MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 155: Digging

"Hahaha, my face is full of slime, I\'m sorry to make me evil, hahaha." KB couldn\'t help laughing when he saw Li Yao\'s embarrassed look. It was really too hard to be beaten by Li Yao. Seeing Li Yao making a fool of himself this time, he immediately gloated.

"You are too dirty." Ozawa was speechless, but seeing the corners of her trembling mouth, he was obviously smiling.

At the strong request of the audience, when the screen was replayed, Li Yao was also cautiously sneaking.

The journey was unimpeded, but when he reached the corner, Li Yao was attracted by a boss-level monster in the distance, and then he didn\'t pay attention.

A brain-eater wrapped Li Yao with his head full of mucus like tentacles. If it hadn\'t been for Li Yao to activate deterrence in time, coupled with his high blood volume, he bounced the monster away, he would have died under the kiss of death.

"That\'s not right, the Liaoyuan God should be regarded as sneaking, why was it still discovered?" the host asked suspiciously.

"It is similar to the stealth of thieves. From previous observations, it is obviously inferior to the stealth of thieves. It\'s just that Liaoyuan God obviously has also studied the stealth of thieves. Seeing that his steps are too proficient, it seems that he is light and weak. It is really true. It\'s incredible." KB explained.

"Well, I really don\'t know how he has so many skills. Most thieves are not as good as him. This time, it was discovered that the boss in the distance attracted his attention, and the brain-eater was there. There is no sound around the corner. The two are too close, even the stealth of the thieves will be discovered, not to mention the effect of the Liaoyuan God is not as good as the stealth." Ozawa explained.

"I finally understand Liaoyuan God\'s plan." KB said suddenly.

"What?" Ozawa wondered.

"Didn’t you find out that the God of Burning Plains has a good way to clean up monsters. Although I can’t see why this cleans up a few monsters, here is a few monsters, but you see, he is actually still moving the stone pillar at the gate, and he feels like this I\'m digging a hole." KB said seriously.

"You mean, the Liaoyuan God has already regarded this place as a battlefield? It\'s impossible. Look at this." Ozawa clicked the light curtain: "Look, the data analyzed by the system, now more than 20,000 people gathered in this direction. Nearly. The distance has reached this area, and the people who are searching for the Liaoyuan God have been over a thousand."

The audience breathed a sigh of relief when they saw the statistics. They were all shocked by the number, and at the same time they knew the value of angel wings in their eyes.

KB said Li Yao wanted to dig a hole, but the question was how to dig this hole. Now there are thousands of people, plus the ones arriving one after another, the number is simply terrifying.

Yes, they admit that Li Yao is great, but those elite players are not lambs. Even if he is not an opponent in heads-up, but with so many people, he can still be killed.

"Liaoyuan God played a bit big this time."

"It feels like I\'m dying, I really think I\'m a god."

"You beep the wool, why didn\'t you talk when the Liaoyuan God was showing great power?"

"Just take care of what this kind of person is doing, you know how to spray all day long."

The auditorium has become a mess.

"I know it\'s unbelievable, but you see, what is he doing." KB said, pointing to Li Yao in the picture.

"Is this making a trap?" Zhao Li hesitated and said.

"Obviously they are making traps, but these traps have no skill effect. What\'s the use?" Ozawa frowned.

"This is to ask Liaoyuan God, who can guess what he thinks." KB reluctantly said: "Look, he cleans up monsters indefinitely. If he just brushes points directly, how can he jump up and down? Then I also made some simple traps that I don’t understand. What do you mean, this is not a digging hole?"

"It\'s just that this pit is a bit too big. If you are not careful, just bury yourself." Ozawa looked at the time and said, "It\'s been half an hour, and his points have been exceeded. ."

"This is even more explanatory, he wants to play a big one, I smell the **** smell. Although I still don\'t want to believe that he can deal with these many people." KB said.

"Let\'s take a look." Ozawa had a faint expectation in his heart.

It\'s not just her, all the audience are looking forward to it, wanting to see how Li Yao will survive this crisis.

As long as Li Yao was careful enough, these brain-eaters would pose little threat to Li Yao, clean up a lot of monsters, and set up some traps. Li Yao looked at the time and found that an hour had passed since the trial.

And dozens of players have already surpassed his points, and Li Yao saw that the third point was actually the name Tie Niuxian. Obviously this guy is also a killer, but Li Yao is not surprised.

Tie Niuxian\'s rapid displacement is even more abnormal than that of the mage, so erratic, no monsters can stop him, killing naturally is also a multiplier, especially in this kind of occasion, the continuous and rapid displacement skill is really a magical skill.

"Everyone is working hard, and I can\'t fall behind." Li Yao blew the whistle, and the fire eagle appeared directly in the air, and then flew high.

The fire eagle kept calling and hovering in the sky.

The image of the fire eagle is too conspicuous, like a **** of fire, the sky here is gloomy and very gloomy, and the fire eagle is too conspicuous in the sky.

The players around the Grand Duke’s mansion suddenly spotted the hovering fire eagle, and for a while the regional channel was boiling.

The surrounding wall outside the Duke’s Mansion is actually a city wall, about eighty yards in height, which is like a Cullinan for the player.

Moreover, there are many guards with inflated and torn bodies on the wall. Except for the main entrance, the other three directions are a stinking river around the city. Players can even see big fish with barbeds. Just looking at the image is not good. provoke.

After observing for a while, the elite players gave up the idea of ​​passing over the wall and started looking for the front door.

However, the huge metal door at the front entrance was closed tightly, but a gap was opened in the side door. I don\'t know what tore it.

Some players saw the gap in the side door and found that the portal channel alone was more than 20 yards long, and only one player could pass through the gap.

Not long ago, more than a dozen players had gathered here, and it was obvious that they were searching for Li Yao nearby.

Through the gap, they could see Li Yao in the However, no one acted rashly. The gap was too narrow and they would become Li Yao\'s living target after entering.



With a soft sound, a spiked trap exploded, and the cracked channel was covered with spikes.

A thief suddenly raised his head and looked at Li Yao, but saw Li Yao waved at him and said, "My buddy, it\'s easy to go, don\'t give it away."


The three arrow towers on the edge of the passage immediately gave the thieves a second.

"Sure enough, there are pioneers, and I admire these people. Why, there is no one to die, my points are not enough." Li Yao said to the people outside...

ps: Thank you all for your monthly pass. I am very grateful. Therefore, I will add a change to the monthly pass. The original one was 100 tickets plus, but now it is changed to 50 tickets plus more. So continue to ask for the monthly pass.

(To be continued.)