin pursed slightly at the corners of his mouth and drew a cold arc on his handsome face. The dangerous smell floated and became more and more threatening in this rainy night“ You tied up my wife, and I naturally want to invite your mother to be a guest. It's fair, but it's really good that you hid your mother. It took me a lot of effort. " Mixed with the sound of rain and the cry of a middle-aged woman, the leisurely and indifferent voice seemed to come from hell, frightening. The man's breathing was tense and afraid to be rough and unstable. Suddenly, he grabbed Yang Xu from the ground and threatened fiercely: "Yan Qin, don't forget that your wife is still in my hand. You dare to move my mother. I'll let your wife die immediately!" When Yang Xu was full of scars and appeared in the video, Yan Qin's eyelids twitched. His deep eyes were very cold. Then he quickly took out the gun from his body, loaded it, and the cold muzzle tightly pressed against the middle-aged woman's head. At this moment, she was scared out of her wits and shouted in horror, "ah... No! No! Xiao Xuan, Xiao Xuan, let go of that woman, let go of her! "“ Zuo Xuan, I came just to take my wife. This is not a deal! " The implication of Yan Qin's words made Zuo Xuan tremble and his hand shaking violently as he grabbed Yang Xu“ Have you forgotten how your father and your brother died? Want your mother to be like them? " The ice man's cold eyes have fallen to the coldest point“ No! " Zuo Xuan trembled and roared out this sentence. His mind was full of scenes of his father's and his brother's tragic death. His bloody eyes were full of crazy anger, "Yan Qin, you are a devil, you are not a human at all!" Zuo Xuan was shaking all over. His anger made him unable to control himself. His hands were weak. He let go of Yang Xu. Yang Xu who was released had no strength and fell to the ground. It was too late. At this moment, Zhong Yi, who followed Yan Qin, kicked the door like lightning. Zuo Xuan and his men were quickly taken down. At the moment, Yang Xu had no strength. His cool body adhered to the cold ground and felt that his breathing was becoming more and more shallow. Yan Qin hurriedly took off his coat and wrapped her trembling body, and then picked her up. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation