MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

~: Regarding the issue of change and monthly pass.

Thank you friends for subscribing and rewarding, and I did not expect the current results.

For the update, I will work harder and strive to update a few more chapters every day, and quickly pay off the rewards.

Then talk about the monthly pass. Originally, it was on the shelves in the middle of the month. I didn\'t even think about the new book monthly pass list.

But you guys are so awesome. Four hundred and a half days after being on the shelves completely scared me.

It also gave me hope. Now the tenth place in the new book monthly ticket list is 780 votes, and we are 360 ​​votes away.

So I want to fight, of course, I can’t say to fight, so I took it for granted to let everyone vote, so I changed the rules of monthly ticket plus more.

From one hundred votes plus one chapter to 50 votes plus one chapter.

As for me, I will work harder and do more on the basis of the current update, hoping to make everyone enjoy it.

So, ask for your support, let me be in the top ten, and the tenth will be on the homepage, which is a homepage advertisement.

Please everyone, I hope to fight with me. (To be continued.)