MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 156: Fight on 1 word

Too arrogant, this is the feelings of outside players, and also the feelings of the audience. ``

Kill people directly, and then fire a map cannon. You are all spicy chickens. The spicy chickens are not good enough to peck at each other. They have to come and give me points.

"Liaoyuan, do you really think you are invincible in the world?" a mage player said coldly.

"Yes, what is it? It\'s a kind of ability to come out one-on-one, hiding in it." A warrior player said disdainfully.

"Damn, what kind of a man hiding in there."

"A man who hasn\'t been planted, relying on some **** is nothing."

The number of players outside is gradually increasing, shouting angrily.

Li Yao pulled off his longbow and pointed at the crowd with arrows, saying, "You guys came to besiege me, want to kill me and explode the wings of angels, and also want me to speak morality. I only give you two words, ha ha. "

"You attacked my friend. I\'m here to take revenge. It has nothing to do with angel wings." The mage said with disdain.

"We are here to avenge our friends."

"What angel wings, you think too much."

Li Yao sneered: "It\'s ridiculous, talking nonsense with you is a waste of my saliva. Don\'t you want to single out, come, I will give you a chance to come in, do you dare?"

That mage, the Fire Cloud Demon stepped forward and said, "Okay, I\'m here, and watch me kill you. A hunter dare to be arrogant to me. I don\'t know how many hunters don\'t kill me. You count it. To remind you, I can flash continuously, don\'t you miss an arrow."

The Huoyun evil demon entered the tunnel through the crack with a vigilant look. After about ten yards, it was the area where the first thief set off the spike trap.

"Do you think you can embarrass Dad with these things?" The Huoyun Demon showed a smile, then his body changed and disappeared, appearing outside the range of the three arrow towers: "Don\'t forget, Dad will flash. "

Just as he flashed, Li Yao\'s arm suddenly turned and his fingers released the bowstring.


Arcane shooting!

The arrow that exuded arcane brilliance had already submerged into the mage\'s throat. The mage was clutching his neck, the triumph in his eyes had not disappeared, and he looked straight at Li Yao in disbelief.

However, his life has been emptied, his soul has also turned into white light, and he has been eliminated directly, and the remaining words are also in his stomach.

"Who else." Li Yao once again bent his bow and set an arrow, pointing to the person outside and said.

Because of the angle of the people on the outside, the mage flashed inside and couldn\'t see it. Huoyun Demon is also a well-known mage, professional player, they still have confidence in professional players.

Although many people feel that the Fire Cloud Demon may not be able to kill Li Yao, but at least it can hold him, as long as Li Yao is held, the time should not be too long, ten seconds is enough.

When the time comes, more and more players will enter, and what can be done is not what Li Yao said. No matter how good he is, he has to drink hate.

But what\'s the situation now, why did the fire cloud demon disappear as soon as he entered.

However, only the audience could see clearly, and Li Yao once again prejudged it.

From the playback footage, everyone clearly saw that Li Yao quickly adjusted the direction and shot the arrow at the moment the wizard flashed.

The moment the mage flashed out, the arrow had penetrated the mage\'s throat. No need for two commentaries, everyone can see it.

At the moment when the mage flashed, Li Yao had already judged the position of the mage flashed out, which made the mage not even have the chance to flash for the second time. He was shot at the vital point and would be killed by a single blow.

"It\'s a god-level prejudgment again, does this all work?"

"Meow, is this still a human? The wizard flashed unpredictably, how he judged it, so accurate."

"Distressed my Cthulhu, such a domineering person, directly smashed into the sand here."

"Even professional players have died so miserably, I want to mention the God of Liaoyuan."

"Who else?"

The whole stadium was filled with applause and applause.

Li Yao picked up the equipment dropped by the mage, and then dragged the mage\'s body to a position where outsiders could see it.

"It seems that you don\'t know what\'s going on. You will understand by looking at this. I will ask again, is there anyone who wants to come in and challenge me?"

The elite outside has changed from a dozen to dozens, and the number of players is still increasing.

Seeing the corpse of the Huoyun Demon, there was an uproar. They also didn\'t expect it to be like this. The fire cloud demon was killed by a spike.

Many players have fiery faces. They have been provoking for a long time. As a result, a professional player entered and uttered a lot of words. As a result, he was handsome for only three seconds and rushed directly to the street.

Everyone looked at each other, what should we do.

This gap is really too small, and only one person can pass. But Liaoyuan\'s attack metamorphosis is notorious, it is too difficult to attack, and swarming will only die.

What\'s more important is that no one wants to block it. You know with your ass. The first person in the past must be regarded as a meat shield by the people behind. There is no way to retreat, there is only a dead end.

The best way is to let people who have confidence in their own strength and are also recognized by everyone go in first, fight for ten seconds, and give everyone time to enter.

"Come on, I\'ve heard of the prestige of the Liaoyuan God, and I\'m about to try your methods today." A warrior with two one-handed swords shining with **** light on his waist slowly walked forward.

Everyone can see the light of his equipment. The equipment on his body is very luxurious, especially the two weapons, which are obviously epic, and they have also been enchanted.

Seeing him hanging around his waist, he even had a short cape. Obviously, he was afraid of blocking the light of the weapon and knew that the attributes of the two weapons must be the best.

"The main member of the Sickle Team, the Sickle of the Soldier Front."

"Bing Feng actually appeared."

"Look at how arrogant he is."

As soon as Ping Feng Zhi Si walked forward, everyone was talking about him. He is also a public figure. Although he is not a member of the eight super teams, the Sickles are also the top ranked team in the first division.

"I hate you the most in my life for being such a superficial and nasty person." A trace of disdain flashed in Li Yao\'s eyes: "Do you play games? It is normal to kill and be killed. If I look at other people\'s equipment, I want to burst out. , Is also normal. I was killed and the equipment exploded. I can only say that my skills are inferior to humans. I admit it. If you want my equipment, just say What do you want to discuss with me, I pooh, Which onion are you counting?"

The audience was in an uproar, and dozens of elite players were also in an uproar. I didn\'t expect Li Yao to be so merciless. This was Chi Guoguo\'s face.

Looking at the face of Bingfeng\'s sickle, it has turned into pig liver color. He glared at Liaoyuan and said angrily: "I will give you a face and you don\'t want it. Okay, I will torture you and say that you are a god, but it is a compliment to you. After a while, I really consider myself a dish."

"My prestige was killed. When do I need your compliment from the five scums of fighting, come if you want to fight, or get out if you don\'t fight." Li Yao rolled up his long bow and said disdainfully: "To be honest, kill you. One point, I can’t even earn my arrow money."


Bingfeng was trembling with sickle anger. He was also a professional player anyway, a celebrity with a large number of fans, well, he was actually insulted like this...

ps: More than 500 votes, more than 100 votes in one night, three shifts. You guys are awesome, and it didn\'t take me to get up at six o\'clock in vain. No nonsense, the first one will be sent, I will fight, and continue to ask for monthly support.

(To be continued.)