Mr CEO's hidden wife

Chapter 003

Now it's Thunderstorm outside, and ten bodyguard cars stand side by side in a dark scene. Yan Qin came out of the small dark room with Yang Xu in his arms. His subordinates hurried forward to hold up their umbrellas, followed him step by step to the front of the car and got on the car“ Drive back to Longfeng garden! " After holding Yang Xu on the bus, Yan Qin snapped a command to the driver. Then the trained driver stepped on the accelerator and the car walked strongly in the storm. After driving at top speed for dozens of kilometers, the car stopped in front of a seaside villa. In the Baroque bedroom, Yan Qin's private doctor George had already been waiting here. Yan Qin carefully laid Yang Xu on the bed“ I won't allow her to make any mistakes. " Yan Qin gave orders to George in a deep voice“ Don't worry, Mr. Yan. " George answered. Yan Qin's order, of course, George didn't dare to slack off, so every move was careful, but nevertheless, the treatment of the wound would make the comatose Yang Xu tremble with pain. Yan Qin stood quietly at the head of the bed, frowning deeply, and the complex emotion in her eyes increased with the aggravation of her pain“ President Yan, it's all skin injuries. There's no big problem, but the body is too weak. You should have a good rest. " After Yang Xu's wounds were treated and bandaged, George reported to Yan Qinhui“ OK. " Yan Qin said faintly, "go out first." George bowed slightly and left the room. After he left, only Yan Qin and unconscious Yang Xu were left in the room. He still stood quietly by the bed and looked at her pale and haggard face. Yan Qin's eyes tightened and deepened. Something flashed in his mind and fell into meditation... Soon, a burst of breathing disturbed Yan Qin's thoughts and lowered his eyes, Yang Xuyu's eyebrows were locked in a coma, his delicate facial features were twisted, his mouth whispered against something, and his body trembled violently“ Yang Xu... "Yan Qin half knelt on the bed, gently called her name, bent down and held her trembling body, gently stroked her hair with her fingertips, and her lips fell on her forehead. The disturbed Yang Xu opened his eyes in horror. His violently floating chest was difficult to recover for a long time. Cold sweat overflowed her hair in front of her forehead and touched the corners of his lips warm and wet. Yang Xu's brain slowly woke up from his stupidity. He had a headache and his heavy body was like a broken frame“ Yang Xu? " The sound of magnetic warmth rings in my ears, like spring breeze and nightmare. Yang Xu closed his eyes, calmed his mood, and then opened his eyes. In front of him, the outline of the man who held her tightly in his arms was clearly reflected in her pupils. Soon his familiar and strange temperature disappeared into her heart and lungs again. Yang Xu shuddered. All kinds of past flashed in his mind. Lingering fear burst out, struggling to push his body away: "don't touch me!" Yan Qin was slightly stunned and did not force. He let go of his hand and straightened up. A tall figure shrouded her“ You're surprised this time. There won't be another time. " There was an imperceptible ripple in the cold expression. Yang Xu couldn't tell whether it was guilt or not. After listening to this, Yang Xu just smiled coldly at himself and was frightened? Just this time? Since I met him, when has her life stopped? Yang Xu bit the corners of her lips, with a faint light in her eyes. She breathed heavily and looked up at the man standing by the bed. This novel has been translated by and if you are reading this somewhere, they have stolen our translation.