Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 001

Night, heavy rain. In the sealed room, the light was dim, and a tall man sat on the white chair. Between the lightning flashes, the long scar on his face was shocking. Yang Xu's hands were tied to the wooden post not far from him. At the moment when his consciousness disappeared due to pain, a basin of cold water poured down, his thin body trembled violently, and the cold drops of water were like thousands of needles, penetrating into her body“ Yan Qin's woman... "The man opened his mouth. The smoke he had just vomited disappeared in front of his face. He got up, stepped on the cigarette butts he had discarded, and walked towards Yang Xu step by step. As the man's footsteps approached, Yang Xu's breath tightened, but he couldn't hide. Suddenly, the man pinched her chin and forced her to look up and enjoy it wantonly. Even though Yang Xu was in a mess at the moment, her facial features after her disorderly hair were still exquisite“ It's really beautiful. " The palm holding her chin moved up slowly, gently and slowly rubbed her face, subconsciously lowered his head, inch by inch, close to her lips. Yang Xu quickly turned his head away from his lips, also broke away from his evil palm, relieved his discomfort, and then spit out the blood flowing into his mouth. He sneered: "you tied me up just to coerce Yan Qin. Then you're really wasting your efforts. He has been missing for three years. I don't want to find anyone for divorce. If you can find him, I'd like to trouble you to convey it to me. I'm looking for him, too. " Then she slapped her in the face, and her left face hurt like fire“ Don't talk to me here! Yan Qin killed my family and had nothing. I want him to taste the taste of losing his beloved woman! " Beloved woman? What an ironic word. Yang Xu chewed the salty blood at the corner of his mouth, rippled a self mocking sneer, and said word by word: "believe it or not, killing me has no impact on him, but I want to remind you that although killing me has no impact on him, I am his wife after all. He has always been cruel and cruel. If you dare to kill him, you should think of your end!"“ Really? " After hearing this, the man's eyes became scarlet. As soon as his ferocious expression turned, he approached and made an effort to hook her whole body, "then I want to try to see if his wife was raped and then killed by me has any impact on him?"“ What are you up to? Let go of your dirty hands, let go! " Yang Xu struggled and shouted with only the remaining strength. The rapid rain outside the room patted on the eaves, trying to frighten her“ Bitch, Yan Qin has asked you to keep your virginity for three years. Now that you are widowed, do you still want to keep your virginity for him? Don't you want to? Don't worry, I promise to be light... "The man stretched his hand behind her and quickly untied the rope for her. Then he rudely threw her on the ground. The smell of danger came, and the fear shrouded in her heart made her collapse. She could only fight desperately and shout: "get out! Get out of here! " The man was interested, rudely tore open her clothes, and wantonly attacked her like a wolf... "Boss, it's not good!" Just as the man was about to be presumptuous, one of his men hurried in and reported, "we have been surrounded, it's Yan Qin!" This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.