MMORPG: Divine Mech Hunter

Chapter 154: Brain Eater


Li Yao intends to use this as a hunting ground, so the first thing to do is to clean up the monsters in some places, otherwise, it will be difficult to operate at all.

When Li Yao knew that the whole world was enemies, he actually planned to win the points for a moment, but he knew the queen\'s character too well.

Even if the monsters in Mohai City are abnormal, Li Yao believes that with his current background, he can always find a suitable monster.

But the problem also came. Even if he scored first, the big guys in the camp would naturally not lose their words and get fat, and the prizes would still be given to themselves. However, the impression points have been completely ruined.

The reason why they conducted this trial was to let them choose a wolf or raise Gu. What they wanted to see was the birth of the Gu King, not a turtle with a shrunken head and a stubborn head.

In Li Yao\'s view, giving these leaders a good impression even exceeded the importance of angel wings.

And in terms of the queen\'s character, if you really did that, you shouldn\'t want to learn anything from her to pass on.

Why the leaders want to shame him, just want to see his potential and see if he can make a **** path.

So from the start of the game, he has only one way to kill and a piece of sky.

Li Yao is already standing on the top of the tallest building in the center of the mansion. Even though the rest of the city is in dilapidated condition, except for being occupied by plants, the whole place is relatively complete. It can be seen that the building materials here are all exquisite.

It took Li Yao nearly five minutes to engrave the situation of the mansion in his mind. At the same time, his brain quickly deduced and evolved the feasibility of his plan. Simultaneously deduced the response to various emergencies.

"The God of Liaoyuan has been standing for five minutes, what the **** is he doing?" Ozawa asked suspiciously, because Liaoyuan had no effect at the moment, just standing there quietly.

"It seems that he regards this nobleman\'s manor as a battlefield." KB thought for a moment and said.

"Liaoyuan God\'s courage is really too great, does he know that many players are coming in this direction no matter how far they are." Ozawa said.

The directors kept flipping some screens, clearly showing that countless players were coming towards the coordinates where Li Yao killed the soldiers and priests.

Some players who were close to him had reached the coordinates and began to search for Li Yao\'s whereabouts.

The public channel has become a gathering place for information to find a prairie fire. Many players automatically unite to find where Li Yao is.

In their opinion, even if Li Yao left, he would not go far. Now I don’t know how many players are gathering from all directions.

So they think that Li Yao is already a turtle in the urn, and it is only a matter of time before they find him.

Of course, there are players who are not interested in Li Yao, and many of them are there.

What they are interested in is the points. Some players they know combine to find a suitable place to start hunting players.

Moreover, such players are not a minority, and for a while due to the gathering of players, they become chaotic.

The team led by Xia Yao is the most prominent one.

Xia Yao’s elite profession is an elite profession of the Pet Sea genre. You can summon elite-level undead pets, and it is not one. It is not difficult to imagine her calling the Skeleton Sea in the future.

The silly pupil elite profession is a Totem Sa, specializing in various totems, and there is no shortage of control output treatments. There are just a few output totems.

Hitomi\'s sister-in-law, Sister Li is an ice master, a type of ice technique, and almost abandoned any skill of the fire department, specializing in ice method, even in the ice department elite profession, the control ability is one of the best professions.

Da Vinci, full-time auxiliary occupation, luthier. It is a variant of the bard, proficient in various melody and spells. It can increase blood, shield, attribute, and weak attack, but both the self-protection ability and the ability to contribute to the team are huge.

The combination of several people does not seem to have a melee career and is a big shortcoming. But Xia Yao\'s skeleton and Sister Li\'s control made up for everything.

It is true that the players who meet the team are surrounded by skeletons when the opponent\'s melee rushes up.

Even if there is a melee that breaks through the blockade of the skeletons, Sister Li\'s control directly keeps up.

There is nothing wrong with a squad of thieves. The thieves can\'t lose every second if they want.

Da Vinci\'s shields and healing are too disgusting, making the sneak attacking thieves powerless.

Even if some thieves look for Da Vinci, the control totems, healing totems, and various control totems of the cute pupils make them unbreakable like iron barrels.

Several people once again resolved a team that tried to attack them, and Da Vinci and Da Vinci carefully paid attention to the surrounding situation while picking up the loot.

"I don\'t know what\'s going on with Big Brother, alas," Tongtong said worriedly.

Da Vinci shared the attributes of the equipment he picked up and said: "There are too many players who want to find him. Now many people know that we are in the same group as Liaoyuan, and we will do it directly."

"As long as it is not twice as our enemy, we basically have no choice." Xia Yao said.

"Since you are all worried about him, then we might as well go over and take a look." Sister Li said, "Unless we hide in a corner, we are almost the same everywhere."

"Okay, okay, let\'s all put on our cloaks, we won\'t attack those people for the time being, we can get into their team, let\'s take a look together." Tongtong said with excitement.

"Well, you can give it a try, but I can\'t think of other ways." Xia Yao also said.

The group of people immediately put on the cloak. As the players increase and gather, the rare monsters have been cleaned up. Except for the enemies on the roof, there is basically no need to worry about the monsters below, but much safer.

Li Yaosi didn\'t care about the situation outside, he focused on clearing the areas that must be cleared out.

There were also a lot of monsters in the manor. He didn\'t have time to clean up all of them. He chose some places to go during the deduction.

Brain Eater

Rank: Level 11 Special Elite



Skills: Devouring brain plasma, death kisses, turbid gas explosion

Note: They used to be the beautiful maids of the Grand Duke\'s The demon torrent is not very boring, but the special curse caused them to undergo terrible mutations.

Li Yao could even see the broken maid clothes on their bodies, but their heads were completely unrecognizable, as if an octopus tentacles filled with mucus had grown out of them, constantly dancing like water snakes, disgusting to the extreme.

Li Yao was already careful enough, but when he passed a corner, he was kissed by death by a brain-eater. Fortunately, he had a lot of blood and didn\'t die, but he was disgusting enough.

His face is full of slime, which is why he hates these special and mutated monsters. Sometimes it is really hard to guard against, and he was discovered while sneaking.

The audience had already laughed, and it was the first time they saw Li Yao slumped...

ps: Continue to ask for subscriptions, and the monthly ticket will be increased by a few votes.

(To be continued.)