MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 157: Windmill

"Okay, in that case, then I will come. One novel ≦<≤≦﹤﹤﹤≤﹤≤<﹤≤≦﹤≦" Bingfeng\'s sickle sullen face, slowly moving towards the crack: "Your prediction is very Great, I can tell you that I am a mobile warfare among the berserkers\' talents, so be careful.

"No wonder it\'s so confident. It turned out to be a flea war." Li Yao suddenly, an elite profession with high flexibility in mobile warfare. Other fighters can learn to jump at a high level. This kind of fighter can learn at tenth level and can continue. Big jump.

This kind of warrior sacrificed a certain amount of armor and gained a bonus of flexibility. In the previous life, there were even those who gave up plate armor and heavy armor piercing in flea warfare. They were more flexible and had damage reduction skills. Strong protection ability.

Mage and warrior are natural enemies, just like thieves and hunters, competing for the status of their sons. But mages can generally kill warriors with kites, but this flea warfare is an exception. Known as Faye Killers, it is a very popular warrior genre.

There is no absolutely invincible profession in the ancient gods, only invincible players. With similar skills and equipment, occupational restraint is also interlinked, and there is no perfect occupation.

"Asshole, insult my profession."

Bingfeng\'s sickle yelled angrily. At this moment, he was on the edge of the spiked trap. A shield appeared on his body to protect his body, and then he suddenly provoked.

At the same time, at the moment the soldier jumped up, Li Yao shot an arrow like lightning.

Black Arrow of Death!



The black arrow of death hit his left leg with the jet black arrows, just as the body that was jumping suddenly started to spin.



The second arrow was a normal shot, still hitting the pawn\'s sickle that turned like a windmill. But because of his damage reduction, Li Yao\'s damage was not high.

However, his injury reduction skills have also become the culprit for the spread of pain.

Due to the huge jumping power and strong inertia, although he was tumbling in midair with the soldier\'s sickle, his body still flew towards Li Yao.

And Li Yao had begun to accumulate energy, and the soldier\'s scythe rolled and flew to the top of Li Yao\'s head. Li Yao\'s energy-accumulated arrow was already level two, and at the same time, the red light flashed on his body, and the force was moving, and then he let go.



The power of the two-level charged arrow was already large, and with the addition of the strength of the barbarian, the charged arrow that hit the waist of the soldier\'s sickle wielded extremely powerful power.

The body of Bingfeng\'s sickle was tumbling and was bombarded into the sky by a huge force. All the players exclaimed and couldn\'t believe their eyes.



The fourth arrow was still a normal shot, and it hit the leg of the soldier\'s sickle, and he rolled faster in the sky.

Afterwards, Li Yao put away his bow and arrow and stared coldly at the player who tried to fish in troubled waters and wanted to come in while the two were fighting.


A soldier\'s scythe with less than 100 blood left fell from the sky over twenty yards and was thrown to death, his life was cleared. His eyes were full of humiliating anger and unwillingness, but he could not resist the rules of the ancient gods. The soul was transported to the cemetery.

The player who was about to squeeze in saw the dead soldier\'s sickle, swallowed with difficulty, and slowly withdrew from the gap.

"You like to jump, I will let you jump in the sky well enough." Li Yao faintly looked at the players outside the gap: "Who else? Or maybe you guys just rush together."

Jing, whether it is the elite players who want to kill Li Yaobao\'s Angel Wings, or the countless spectators in the stadium, they are surprisingly quiet at this moment.

The scene was too weird again, they were shocked and couldn\'t believe their eyes. Even suspect that this is really untrue.

Li Yao is very strong, they all know. Although Pingfeng Sickle belongs to a professional team, it might not be Li Yao\'s opponent, and they had already thought of it.

However, they never thought that Bingfeng\'s sickle would be this way of death.

You can actually use a bow and arrow to make the opponent unable to fall, roll and spin like a windmill, and then violently push the opponent\'s body more than ten yards higher, and then fall to death. This technique and method is only available in the movie It will only appear in the animation, but now it is indeed appearing in front of them. This makes them not surprised.

"Wife, you pinch me to see if I am asleep and dreaming."

"Ma Ma, come out to see people."

"What is this, it can still be played like this, does the hunter have such a hungry sky?"

"What kind of hunter is hanging from the sky, it is the Liaoyuan God hanging from the sky, you can go to the game to see if there is a group of hunters."

"I can see such an operation today. It\'s worth buying a ticket from someone else at four times the price."

"Don\'t say anything, Liaoyuan God, from now on I will be your stubborn fan, so enjoyable."

"Yes, but I didn\'t understand, why did he roll after hitting the arrow in the big jump?"

"The same question."


"Solve and explain."

"Two of you, let\'s explain to the audience." Zhao Li said with a flushed face. She had lost her attitude just now, screaming and cheering like the girls in the audience.

"There is only one explanation for this situation." Ozawa took a deep breath and said: "That is a broken move. The big jump of the soldiers was broken by the skills of the Liaoyuan God."

"Yes, it was broken. You see, the big jump of the soldiers is different from the big jump of ordinary soldiers. He leans forward when he jumps, and his legs are slightly back. The God of Liaoyuan caught his balance. And an arrow hit."

kB looked at the replay with bright eyes, and continued: "In fact, the strength of this arrow is not that great, far incomparable to the arrow that hit the front of the soldier into the sky, but it hit the balance point and his body lost balance. , It rolled under the action of various forces."

Ozawa said: "Don\'t think that everyone can do it if you understand it. You have to know that the big jump is as fast as the charge, and it is fleeting. We also look at the slow play to understand it thoroughly, but you have to know, Judging the balance point and hitting it is just a matter of blink of an eye. This kind of insight is simply terrifying."

In fact, different Ozawa said that the audience did not know the difficulty of this kill, not to mention the most difficult trick, that is, it can be done by non-human beings that can control people in the sky.

Li Yao looked at the important task of silence and smiled: "Why no one moves, this is just the beginning?"

"Meow, don\'t be too arrogant."

"Yes, is it great to have a chance to play trapeze once?"

"It\'s just occupying a dominant position. There is a kind of you to remove the spikes and arrow towers on the ground. I will kill you every minute and every second."

"Joke." Although Li Yao knew that they were deliberately agitating himself, he still disdainfully said: "I don\'t even use pets, but you can\'t hurt me a vellus hair. Now let me get rid of the arrow tower. , Should I stop using weapon skills and let you kill them?"

Most of the elite players who were clamoring just now still have to face, and the player who clamored just now blushed suddenly, and then realized that Nima\'s family is a hunter, but your sister\'s family has not used pets...

ps: The second update is sent. Continue to ask for subscriptions, monthly passes, and recommendations. You can be on the list with more than a hundred votes. Ask for your support, Mario thanks.

(To be continued.)