MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 158: Stun grenade

"It\'s too arrogant, but why I don\'t feel annoying at all when I look at it now, not when I first came here. ≥One Novel

"Nonsense, I also hated his arrogance at first. But the problem is that people have arrogant capital. If you can show off a professional player like this, you will be more arrogant than Liaoyuan God."

"What are you talking about, so cool, why is it arrogant." A girl glared at them.

"Anyway, just don\'t be arrogant to me. Looking at these masters, the Liaoyuan God alone can\'t help it. Shuangwaiwai, I can be so good anytime, no, one-fifth of the reha is enough."

"Then you can go to bed, you are invincible in the dream."

Li Yao didn\'t know that he had detonated the passion of the audience, but just looked at the crowd outside with a smile.

"Too annoying, even if he is powerful, he can\'t be so insulting." An elite player said dissatisfied.

"That\'s right, the technology is good, but the character is too bad, the next job."

"Yes, killing is no more than nodding, so humiliating others, and letting others mix."

"Okay, don\'t beep, what did we do, not to explode other people\'s equipment. Nothing is too much for people, and if you want to take advantage, you can\'t let people fight back?" Said with an eyebrow.

"Who are you, how can you speak to the **** inside, let\'s just kill him first." someone in the crowd shouted.

"Who said you want to kill me, stand up." Happy Fruit Bean suddenly scanned the crowd coldly.

"Happy Boss, don\'t be angry, why not be familiar with children."

"Why is it so joyful? Our purpose is for angel wings."

"That\'s right, don\'t be sour, just like what they said just now, play games, killing and exploding equipment is too normal, they said, they were hung up, and the equipment was lost. What are you talking about? I want to build an archway. I just want angel wings, what\'s wrong."

"Ahem, isn\'t this just seeing the rabbit die and the fox sad, what should I do now?"

"I\'ll try again, you find a chance to come in." Happy Fruit Bean said coldly.

"It\'s best to have a happy boss coming out."

Happy Fruit Bean is also a game celebrity, a former professional player, although he has been retired for several years, but there are many people who know him and a wide range of people. Of course he didn\'t say anything about his technology.

"I saw your equipment, so I will get it." Happy Fruit Bean took out the shield and one-handed hammer and slowly walked towards the crack.

"It\'s the one who came to die again, it\'s boring." Li Yao shook his long bow and said.

"It\'s pretty boring, don\'t take it seriously, let me kill you once." Happy Fruit Bean said with a smile, he had already drilled through the crack and reached the corridor.

"Paladin, seeing that my attack power is still so confident, let me guess what you have to rely on." Li Yao raised his eyebrows and said faintly: "I think about it, there is only one, you are the guardian of the earth. Ride, learn the enhanced version of the protective hand, otherwise you will not even think of connecting me with the knight’s short legs."

The confident smile on Happy Fruit Bean\'s face disappeared, and his face showed a solemn expression for the first time. On the edge of the spiked trap, he said seriously: "You are such a terrible person. You guessed me from my confidence. Elite profession."

"I don\'t think there is much hope, so just go back." Li Yao smiled: "You are a good person. Although it is not a good thing, but at least better than those hypocritical people. I don\'t want to kill you."

"You\'re too loud, I really want to try it." Happy Fruit Bean\'s eyes changed for a few seconds before slowly saying, Li Yao really put too much pressure on him.

As far as he knew, he was the only one who did his elite career, but Li Yao said it all at once, which really surprised him.

With that said, Happy Fruit Bean was enveloped by a translucent shield and stepped on the spike trap without hesitation.

But he didn\'t suffer any damage, and the three arrow towers began to shoot continuously, but all the arrows were blocked, and the power of the arrows only made his actions pause slightly.

Hand of protection, immune to all physical damage for a period of time.

It is one of the main defensive skills of the Paladin. It is very powerful, especially in the face of physical occupations.

The guardian of the earth extended the protection hand for a long time, of course, this is just a post point of the guard of the earth.

Click, click...

The spikes under the feet cannot break this shield that is completely immune to physical damage.

Li Yao slowly charged up, and then moved the three-level charged arrow.


Happy Fruit Bean raised his shield to block the arrow. He also didn\'t take any damage, but the shock of strength was still there, and he involuntarily stepped back.

"It\'s useless, see what else you can do." Happy Fruit Bean said to the people behind: "What are you waiting for, get ready to come in."

When the players outside saw this situation, they were overjoyed, and the players scrambled to squeeze into the crack.

Several players have already squeezed into the tunnel, and Happy Fruit Bean has just stepped out of the scope of the spike trap, and was about to say something, suddenly felt a cold body, and then the whole person was wrapped in a layer of ice, the whole person Frozen in place.

This is Li Yao\'s freezing trap. If it is not interrupted, he can freeze his opponent for more than ten seconds.

And six or seven players have gathered in the tunnel, and they are about to pass the spike trap.

Then I saw an earthy grenade dangling in the tunnel.


Accompanied by a huge explosion, all players entering the tunnel could not escape this attack.


Everyone has suffered at least more than 200 injuries, and there are stars floating on their heads, which is a dizzy state.

Li Yao shot an arrow towards the sky, a rain of arrows.


The blood of several players suddenly turned into a state of residual blood. Three seconds later, they had recovered and were about to increase their blood.

But the sound of wheels came from under my feet, and then there was an explosion again.

The self-destructed sheep had already arrived in front of them, and seven or eight players all rushed to the street in the middle of the crowded use.

The players who squeezed in the crack suffered less damage, but were also very scared, and quickly retreated.

The faces of the players outside looked scared white. No one thought it could be like this. Three plus five and two will kill the elite players who The death of a few people is really too great. Aggrieved.

Great power!

As the red light flashed, Li Yao\'s three-level charged arrow shot out.


The three-level charged arrow, which had been overturned several times in strength, immediately took the frozen Happy Fruit Bean and flew out. The whole body hit the edge of the crack. A sneak thief trying to squeeze in was also knocked out of his body. Stand up and crawl out of the crack.

His crispy skin could not bear Li Yao\'s attack.

"How many seconds are there for your protective hand?" Li Yao said lazily.

"It\'s enough to kill you." Happy Fruit Bean also aroused the eagerness to win, stood up and ran towards Li Yao again...

ps: In addition, I will make up for the reward and change as soon as possible. Monthly ticket 655, 10th place 8oo, still more than 100 points short of being on the list, please continue to support. Don\'t say anything, my friends are great, I will step up the code word.

(To be continued.)